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Archaeologia Cantiana -  Vol. 52  1940  Index to Volumes 20 to 45   page 184

N0TE.—Place-names occurring under the headings of Bridges, Churches, Religious Foundations, etc., are not cross-referenced; nor are Personal names under headings of Abbacies, Archbishoprics, Bishoprics, Armorial Bearings, etc. Names with the prefix a, atte, de, etc., should be sought under the name itself, and not under a, atte, etc.

Fuller’s Earth, at Leeds, 22, 213.
Fullerton, Mr., of Farningham, 26, 276.
Fullerton, Myrrha, 34, 152.
Fulligar, Elizabeth, 26, 233; Marian, m. Charles Nichols, 25, 259.
Fulling mill at Chartham, riot at, 43, 203, 204.
Fulston (Fuclestone, Fugelstune, Fughelestune), Adam de, 34, 74, 75; Jacob de, 34, 77.
Fulthorpe, Susanna, m. Henry Gwyn, 31, 186.
Fulwood (Fullwood), Marion, 41, 56; Thomas, 41, 44; will,
41, 56; —, of Sittingbourne, 42, 55.
Funereall (Funeral) Monuments by Weever, 20, 261; 22, 158.
Funk, Hans, Bernese glass-painter, 44, 236.
Funnel, John, 31, 248; 32, 297.
Funtayn, Funtayne, see Fountain.
Furbisseur, John le, 24, 55.
Furby, William, 33, 92.
Furley, Robert, of Ashford, 41, 178.
Furley, 22, 85, 209, 223, 239, 251, 265; 31, 162, 169, 205, 208, 234.
Furminger (Farminger, Ferminger, Firminger, Forminger, Fyrmynger), Agnes, 42, 37; Andrew, 21, 111; David, 20, 3; 42, 37; Francis, 21, 121; John, 32, 110; 42, 37; Nicholas, 21, 119; Rose, see Hennacre, Rose; Thomas, 27, 225; 41, 55; will, 42, 37; Vincent, 28, 104.
Furmyngeham, Thomas, 42, 37.
Furnace House Farm, 44, 207.
Furneaux, —, 22, 212.
Furneaux Pelham Church, see Churches.
Furner (Furnar, Furnour), Cristine, 39, 83; widow, will, 39, 84; James, 30, 25; John, 25, 261; 44, 91; will, 39, 83; Juliane, 39, 84; Matilda, 25, 261; Richard, 31, 38; 39, 83; William, 25, 260; 31, 38; will, 31, 38.
Furness Abbey, see Religious Foundations (Monastic Houses).
Furness (Furnes, Furnese, Furneys), arms, 21, 241 family, 43, 278; Henry, M.P., 27, 57; Sir Henry, 28, 138, 139; 43, 279;

Joan, widow of John Furness, m. William Knatchbull, 25, 263; John, 25, 263; Julian, 39, 80; Matilda, see Vernon, Matilda; Robert, 43, 279; Sir Robert, 21, 241; Knight of the Shire, 21, 241; M.P., 27, 57, 58; Sir Roger, 27, 58; Selina, in. Edward Dering, 27, 58; Thomas, merchant tailor, 20, 191.
Furnyvale, Margaret de, 32, 51; Thomasia de, 32, 51.
Furrier, Walter, 32, 166.
Furser, see Fusser.
Fusse, Elizabeth, see Wilkins, Elizabeth.
Fusser, John, 36, 98, 99, 118.
Fustyane, William, will, 31, 45.
Fych, Fychche, Fyche, Fychs, Fychse, Fychss, Fycshe, see Fyshe.
Fye, Joan, 45, 26; John, 45, 26.
Fyghwgh, see Fitzhugh.
Fykeys, Alice, 20, 180; Robert, 20, 180.
Fylder, see Fielder.
Fyleston, manor, 31, 200-201.
Fylkes, John, 32, 307.
Fylle, Richard, 28, 100.
Fylpott, see Philpott.
Fylton, Rose, see Paramore, Rose.
Fyn, Robert, 30, 174.
Fynch, Fynchcote, Fynehecok, see Finch, Finchcote, Finchecock. Fyneas, see Phineas.
Fyneghe, Gilbert, 25, 210; Roger, 25, 210.
Fynes (Fenys, Fiennes), arms, 21, 223; 28, 214; family, 28, 212; pedigree, 28, 22-27; Agnes de, see Danmartin, Agnes de; Anne, see Etchingham, Anne; Celia, "Through England on a side-saddle," 43, 89, 267; Dacre, Lord Fynes, 37, 110; see also Fynes, Thomas; Elizabeth, m. 1, William Cromer, 2, Alexander Iden, 28, 24; 41, 107; see also Batisford, Etchingham, Elizabeth; Emmeline, see Walsingham, Emmeline; Faramus, 28, 214; Sir Giles, 28, 23; Sir Ingelram de, 28, 22, 23; James de, 28, 22, 214; Sir James, 20, 264; 28, 22, 214, 218; Baron Saye and Sele, Knight of the Shire, Warden of Cinque Ports, Lord Treasurer of England, 21, 223; 28, 24, 199, 204, 214-217, 241; continued,

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