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Archaeologia Cantiana -  Vol. 52  1940  Index to Volumes 20 to 45   page 250

N0TE.—Place-names occurring under the headings of Bridges, Churches, Religious Foundations, etc., are not cross-referenced; nor are Personal names under headings of Abbacies, Archbishoprics, Bishoprics, Armorial Bearings, etc. Names with the prefix a, atte, de, etc., should be sought under the name itself, and not under a, atte, etc.

Kennet continued,
Thomas, 28, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 58, 59; 32, 123, 124, 125; 35, 31, 32; 42, 44; Walter, 39, 87; White, see Peterborough, Bishops of; William, 27, 250; 28, 99; 30, 22, 99, 111; 39, 87; will, 39, 87; V. of Westhythe, 30, 242-243; —, 28, 64, 65; 34, 34.
Kenningston, John, 27, 106.
Kennington (Kynigtune), 20, 44, 173; 21, 221; 22, 219; 28, lxxxii, 207, 322; 45, 66; Church, see Churches.
Kennington by Ashford, 25, 100, 218; 31, 224; heraldic fireback, 29, 41.
Kennington Hall and House, 25, 129.
Kenniwicke, Colonel, 22, 177.
Kenrick (Kendricke, Kendrycke, Kenwrick), Elizabeth, see Hales, Elizabeth; John, 24, 186; 32, 306; R. of Ripple, 27, 243; Mr., 38, 34; Robert, 22, 188; William, 22, 188; Knight of the Shire, 21, 235.
Kensington, 20, 81; Palace Chapel, see Religious Foundations.
Aid, 32, 30.
archaeology, by Ronald F. Jessup (review), 43, 304-307.
Campeggio’s progress through in ‘1518, 43, 255-265.
Charities in, 31, 189-202.
Churches, plan for uniform measurements, 25, 255.
coalfields, danger of, 31, lxxxiv-lxxx.
concealed lands, 20, 198.
condition of the church under Archbishop Sancroft, 21, 172-197.
estates of Dean and Chapter of Canterbury, 38, 29-44.
gentry of temp. Henry VII, list of (Major Bryan Cope), 40, 89-104.
history, begun by Hasted, 26, 290.
Knights of the Shire for, 1275-1831, 21, 198-243.
Jutish pottery found in (W. Whiting), 39, 35-54.
laws in Text. Roff., 23, 96.
old maps (Hon. Henry Hannen), 30, 85-92; 38, 89; 39, 141- 148; 43, 85-98; 45, 48-59; Phil Symonson’s map (Hon. H. Hannen), 31, 271; playing card map, 45, 48-50.

Two sixteenth century maps of (E. G. Box), 45, 48-59.
market towns in seventeenth century, 44, 4-5.
natural divisions, 31, 155-156.
Nonconformist population at time of Restoration, 21, 175.
‘Parishes, Book of Names of, etc., 44, 1.
parliamentary divisions, 21, 243.
persistence of Roman influence, 42, 155.
progress of civilisation, 31, 156.
researches and discoveries (miscellaneous), 21, xlvii-lvi; 22, xlix-lxvi; 24, li-lx; 25, lix-lxxii; 27, lxv-lxxx; 28, lxxxviii-xcvii; 31, 275-286; 33, 167-170; 34, 153-162; 38, 183-186; 42, 230-236; 43, 295-300; 44, 271-280; 45, 273-284.
Road books, early (E. G. Box), 45, 48-59.
Shakespeare in, 34, 123-124, 126.
spiritual subdivisions, 31, 164.
territorial divisions, 31, 161-167.
tour through, in eighteenth century, 43, 267-280.
Kent, Daniel Defoe and : a chapter in Capel-le-Ferne history by William Minet, 31, 61-75.
Kent in early road-books of the seventeenth century, by E. G. Box, 44, 1-12.
Kent Fines, 4-7 Edward III, 20, 161-186.
Kent Guides (reviews), "County Guide," 42, 243-245; "Little Guides," 39, 206-207.
"Kent, memorials of old," note on book by P. H. Ditchfield and George Clinch, 28, ci.
"Kent," note on Vol.1 of "Victoria County History," 28, c.
Kent, Reformation, in original documents illustrating the progress of, by C. Eveleigh Woodruff, 31, 92-120.
Kent Records issued by K.A.S., 39, 207-214.
"Kent, a Saunter through," by Sir Charles Igglesden (review), 43, 307-309.
Kent, Weald of, timber houses in, by the late Halford L. Mills, 44, 120-128; and H. S. Cowper, 29, 169-205.

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