Ridley (Readleaga), 22, 300; 27,
33; manor, 28, 230; 32, 55, 58; Church, see Churches.
Ridley (Rydile, Rydleye), Bishop, see Rochester, Bishops of;
Captain, 32, 261, 267, 280; Elizabeth, see Veal,
Elizabeth; James, 31, 72, 75; 34, 39; John, 21,
148; Lancelot, 38, 178; Nicholas, doctor, 38, 178; V. of
Heme, 26, 120; 30, 122; Roger, will, 31, 37.
Ridlingswould, Ridlingweald, see Ringwould.
Ridlington (Rutland), 28, 325.
Ridiington, Thomas, R. of Seal, 28, 262.
Rieux-Mérinville (Aude) Church, 32, 8.
Rievaulx Abbey, see Religious Foundations (Monastic Houses).
Rigby (Rigbye, Rigebe), Nicholas, 37, 108; William, 35,
88, 90, 106.
Rigden (Rigdon, Rygden, Rygdon), Catherine (Katherine), m. Henry Gamage,
20, 31; wife of John Rigdon, 37, 40; Cecile, 37,
40; Edward Plott, 22, 205; Francis, 30, 109; John, 22,
205; 25, 267, 270; will, 37, 40; Katherine, see Catherine;
Laurence, 37, 40; Margaret, m. Edward Jacob, 22, 205;
Paul, 26, 21; Roger; 25, 271; Sarah, m. Bartholomew Spaine,
25,288; Thomas, 25, 268, 288; William, 23, 72, 74; 32,
225, 238, 239, 241, 242, 244; 33, 9; 34, 54; 35,
30; 37, 40; —, 32, 230.
Riggs, Jane, alias Page, 20, 15.
Rignell, John, 20, 44.
Rikhill (Rekell, Rickhill, Rydils, Rykel, Rykeld, Rykhffl, Rykhull),
arms, 28, 211-212, 229; 32, 59-60, 67; 40, 103;
family, 28, 217; Agnes, see Saunder, Agnes; Anne, m.
William Skrene, 32, 69; Elizabeth, 32, 68; m. Roger Tylden,
32, 67; Geoffrey, 32, 68; Isabel, m. —. Ayston, 32,
69; Joan, m. Richard Bruyn, 32, 62, 63-64; m. 1, Henry Pevensey,
2, Richard Ayssheby, 32, 64-66; see also Etchingham,
Worsop, Joan; John, 28, 229, 241; 32, 57, 62-63, 65-66,
67, 70; Knight of the Shire, 21, 221; 28, 211; 32,
60; Juliana, widow, m. Thomas Gwynne, 32, 70; Katherine, brass, 32,
37, 46, 52; |
see also Coventry, Katherine; Margaret, see Crowmer,
Tunstall, Margaret;
Maud, 32, 57; m. Richard Guile, 32, 68-69; see also Boys,
Maud de; Nicholas, 32, 57, 60, 62, 68, 69; Richard, 32,
70; Roger, 21, 220; Rose, 32, 69; m. John Lymsey, 32,
59; wife of Sir William Rikhill, 23, 295; 32, 55-56, 57;
Thomas, 28, 212; 32, 57, 64, 65, 66, 67; Van, see John;
William, 40, 103; Knight of the Shire, 21, 221; 28,
211; brass, 32, 37, 46, 54-70; Sir William, 23, 295; 28,
211, 212, 219, 228, 229-231, 241; 32, 46, 55, 61.
Rile, Arnal, 30, 25.
Riley, William, 33, 97.
Rime, Elizabeth, 30, 24.
Ring, episcopal, of Hubert Walter, 20, 285.
Ringleton, Alice, 31, 49; Margaret, 31, 49; William, will,
31, 49.
Ringmere, Thomas, P. of Christ-church, 29, 56.
Ringwould (Ridelingwealde, Ridlingswould, Ridlingweald, Rydelingwolld,
Rydelingswelde Rydelyngweld), 21, 181; 25, 99; 27,
278; 28, 31; harrows at, 24, 110; Church, see Churches.
Ringwould Church, by Professor F. C. Eeles, 40, 165-171.
Ripe, Rhip, Ripp, Rype, etymology, 42, 89; 43, 34; 45,
141; see also Holmestone.
Ripe, East, 42, 89; 43, 34.
Ripe, West, 42, 89; 43, 34.
Ripeland, 45, 141.
Ripingal (Rippingail, Ryppingall), John, 24, 187; 30, 22; 32,
Ripley, 20,22.
Ripon, 28, 323; 30, 35, 204; Cathedral and hospital, see
Religious Foundations.
Ripp, see Ripe, Holmestone.
Ripp Wood, 43, 35, 36; 45, 140.
Ripple, 21, liv, 181; 23, 75; 24, 118, 119; 25,
133; 26, 49. Church, see Churches. continued |