Sittingbourne (Sidigburn, Sydingburn,
Sydyngbourne), 20, 2-40 passim, 63, 69, 70, 116, 177, 185,
186; 21, 174, 192, 193, 218; 22, 249, 279; 23, 75,
115; 26,193, 214; 28, 62-63, 299; 29, 220; 31,
242; 34, 76, 119; 43, 263.
antiquities, 35, 161-163.
Church, see Churches.
chapels, see Religious Foundations.
deanery, plate, 26, 135, 185-214; visitation, 29, 296-299.
hermitage, see Religious Foundations.
mammoth tusk found, 42, 229-230.
Romano-British finds, 36, xxxv-xxxvi.
John, parish clerk, 43, 69.
Simon, vicar, 34, 69, 70, 76, 78.
Sittingbourne Wills, by Arthur Hussey, 41, 37-56; 42,
37-56; 43, 49-71.
Sittingbourne (Sidingburne), Gregory of, 34, 71; Hugh of, 34,
Siviere (Siveer), Catherine, 20, 48; Thomas, 20, 48.
Siward, owns manor of Wickham, 39, 69.
Siwoldescirc’, Siwoldes Church, see Churches, St. Mary in the
Siwulf, 36, 9.
Sixtus IV, Pope, 26, 93, 115; 43, 8.
Skales, see Scales.
Skapys, Cristian, 40, 42; Thomas, will, 40, 42.
Skarbut, John, 33, 87.
Skeer, Henry, 30, 25.
Skeetes, James, 30, 177, 178, 184; 32, 298; 44,
140; grave, 30, 172.
Skeffington, Jane, 20, 38; John, 20, 38.
Skelton, Adam, V. of Tilmanstone, 20, 106; John, 21, 113;
43, 55; Lord, see Brus, Peter do; Marmaduke, R. of
Trottescliffe, 20, 189, 213; 33, 141 ; William, 22,
307; 44, 84; R. of Bishopsbourne, 40, 13; -, 21, 333.
Skene, Baillie, 26, 335.
Skenton, William, 43, 54.
Skeyle, stephen, 20, 48.
Skeynes, 21, 99.
Skim Corner, Bromley. 24, 142.
Skinner, Augustine, 33, 145 ; Knight of the Shire, 21,
234, 236; |
20, 10; 26, 89; 27, 85; Joan, 32, 136; John,
24, 56; 28, 20; 29, 137, 139; 35, 25, 30;
Maud, 36, 49; Thomas, 25, 80; 32, 101, 130;
William, 20, 10.
Skinners, Edenbridge, 21, 298.
Skinner’s Place, Deptford, 20, 95.
Skipwith, Jane, 23, 290, 321; widow, 41, 139; Richard, 22,
Skitter, Mary, 30, 23; John, 30, 23.
Skoles, see Scoales.
Skone, Skoone, see Scoone.
Skore, Mr., 34, 42.
Skorme, Joan, 41, 51.
Skrene (Screne, Skreyn), Anne, see Rikhill, Anne; Sir John, 32,
69; William, 32, 56, 57, 62, 69; Sir William, 32, 69.
Skudd, John, 20, 4.
Skudder, see Scudder.
Skuddington, Tong, 23, 130.
Skymburness (Firth of Soiway), 21, 275.
Skyppe, Richard, Escheator, 25,210.
Sladden, John, 25, 288.
Slade Marsh, 27, 67.
Sladen, John Baker, of Ripple Court, 27, 244; 28, 130,
Slancombe (Moretonhampstead), 29, 268.
Slaney, Thomas, V. of Preston by Faversham, 21, 147.
Slater (Slayter, Slaytyer), Anne, see
Stretfield, Anne; Elizabeth, see Chandler, Elizabeth; George,
26, 137; Sarah, 20, 41; Thomas, 20, 44; R. of Ash, 22,
307; Ward, 26, 137, 141 William, 20, 41; 26, 137.
Slatter, Isaac, 21, 175.
Slaugham (Sussex), 20, 80.
Slaughter, family, hold Twitham manor, 40, 126, 130; George, 40,
126; Mary, m. Henry Harflete, 40, 126, 130 ; -, 21, 178.
Slay Hills Marsh, 21, lii.
Slayter, Slaytyer, see Slater.
Sleddale, Alan de, R. of Saltwood, 30, 264.
Slede, Thomas, 44, 81.
Sleech, Edmund, 21, 298; Elizabeth, m. John Paratt, 21,
296; Jane, see Stanford, Jane; Samuel, 21, 118, 292, 294,
298. continued |