Canterbury (cont), Chapels, Chantries,
and Guilds; Colleges; Hermitages; Monastic Houses, St. Augustine’s; see
Religious Foundations.
Canterbury, Gervase of, 20, 151; John of, 32, 170; Richard
38, 167; Thomas of, 40, 57; William of, 21, 76.
Canteys (Cantes, Cantis, Cantisshe), Nicholas, 25, 74; brass, 25,
73; 31, 148; Richard, 32, 123; Thomas, 38, 181; 40,
36, 44; Valentine, 25, 38; —, 36, 62.
Cantilupe, Robert de, see Hereford, Bishops of.
Cantlowe, Henry, 32, 67; William, 32, 53.
Cantly, Thomas, 23, 70.
Cantuaria, Robert de, 30, 51.
Canute, King, 20, 278; 25, 97; 29, 11; 34,
142; landing, 39, 105; battle at Otford, 43, 113-114;
grants manor of Thanet to St. Augustine’s, Canterbury, 42, 226.
Cape of Good Hope, 20, 89, 90.
Capelain, Hamo, 34, 69.
Capell, 20, 15, 39; 22, 274; 301, 306; extracts from
parish registers, 31, 181; Church manor and farm, 31, 70-72;
manor, 36, 138; Church, See Churches.
Capell Farm, near Folkestone, Roman coins found, 34, 156.
Capell (Capel, atte Capele, Capella), Alan de, 23, 317; Mary, see
Boyce, Mary; Moses, V. of Tilmanstone, 20, 112; Richard de, 29,
258; Thomas, 41, 27; R. of Sevenoaks, 38, 188. "Capella"
at Otford, 41, 3.
Capel-le-Ferne, 31, 61-75; Veal family at, 31, 68; Church,
see Churches; John atte, 25, 86;
Capel Sole, farm, 31, 71; manor, 31, 72.
Capeslond, 30, 73.
Capgrave, John de, 29, 223.
Capon, Goodwife, 35, 41; John, 26, 324; Luke, 30,
Cappe, Henry, 25, 261.
Capper (Cappar), Paro, 32, 227; Peter, 32, 225, 244; 33,
Cappes, arms of, 40, 103; Robert, 40, 103. |
(Cardon, Cardyn), Alexander, 25, 290; Bartholomew, 45, 25;
Humphrey, 20, 6; John, 20, 6; 44, 94; R. of
Paddlesworth, 21, 260; Richard, 24, 187; Thomas, 44,
94; 45, 24; 45, 13; V. of Westhythe, 30, 239-240;
William, 29, 293; —, 42, 46.
Carder, Katherine, 31, 238; Simon, 34, 9.
Carder Low, Derbyshire, stone implement found, 45, 181.
Carderowe, Constance, 35, 20; Margery, 35, 20.
Cardiff, Thomas, V., brass, St. John Baptist, Margate, 25, 74.
Cardigan, Lady, 32, 271.
"Cardinal’s Hat," Edenbridge, 21, 112.
"Cardis," in Cowden, 21, 107.
Care, Mary, 20, 42; Thomas, 20, 42.
Care-cloth for brides, 41, 65.
Carectar, Alice, 27, 120; Ralph, 27, 120.
Carell, Frances, 20, 57; Thomas, 20, 57.
Carew, Anne, brass, Stone Church, 31, 153; Sir Peter, of Devon,
instigates Wyatt’s rebellion, 39, 168-169.
Carey, Henry, 25, 17; Lord Hunsdon, 20, 268; 38,
59-60, 61; Lucius, Lord Falkland, 23, 190; Mary, see Boleyn,
Mary; Philadelphia, 24, 127.
Carkereg, James, 41, 63; Stephen, 41, 60.
Carleham, John de, 21, 206.
Carleton, Gilbert, V. of Farningham, 23, 140; Goodman, 35,
86; John, 30, 65; 38, 119; Lord, 21, 132.
Carlett, Maria, see Gaunt, Maria.
Carlis, Cecily, 30, 129; John, will, 30, 129;
Carlisle, 20, 246, 247; 21, 202, 275; bishops of,
Goodwin, Dr. Harvey, 25, 136; Ros, John de, 40, 13;
Castle, see Castles; Earl of, 31, 233; Parliament, at, 21,
Carlow, 27, 60.
Carmelianus, Peter, archdeacon of Southwark, 43, 107.
Carminon, Thomas, 25, 61.
Carnarvon Castle, see Castles.
Carnell, George F., Old Sevenoaks, 23, 329-333. |