Seyliard continued
Tenterden, 30, 168, 190; 31, 224; Robert, 21,
99, 119, 286, 288, 290, 293, 295, 296, 297; Sarah, 21, 113; see also
Potter, Sarah; Thomas, 21, 99, 101, 111, 283, 284,
287, 292, 293; Sir Thomas, 21, 295, 296, 297; William,. 21,
119, 286, 287, 288, 289, 293, 296 —, cousin of Thomas Theobald, 20,
266; parson of Ightham, 31, 179.
Seymour (Seymer), see also Seamer, Charles, on Sandgate Castle, 21,
251, 252; arms, 40, 102; Edward, E. of Hertford, 21,
245; 38, 12, 13; Lord Henry, 21, 280;
Katherine, 21, 245 Robert, 23, 63; Lord Thomas, 38,
18; Marquis of Hertford, 40, 102; Sir Thomas, Lord Mayor of
London, 38, 7.
Seyncler, see Sinclair.
Seynt (Saint, Sainte, Saynte, Sentt), Joan, see Lacker, Joan; John, 32,
94, 103, 104, 105, 110, 125, 138; Margery, 32, 137; Richard, 32,
92; Thomas, 30, 98; 32, 130; will, 32, 137.
Seyntleger, see St. Leger.
Seyntnicholas, Seyntnicolas, see St.Nicholas.
Seys, see Sees.
Shadoxhurst (Schadockysherst), 20, 109; Church, see Churches.
Shaftesbury, Earl of, 20, 272.
Shakebag (Loosebag), George, murderer, 3 4, 107, 118-126.
Shakerley, Erasma, 31, 181 Francis, 31, 180,
181, 182 John, 31, 181 ; Margaret, 31, 180;
Marie, 31, 181; Richard, 31, 181; Rowland, 31,
180; Thomas, 31, 181; William, 31, 181.
Shakespeare, Mary, see Arden, Mary; William, possible authorship of
"Arden of Faversham," 34, 112- 126.
Shaldeford, see Childsbridge.
Shalford, East, manor, 37, 112.
Shales Court, 21, 165.
Shalke, Marien, 20, 54.
Shaireway, Michael, 32, 187.
Shamelesford, William de, 30, 72.
Shanke, Custance, 32, 119; Isabel, 32, 119; Margot, 32,
119; Mary, 32, 119; Nicholas, 32, 119. |
earldom of, 21, 132.
Sharlock, Jeremiah, 20, 48.
Sharnale, John, 20, 174.
Sharpe, Alice, 31, 238; Barling, 27, 204; Cristian, 40,
41, 42; Denis, 40, 41; Elizabeth, see Besbech, Elizabeth;
Godfrey, 44, 82; Gregory, V. of Seal, 20, 272; Hannah, see
Wilson, Hannah; James, 27, 203; will of, 30, 113 ;
Jane, see Randolph, Jane; Joan, 40, 41; John, 27,
202, 204; 28, 296; 32, 298; 44, 95; will, 40,
41; Margaret, 30, 113; Margery, 33, 77; 40,41;
Peter, 30, 168 Richard, 22, 305; 26, 22; R. of
Stone, 22, 303; V. of Seal, 20, 266; Robert, 21,
286 40, 37, 41; Stephen, 27, 203; Thomas, 27, 176; 30,
21; 31, 238; will, 31, 269; William, 27,
201, 202, 203-204; brass, 26, 96; 27, 204; will, 40,
41-42; —, the pewterer, 25, 136.
Sharp’s Place, 22, 113, 119, 120.
Sharpeldy, Walter, 29, 285.
Sharperow, Christopher, R. of Hayes, 22, 308.
Sharpye (Sharpey), Agnes, widow, 25, 266; John, 25, 266;
Laurence, 25, 266; Thomas, 31, 215.
Sharsted, 20, 27; 21, 131 ; 25, 151 manor, 21,
206; 23, 294; 29, 148.
Sharsted Court, 21, 240; 40, 86.
Sharsted, Ellen de, m. John de Bourne, 21, 206; John, 26,
33; 33, 86; Robert do, 21, 206.
Sharston, Henry, 29, 113.
Sharynden, Elmley, 34, 67.
Shaston (Dorset), 22, 254.
Shatindon (Sotindon), Robert de, 20, 67.
Shatterton, Daniel, Knight of the Shire, 21, 236.
Shaskyng, see Sheaskyn.
Shavelok, Alice, see Kyppyng, Alice; John, 43, 57; will, 43,
56-57; Marion, 43, 57; Richard, 43, 57; Roger, 43,
57; Thomas, 43, 57.
Shaw (Schawe, Shawe); arms, 22, 120; Anne, 21, 298;
Elizabeth, 20, 4; 21, 298, 299; Franees, see Hyde,
Frances; Henry Grassineau, 21, 299; continued |