Chowninge, Frances, 20, 10;
John, 24, 56; Reginald, 20, 10.
Chrism Fees, 44, 39, 40, 54, 55; 45, 66, 68, 88.
Chrism Oil distributed at Easter, 44, 39.
Chrismatory at St. Martin’s, Canterbury, 41, 64.
Christchurch, 25, 277; Dover parish, 26, 158; Hants, 27,
61; 37, 16.
Christen, arms, 44, 251; Jacob, Stattholder, 44, 251.
Christian IV, of Denmark, 33, 133.
Christian (Cristean, Cristian), Anne, 20, 6; Captain Edward, 20,
102; Ewan, 20, 117; Henry, 29, 282; James, 20, 158,
159; John, 20, 6; 25, 52; 26, 20; 31, 18; 32,
100; 41, 102; Mr., architect, 21, 126; 25, 27;
Roland, 31, 18.
Christianity in Saxon period, 38, 52.
Christina, Queen of Sweden, 25, 106.
Christina, —, prioress of Minster, Sheppey, 22, 168.
Christmas (Christmasse), Alice, 36, 55; Laurence, 36, 55;
William, V. of St. Peter’s, Thanet, 26, 44.
Christopher, Friar, of Sandwich, 34, 51; Martin, R. of Ashurst, 22,
300; Thomas, 43, 36.
Chronicle of William Glastynbury, monk of the Priory of Christchurch,
Canterbury, 1419-1448, The, by C. Eveleigh Woodruff, 37, 121-151.
Chrustone, William, 32, 304.
Chrysom children, 29, 320.
Chuche, see Chiche.
Chudleigh, Thomas, M.P., 27, 56.
Chuldam (Shuldam), William, master of Cobham College, 27, 66, 75,
Chuller, Roger, V., 43, 53, 57, 71.
Chumley, Sir Roger, 38, 24.
Church (a, at, atte Cherche, Chirche) arms, 40, 97; Adam, wool
merchant, 44, 224, 226; Agnes, 38, 179; Alice, 28,
101; 30, 111; 38, 179; Elizabeth, widow of John Church, m.
William Owre, 38, 179; 39, 90;
Faith, 20, 45; Harry, 30, 110, 111; Henry, 40, 45;
James, 28, 101; 30, 95, 109, 110, 111; Joan, see Aleyn,
Joan; John, 25, lvi; 28, 88, 93; 30, 110, 111; 37,
36; |
38, 176, 178-179; 39, 87, 90; will, 28, 101; 30,
111; 38, 179; Margaret, wife of Thomas at Church, 30,
109-110, 111; wife of William Church, 38, 178; Philip, 30,
110, 111; Richard, 30, 110, 111, 112, 121; 32, 96, 109,
117; 38, 179, 180; 39, 87, 90; will, 38, 179;
Robert, a slave, 40, 113; Roger, 38, 179; 39, 90; 40,
35, 41; Stephen, 38, 121; 40, 97; Thomas, 20, 108; 28,
101, 114; 30, 109, 110, 111; 38, 178-179; 39, 87;
will, 30, 109-110; William, 28, 101; 29, 275; 30,
110, 111; 34, 76; 38, 173, 179; 39, 80, 85, 90; 40,
35, 46; will, 38, 178-179.
Church of Cliffe-at-Hoo, The, by Alan R. Martin, 41, 71-86.
Church of St. John the Baptist, Margate, The, by Charles Cotton, 25,
Church of St. Peter at Pembury, The, by W. Townsend Storrs, 28,
Church, condition during primacy of Archbishop. Sancroft, 21,
Church and Synagogue, symbolic carvings, 45, 11.
"Church Bells of Kent," by Stahlschmidt, 20, 262.
Church-building in Canterbury diocese, bequests, 31, 25-36.
Church Farm, next Sittingbourne, Roman tombs, 21, xlvii.
Church-mark, 21, 121.
Church Plate in Kent, by the Rev. C.E. Woodruff, 25,
113-197; 26, 133-266; 27, 262-300; 28, 115-155.
Church plate, cleaning, 25, 114-115; confiscation, 38, 21;
list of donors in Dover, Sittingbourne and Sutton deaneries, 26,
Church services, 1548, 31, 96-102.
Churches, appropriations, 44, 103-119; fittings and ornaments, 31,
xl-xlix; 32, 147; lights and images, 23, 134-149 passim;
early Norman ground-plans, 20, 144-145.
Churches, Saxon; lists in Domesday Monachorum and White Book of St.
Augustine, 45, 60-89; (continued), |