Shipley continued
85, 89, 109; will, 28,92,93; Joan, 28, 94; John, 21,
278; 28, 93, 94; Peter, 21, 278; Robert, 21, 278;
Thomas, 29, 224.
Shipmoney, 24, 240 ; 28, 63; levied by
Charles I, 21, 281-282; 28, 30; assessments, 42,5,8.
Shippe, George, 43, 95.
Shippedham, John de, R. of Seal, 20, 261.
Shipping cesse, Faversham, 32, 303-316.
Shipping service by Barons of Faversham, 21, 273-282.
Ships, on old map of Romney Marsh, 30, 220-221.
Ships: "Adricken," 32, 264; "Barge," 21,
278; "Bosphrous," 32, 266; "Brunswick," 20,
222; "Cambridge," 43, 276; "Carolina," yacht,
22, 178; "La Crayere," 21, 274; "Degrave,"
31, 65-66, 69; "Expedition," 32, 248, 250, 255,
259, 265; "Eneswithe," 30, 135; "Fane," 32,
259; "Four Brothers," 32, 257; "Gift of God,"
23, 180; "Godyer," 21, 276-277; "Grand M’res,"
30, 157; "Greenwich," 43, 276;
"Hamilton," 32, 258; "Hazard," 21,
281; 28, 38; "Hofwegen," 32, 264; "Isaac
and Mary," 32, 250, 256; "Le Iserbac" of Cacche, 44,
225; "Jacob," 32, 250; "Jean," 40, 10;
"John and Constant," 32, 269; "John of
Chichester," 41, 163; "John of Downwithe," 20,
236; "La Katerine," 21, 278-279; "Kent," 23,
122; "King David," 32, 257-258; "Knappenhof,"
32, 264; "Marlborough,"42, 133; "Mathue,"
23, 180; "Nassau," 43, 276; "Nycolas of
Sowolde," 20, 236; "Oxford," 21, 251 "Pilegrim"
of Hugheslus, 44, 223; "La Plentee," 44, 224,
226; "Prince William," 32, 250; "Robert and
Mary," 32, 270; "Royal Sovereign," 43, 276;
"St. John," 32, 260; "St. Laurens," 32,
264; "Ste Marie," of Bayonne, 44, 225; "Sant ‘Ambrogio,"
32, 266-268; "Le Sauveur," 32, 262;
"Skynkvyn," 21, 276-277; "Switzer," 32,
272; "Three Brothers," 24, 230; "Triton," 32,
254; "Union," 43,276.
Shipton (Schipdene, Shepeton), Goodman, 35,41; Henry, V. of West
Hythe, 30, 235; James, 2b1, 177; John, 28, 81; 35,
81; V. of
Peter’s, Thanet, 26, 49.
Shipwright, Elizabeth, 30, 23; John, 30, 23.
Shirborne, Shirburne, see Sherborne.
Shirbrooke, see Sherbrooke.
Shirburn, yoke, 42, 151.
Shire Hall, Penenden Heath, 21, 200.
Shirley, Sir Thomas, 20, 198.
Shobree, Jane, 20, 21; alias Page, 20, 22; William,
20, 21.
Shobridge (Shewbridge, Shiwbridge, Shoobrig, Shoolbridge), Agnes, 21,
116; see also Alchorn, Agnes; Elizabeth, 20, 28; Henry, 45,
211; John, 21, 115.
Shobrooke (Devon), 31, 212.
Shocklidge, George, V. of Northbourne, 28, 128.
Shoford, William de, 40, 108.
Sholand, see Scoland.
Sholden (Sholdon, Shoulden), 21, 181 ; 24, 116,
117; 31, 298; Church, see Churches; chapels, see Religious
Foundations; manor, 29, 254.
Sholden Bank, 27, 242.
Shoobrig, Shoolbridge, see Shobridge.
Shooter’s Hill, 24, 141, 156; Roman road, 20, 134.
Shoredich, Simon do, V. of Sittingbourne, 29, 255.
Shoreditch, St. Leonard; see Churches; Military Orders at, see
Religious Foundations.
Shoreham, 20, 42, 48, 61, 67; 22, 114, 308; 26, 86,
322, 324, 325; 27, 175; 31, 173-174; 38, 55; 42,
150; 43, 121.
almshouses, 31, 200-201.
borough, 31, 170, 171.
College, see Religious Foundations.
deanery, 22, 293, 308; 23, 134-149; 25, 105; list
of parishes, 23, 135. |