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Archaeologia Cantiana -  Vol. 52  1940  Index to Volumes 20 to 45   page 335

N0TE.—Place-names occurring under the headings of Bridges, Churches, Religious Foundations, etc., are not cross-referenced; nor are Personal names under headings of Abbacies, Archbishoprics, Bishoprics, Armorial Bearings, etc. Names with the prefix a, atte, de, etc., should be sought under the name itself, and not under a, atte, etc.

Powlte, John, 37, 38; Thomas, 37, 38; see also Powte.
Powltyn, see Polton.
Powncy, W., 37, 129.
Pownde, Johan, 23, 291.
Powndesland, yoke, 42, 151.
Pownoll (Pownall), Barnabas, V. of West Hythe, 30, 242; Bridget, 20, 48; John, 20, 48; Philemon, 23, 75; Robert, 23, 72.
Powte, Barnabe, 20, 37; James, 20, 37; Joan, 37, 38; John, 35, 23, 32; 40, 121; will, 37, 38; Lawrence, 37, 38; Robert, 37, 38; Thomas, 37, 38; 40, 121; William, 36, 56; 40, 121; see also Powlte.
Powys, Agnes, 29, 104.
Poyle, manor, Surrey, 26, 90.
Poyle, Henry, 28, 17.
Poyner, Alice, 29, 279; Anna, see Pitcher, Anna; Thomas, 20, 40.
Poynet, see Rochester, Bishops of.
Poynings (Ponyng, Ponynges, Pownynges, Poyning), arms, 31, 80; 40, 90; 41, 182, 183; Agnes, 31, 211; Sir Edmund, 41, 184; Edward, of Marsham, 37, 105-106, 110, 114, 116; Sir Edward, 22, 296; 28, 24, 173; 29, 257; 31, 83, 90; 37, 113; 40, 90; Elizabeth, brass, 31, 139; see also Paston, Elizabeth; Isabel, 29, 257; 37, 116; see also Scott, Isabel; Mabel, see Scott, Mabel; Mary (or Margery), m. Sir Arnold Savage, 29, 164; Michael de, 20, 173; 31, 210; Sir Michael de, 29, 164; Richard de, 29, 220; Richard, Lord, 22, 245; Robert, 37, 110; Thomas, 29, 220; 31, 211; —, holds Westenhanger, 31, 77.
Poynings’ Law, 37, 110.
Poyser, Jane, 21, 286; Joan, 21, 288.
Practitioners, unlicensed, an act concerning, 42, 16-17.
Praed, Godfrey, 25, 281.
Pragell, John, 21, 254; tomb, 21, 257.
Prall, Herbert, 22, lii; Robert, will, 31, 35.
Prato, Robert de, 32, 177; William, de, 32, 159.
Pratt (Prat, Pratte), arms, 24, 231; 39, 116, 119; Alice, 37, 38; Beatrice, 28, 97; Bridget, 20, 3; Daniel, D. of Rochester, 39, 116, 119; Edmund, will, 37, 38-39; Elizabeth, m. Abraham Hill, 24, 229, 232; 

Isabel, 37, 38; Jeremiah, 20, 3; Juliane, 37, 38; Michael, 24, 229, 232; Robert, 30, 22; Stephen, 37, 38-39; 39, 79; Thomas, 36, 57, 60; William, 28, 90; 30, 169; 40, 18.
Praty, Richard, see Chichester, Bishops of.
Prayer Book, of 1549, 31, 93-94; of 1662, 41, 90, 97-98.
Prebbel (Prebbil, Prebill, Preble, Prebule, Prebyll), Johanna, 20, 185; Mrs., 27, 124, 125, 126; Robert, 25, 281; Stephen, 27, 171, 173; William, 20, 185; 27, 171, 173.
Predham, Andrew, 27, 129.
"Pre-feudal England: the Jutes," by J. E. A. Jolliffe (review), 45, 290-294.
Prehistoric pottery found in Maidstone district, 27, lxxvi-lxxvii.
Prend, Anne, 20, 37; Mary, 20, 37; William, 20, 37.
Prentice (Prentis, Prentys); Ancellinus, V. of Wye, 28, 313; John, 20, 26; Walter, coins in Rochester Museum, 27, lxxi-lxxii.
Pre-Roman discoveries in East Kent, 29, lxxxiii; in Linton district, 21, li; at Luton Fort, Chatham, 21, xlviii-xlix; at Minster Thanet, 21, 1.
Pre-Roman Way from Stroud to Cuxton, 21, xlvii.
Presentments to Queen Mary, 31, 106-110.
Press-gangs at Dover, 32, 254.
Presson, Richard, 26, 34.
Prest, Preste, Prestre, see Priest.
Presteigne Church, see Churches.
Prestige, Sir John, 41, 181, 185.
Preston (Priests-tun), 20, 20; 21, 126; 22, 290, 313; 31, 53.
Church, see Churches.
manor, 20, 162; 31, 2.
rectory, 38, 31, 35.
Thomas, chaplain of, 32, 172.
Preston East, manor, 29, 159.
Preston Forstal, Roman pottery, 20, 50, 53.
Preston Hall, 22, 313.
Preston House, 21, 132, 133.

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