Rowland (Rouland), Christian, 29,
292; John, 23, 137; 30, 152-153, 154; Margery, 21,
316; Nicholas, 20, 32; Robert, 29, 292; —, 43, 69.
Rowlandson, Captain, 29, 149; Francis, 30, 16; Thomas, 41,
Rowley, —, 27, 202.
Rowis, Rowilys, see Rolls.
Rowmarsh, 27, 94.
Rowndabowte, Kennyt, 32, 220.
Rowntree (Rountree), Jane, see Culmer, Jane; Leonard, V. of St.
Peter’s, Thanet, 26, 47-48; Richard, 28, 20.
Rows, Rowse, see Rous.
Rowxlay, see. Ruxley.
Roxburgh, Alfred Henry, 30, 187-188; Duchess of, see Dalbiac,
Roxpoll, Roxpoole, see Rockspoole.
Royal Arms at Westerham, The, by V. J. B. Torr, 43, 285-294.
Royal East Kent Mounted Rifles, 28, 325.
Royal heraldry of Sandwich, The, by V. J. B. Torr, 45, 216-233.
Royal Military Canal, 45, 130, 132.
Royal Oak, Knights of, 22, 116.
Royal Society, 24, 228, 231 ; 27, 55.
Roydon, Mr., 41, 45.
Roydon Hall, East Peckham, 21, 233, 238, 241; 26, 95; 43,
Royle, —, 28, 12.
Royton, manor of, 29, 241.
Ruberge (Roberge, Ruberga, Ruberthe, Rueberche, Rueberg, Ruheberge),
Adam de, 34, 67, 68, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 76, 78; Walter do, 34,
68, 70, 71, 73, 76.
Rubitonensis, see Rose.
Rucke, Arthur, 29, 203; 35, 93; 42, 23; Hamon, 28,
80; John, 25, 276; Mr., 38, 35; Simon, 29, 314;
William, 20, 45; 21, 333; —, 42, 11.
Ruckinge (Rockenge, Rokinge, Rokynges), 20, 192: 25,
101; 43, 116, 117; dues from, 45, 84; geology, 45,
250; River Limen, 45, 129-132,. 141; Rough Stocks, 20,
238; Church, see Churches.
Rudd, Sayer, V. of Walmer and of Westwell, 28, 141.
Rudderford, see Rutherford. Ruddington (Notts.), 22, 99. |
John, 20,180.
Rudmerl, Walter de, 20, 68.
Rudoll, Robert, 32, 289.
Anne, alias Michell, 20, 10; John, 20, 10; Mr., 29,
308; Walter, 20, 10.
Rueberche, Rueberg, see Ruberge.
Ruffe, William, 27, 130.
Ruffett, —, 42, 186.
Ruffin, Elizabeth, 45, 18; John, 25, 294; Robert, 45,
18; Thomas, 25, 292; William, 45,18.
Rufford, fireplace, 27, 11-12.
Ruffus, Robert, 34, 70, 76; Roger, 34, 70.
Rugge, Thomas, 27, 132.
Ruheberge, see Ruberge.
Ruim, see Thanet.
Ruluindaenne, see Rolvenden.
Rumdene, Nicholas de, 43, 74.
Rumenea, see Romney.
Rummynge, Alice, 20, 9; Thomas, 20,9.
Rumney, see Romney.
Rumpsted, Sevenoaks, 38, 54.
Rumsey, Anthony, 21, 296; Barbara, see Young, Barbara;
George, 21, 296; J. W., V. of Rolvenden, 30, 187; Lydia, see
Pope, Lydia; Mabel, m. Nicholas Willington, 21, 296; Mavile, see
Walter, Mavie.
Rumwold, Saint, 32, 278.
Rundale (Rundall), 21, 165, 203, 204, 206, 218.
Rundale in Shorne, Cobhams of, 29, 154-163.
Rundale, Lord, see Cobham, Henry, Thomas.
Rundale (Rundell), Edward, 20, 16; Elizabeth, alias Browne,
20, 16; John, 20, 171; Matilda, 20, 171.
Runnymede, Magna Charta signed, 22, 249.
Rupert, Prince, 21, 232.
Rupichester, see Richborough.
Rural Dean, office of, revived by Archbishop Sancroft, 21, 173.
Ruse (Russo), see also Rose, Ross,
Rous; Clemence, 31, 179; Clement, 31, 180; Elizabeth,
Robert Godden, 31, 179; Gervis, 31, 179; Juliana, 20,
3; Katherine, 21, 180; Seryus, 31, 180; Thomas, 20,
3; William, 27, 96, 101, 104.
Rushbourne, 25, 42; 27, 222. |