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Archaeologia Cantiana -  Vol. 52  1940  Index to Volumes 20 to 45   page 146

N0TE.—Place-names occurring under the headings of Bridges, Churches, Religious Foundations, etc., are not cross-referenced; nor are Personal names under headings of Abbacies, Archbishoprics, Bishoprics, Armorial Bearings, etc. Names with the prefix a, atte, de, etc., should be sought under the name itself, and not under a, atte, etc.

Dewe (Dewes), Elizabeth, see Denton, Elizabeth; John, brass at Stone, 22, 307; Sir Paul, 22, 269.
Dewesbury, William de, 30, 49.
Dewick, E. S., death, 33, liii.
Dewling, John, 27, 89.
Dexwell, Sir Basil, Governor of Dover Castle, 28, 71.
Dey, see Day.
Deykin, Thomas, chaplain of Wye College, 28, 318; William, 32, 120, 121.
Deysey, Alice, 20, 190, 212.
"Diary of Thomas Cocks," edited by J. Meadows Cowper (review), 25, 304-305.
Dibdin, Lewis Tonna, Chancellor of Rochester, 24, 174; Robert William, 24, 174.
Dic, see Dyke.
Dice, Roman, at Ospringe, 37, 95.
Dickens, Appolina, m. Robert Robertson, 20, 30; Charles, and the parish of Cobham, 27, 123.
Dickin, John, 29, 151.
Dictuna, see Ditton.
Dicus, Humphrey, V. of Tilmanstone, 20, 113; Sarah, 20, 113.
Didier (Dydyer), Mr., 34, 33; abbot of Monte Cassino, 42, 190.
Digby, Sir Kenelm, 24, 231.
Diggon, Margaret, 45, 15 ; Matthew, will, 45, 15.
Digges (Dig, Digge, Dygg, Dygge, Dygs), arms, 21, 213, 233; 40, 94, 104; Agnes, 40, 12, 19; Albina, 40, 9, 18, 21; see also Northwode, Albina; Alice, see Crymylforde, Alice; Aymer, 40, 16, 17; postmortem, 40, 23; Cicely, m. —. Clinton, 40, 16; Sir Dudley, 20, 19; 21, 213; 24, 105; 28, 319; 40, 8-9; Knight of the Shire, 21, 233; Edmund, R. of Stone, 40, 9; Elen, m. Simon Monyn, 40, 12, 18, 19 ; Francis, 20, 247; Godowther, 37, 44 (? God-daughter); Isabel, a nun, 40, 16; Joan, m. —. Sackville, 40, 16; wife of John Digges, 40, 7; see also Bruyne, Joan; John, 20, 261 ; 37, 41, 215; 38, 167;  40, 7-23 passim;

brass at Barham, 31, 138; postmortem, 40, 21-22; bailiff, 34, 83; rector of Bishopsbourne, 40, 12, 13-15; will, 40, 19-20; Knight of the Shire, 21, 223; sheriff, 32, lx-lxi;Sheriff of Kent, 40, 94, 104; Sir John, 40, 7; Julian, see Horne, Julian; Juliana, see Northwode, Juliana ; Margaret, m.John Castilion, 25, 108; Mr., 34, 27, 39; 35, 18; Roger, 32, 44; 40, 8-13; brass at Barham, 40, 8; postmortem, 40, 21; will, 40, 17-19 Knight of the Shire, 21, 213; R.of Cuxton, 20, 213; R. of Woodchurch, 40, 58; Thomas, 25, 269; 40, 9, 104; 41, 52.
Digg’s Court, Barham, 21, 213, 223, 233.
Digg’s Marsh, Queenborougb, 22, 173.
Dijon, Roman bas-relief, 25, lxiv.
Dilapidations of vicarages, temp. Charles II, 21, 174-175.
Dillorn, Peter, 29, 321
Dilnot, Valentine, 21, 190.
Dilworth (Dylwoorthe), Anna, 21, 286; Mr., 21, 286; Thomas, 21, 285, 287; Thomasine, see Fuller, Thomasine.
Dinar, John de, 30, 38.
Dingens, John, 20, 24; Mary, m. John Caswell, 20, 24.
Dingley(Dingle, Dyneley, Dyngelee, Dyngley, Dynley), arms, 26, 273; Allan, 26, 274; Charles, 26, 274, 275; Elizabeth, m. 1, George Barrett, 2, Sir John Baker, 38, 7, 11, 25, 26; m. Joseph Tyler, 26, 274; John, 21, 111 ; 22, 235; 26, 274; 31, lxiv; Sir John, of Wolverton, Isle of Wight, 26, 274-275; Mr., 21, 188; Peter, 29, 168; V. of Milton by Sittingbourne, 44, 83-94 passim; 45, 18, 22, 26, 28; Robert, 26, 274, 275, 293; Thomas, 26, 275; of Wolverton, Hants, 38, 7; —, m. Richard Hoare, 26, 274; m. —.Townsend, 26, 274.
Dinney, 31, 243.
Dinsdale Church, see Churches.
Diocletian, divides Eastern Empire into juga, 42, 154-155; persecution, 20, 132.
Dionysia, sister of Mrs. Alice Stynell, 29, 105.

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