Stafford, family continued
also Audley, Beaufort, Margaret; Mary, 30, 169; see also Boleyn,
Mary; Ralph de, E. of Stafford, 21, 87, 89; 28, 180;
Thomas, 28, 193; E. of Stafford, 28, 183; William, E. of
Stafford, 28, 183; Sir William, of Blather-wick, 20, 78,
103; 28, 282; of Grafton, 28, 194-196.
Stahlschmidt, "Church Bells of Kent," 20, 262.
Stained glass windows in Nettlestead Church, The, by W. E. Ball, 28, 157-249.
Stained glass windows at Stowting, by N. B. Toke, 45, 31-36.
Stainer, Gilbert, 32, 246.
Staines, see Stanes.
Stainsley, Denby, 21, 241.
Stalingborough, 44, 32.
Stalisfield (Stalesfield, Staffield), 22, 219, 237, 268, 274; 24,
130, 135, 137, 138; 30, 236; Church, see Churches;
Military Orders at, see Religious Foundations.
Stalworth, Walter, 31, 214.
Staly, Joseph, 20, 8; 21, 289; Myhill, 21, 289;
Walter, 20, 8.
Stamar, John, 35, 29; Mary, 35, 29.
Stambrook, Dover, 20, 130.
Stamford, 26, 327.
Stamford, John, 44, 85; 45, 16.
Stampard, Thomas, 32, 93.
Stanard, see Stonard.
Stanbridge, Winifred, m. Zachary Honour, 21, 292.
Stanburne, William of, 38, 166.
Standard (Standerd), Adam, a slave, 40, 113; Robert, a slave, 40,
113; Thomas, 44, 88.
Standenne (?), 20, 167.
Standenogth, John, 22, 298.
Stander, Nicholas, 28, 77.
Standfeld, Hugh, 42, 40.
Standherst, 20, 44.
Standish (Staundike), Joan, 37, 48; Roger, 37, 46; will, 37,
48. |
Standby, Standly, see Stanley.
Standon (Standen, Staundon), Agnes de, 34, 64; Christopher, 45,
18; Edward, 45, 18; George, 20, 10; John, 45,
18; Levyn, 45, 18; Morgan, 28, 18; Sarah, 20, 10;
Thomas, 21, 297; 28, 19; William de, 34, 64.
Stanefelle, 22, 250.
Stanes, see Stone.
Stanes (Staines, Stane, Staynes), Benedict of, 38, 167; Dorothy,
widow, 30, 19; George, 31, 200; Nicholas of, 38,
166, 176; Patrick, 29, 89; Simon of, grant to Christchurch, 38,
166. 167; Thomas, 30, 21; William of, 38, 167.
Staneyweye, John de, R; of Ripple, 27, 238.
Stanford, 21, 205; borough, 31, 171, 172; bridge, see
Bridges; manor, 32, 159; William, chaplain of, 32,
159, 160; Church, see Churches.
Stanford with Westenhanger, 31, 83.
Stanford, Agnes, 21,283; Alexander, 21, 284, 288; Alice, 21,
2S8, 290, 291, 294, 296 m. Henry Fullar, 21, 289; m. Thomas
Savage, 21, 289; Andrew, 20, 32; 21, 288-300 passim;
Anna, 21, 293-300 passim; Anthony, 21, 283,
286, 287, 288; Clement, 21, 284; Dorothy, see Butcher,
Dorothy; Edward, 21, 291; Elizabeth, 21, 284-299 passim;
see also Childrens, Elizabeth; George, 20, 11, 38; 21,
285, 288, 290, 297, 299; George Stephen, 21, 298; Grace, 21,
295; Gylyan, m. Thomas Woodgate, 21, 284 (see also Jelyan);
Henry (Harry), 20, 20; 21, 285-300 passim; Hugh do,
priest, 29, 239; H. of Westenhanger and of Dymchurch, 31,
84-85; Sir Humphrey, 20, 102 ; James, 20, 32; 21,
285, 290, 292, 294, 295, 296, 300; Jane, 21, 202, 206; m. Samuel
Sleech, 21, 292; Jelyan, see Smith, Jelyan; Joan
(Johanna), 21 283-295 passim; see also Spacehurst,
Whisleye, Joan; John, 20, 11, 23; 21, 110, 112, 120,
283-300 passim; 26, 325; Julian, 21, 288; Margaret,
21, 286, 289; m. Henry Edsoll, 21, 284; m. George Pearce, 21,
286; Mary, 21, 284, 289, 290, 291, 294, 295, 297; m. John Taylor,
21, 299; wife of John Stanford, 21, 200; see also Whitaker,
Mary ; Maywill, continued |