Canterbury (cont), Archidiaconal
Registry, 20, 107.
Calendar of Presentations, 20, 64. Consistory Court, old act-book
(Rev. C. Eveleigh Woodruff), 40, 53-64; records (Rev. C. Eveleigh
Woodruff), 41, 89-105.
Prerogative Court, 20, 1; 24, 167, 170.
Deanery, plate, 27, 267-300; Parker’s Visitation, 29,
273-279; rural deanery, 21, 173.
Diocese, 22, 293; the Reformation in, 22, 220.
Estates of the Dean and Chapter of, Seventeenth century survey of (Rev.
C. Eveleigh Woodruff), 38, 29-44.
Friars of, 21, 129.
Monastic houses, petition concerning (Dorothy Gardiner), 43,
199-214; see also Religious Foundations.
Muniments of the Dean and Chapter, Seventeenth century letters and
petitions from (C. Eveleigh Woodruff), 42, 93-139.
See: Arms, 22, 194; 29, 114, 123; 45, 217;
professions of canonical obedience (C. Eveleigh Woodruff), 37,
53-72; appropriates rectory of Cranbrook 22, 222; holds
Northfleet Church and manor, 20, 71.
Temporalities of, 20, 64.
Visitations, early rolls (C. Eveleigh Woodruff), 32, 143-180; 33,
Canterbury Castle, by Dorothy Gardiner, review, 44, 288.
Castle, see also Castles ; Churches, see Churches.
Conduit, Archbishop Abbot’s, 32, 183.
Defences in Saxon times, 45, 94-96. the Dane John (Dangeon,
Dungeon), 21, 201, 239; 22, 239; 45, 106; etymology
of, 44, 288.
City Walls, 40, xlii; 45, 92-115.
Gates, 25, 252, 253; 45, 93, 96-114; Burgate, 31,
290, 291, 292; 32, 192, 193; 45, 105, 110; etymology, 45,
114; Northgate, 25, 47; 45, 105, 109-110; Queningate, 45,
92-113; etymology,
45, 111; Ridingate, 45, 100-104, 110; etymology, 45,
113; Westgate, 20, 167;
45, 109; prisoners, 32, 190, 194, 202; Wincheap Gate, 20,
134; 45, 100, 106; Worthgate, 45, 100-104, 110; etymology,
45, 113-114.
Gaol, 21, 129. |
Place, 21, 239.
Hasted’s residence in, 26, 267, 268, 290-291, 292.
Inns: Cheker Inn, 29, 66-67, 69, 84; "Chequers of
Hope," 37, 127; the "Crown," 37, 127; the
"King’s Head," 33, 57; 34, 17; 43, 276;
the "Sun," 32, 234.
Kent and Canterbury Hospital, 22, 46; 25, 226, 227, 238; 30,
Kent County Hospital, 36, 158.
King’s School, 20, 111; 27, 155, 279; 28, 129; 30,
248; 31, 222; 37, 122; 38, 29; 44, 132.
Meister Homers, 42, 197.
Palace of Archbishops, the great hall, 43, 298-300.
Park, 31, 11.
Pillory, 32, 183.
Precincts, royal arms in, 45, 215.
Prison, 31, 235.
Rush Market, 32, 120.
Ruttington Lane, etymology, 45, 111-113.
Shambles, 32, 183, 190.
Canterbury, Defoe’s story of Mrs. Veal, 43, 295-296.
book on old, by Walter Cozens, review, 28, cii-ciii.
old map, 25, 250-255.
Canterbury, Roman antiquities, 29, lxxx-lxxxi.
Roman cemeteries, 31, 291; 39, 46, 54; 40, 67-78; 45,
Roman church recovered by St. Augustine, 23, 212, 213.
Roman pottery, 39, 45-46.
Roman roads, 20, 128, 134; 21, 2; 22, 127; 24,
110; 38, 79.
Canterbury, Archbishops of:
"Actus Pontificum," Gervase, 44, 107, 112, 114, 115.
burial-places, 20, 276, 294.
Kentish manor-houses belonging to, 26, 119.
Registers, 20, 64; in Lambeth Library, 29, 206.
quarrel with monks of Christchurch, 44, 259-260.
Canterbury, Archbishops of:
Abbot, 20, 112; 21, 148; 22, 89 |