Cope, Major Brian, Lists of the
Gentry of Kent in the time of Henry VII, 40, 89-104; Sir
Thomas Wyatt’s Assault on Cooling Castle, 39, 167-176.
Cope (Cop, Coppe), John, 20, 238; Thomas, 36, 63; —,
Lord Chancellor’s servant, 20, 248.
Copland, John, Rushenden, 23, 334-336.
Copland (Coplond), Richard de, 32, 158.
Copley (Copelay), Alice, 27, 205; Anne, m. Sir Geoffrey Boleyn, 27,
205; Elizabeth, see Hyde, Elizabeth; George, 22, 118;
John, 33, 28, 33, 34; of Sandwich, 33, 35, 46, 49, 51;
rector of Pluckley, 22, 89-90, 91, 105, 110-111; monument, 22,
89; V. of Bethersden, 27, 205; Martha, 27, 205; see Moone,
Martha; Rebecca, see Moone, Rebecca; Richard, 33, 40;
Widow, of Sandwich, 33, 55; 34, 2, 8.
Coppanstan (Coppelston), 43, 120; see also Warren House
Copper (Coppar), Agnes, 34, 62; Alice, 34, 62; Cecilie, 34,
Constance, 34, 62; Elianore, 34, 62; John, will, 34,
62; Robert, 34, 62; Stephen, 34, 62; Thomas, 34,
Copperd Hall (Essex), 21, 230.
Coppin (Coffin, Coppen, Coppyn, Copyn), family tomb at St. Leonard,
Deal, 24, 114; Agnes, will, 44, 100; Edward, will, 31,
33; Frances, see Brooke, Frances; George, M.P., 27, 52-53;
John, 25, 287; 27, 221; 32, 92, 124, 201, 229, 238,
241, 242, 246; 33, 2-62 passim; 34, 4, 11, 12, 16,
18, 21, 23; Mr., 35, 49; 38, 41; Thomas, 26, 36;
William, will, 31, 33.
Coppinger (Copinger), Ambrose, 31, 185, 187; Anna, 20, 31;
Anne, 31, 185, 186; see also Wilkins, Anne; Elizabeth, 31,
185, 186, 187; see Costen, Elizabeth; Frances, m. Sir
William Brooke, Lord Cobham, 22, 253; m. Henry Grove, 20,
31; alias Barnsley, 20, 23; Francis, 31, 185, 186;
George, 31, 186; John, 20, 23; 31, 185, 186, 187;
Mr., 23, 306; Ralph, 31, 185, 186, 187; Susan, 31,
187; Thomas, 22, 253; 31, 185; Urcilla, 31,
185, 187; William, 31, 185, 186, 187.
Coppyns Rout, 20, 236.
Copsey, Thomas, 30, 22. |
Copton, 30,
72; 43, 120; manor house, 38, 30, 34-35.
Copton (Coppetone), Jespard, 38, 162; Richard. 38, 162;
sub-prior of
Canterbury, 27, 264.
Coptree, 25, 62.
Copuldick, arms, 40, 102; John, 40, 102.
Corbeil, Corbeille, see Corboil.
Corbett (Corbet, Corbyt), arms, 26, 275; Anthony, 24, 41;
Elizabeth, see Aucher, Elizabeth; Mercy, m. Thomas Killeck, 21,
299; Sir Vincent, 23, 76.
Corbeuil, see Corboil.
Corbin, 22, 271.
Corboil, William, see Canterbury, Archbishops of.
Corbridge Church, see Churches.
Corby (Corbie), Robert, 24, 18, 19; 29, 122; Knight of the
Shire, 21, 216.
Corbyl, Hamo, 32, 154.
Cordelay, John, V. of Wye, 28, 313.
Cordelle, Sir William, Master of the Rolls, 39, 135.
Cordelyon, —, 22, 212.
Cordewainer (Cordewaner), Johanna 29, 130; John, 29, 100,
Cordon, Richard, 32, 58; see also Brown; Richard.
Cordwell, Mary, see Oliver, Mary.
Coren, Richard, 38, 10.
Corey, Elizabeth, 20, 17; John, 20, 17.
Corfu, 25, 90.
Corherde, John de, 29, 26.
Coringham, 22, 90.
Coriser, Thomas, 27, 135.
Cork, Bishop of, John Boyle, 21, 131; 23, 113; Earldom, 21,
132; Earl of, 22, 204; see also Boyle, Edmund; Boyle,
Richard; Widow, 25, 54; William, R. of Swaleciffe, 27,
219-220; R. of Whitstable, 27, 225.
Cornbury, Lord, 33, 148.
Corne, Ralph, 30, 165.
Cornelius, Nicholas, 27, 249; —, Smythson’s servant, 43,
Cornell, see also Cornhill; Salamon de, 20, 165; Sarah, see
Pumfret, Sarah; Thomas, 20, 246. |