Statham, Elizabeth, m. Sir Maurice Dennys,
22, 247,259 ; Nicholas, 22, 247, 259; Sherard, M., V. of
River cum Guston, 26, 184.
Statutes, revision, 42, 96, 107, 108-109.
Staundike, see Standish.
Staveley, Sir Charles Dunbar, 31, 73, 75; Susan, see Minet,
Susan; W. B., R. of High Halden, 26, 317.
Staynes, see Stanes.
Stebbing (Essex), 26, 85.
Stebbing, W. P. D., Iron Age hearth at Finglesham near Eastry, Kent,
41, 69-70; Jutish cemetery near Finglesham, Kent, 41,
Steber, David, 26, 168.
Stechebourne, Richard, 21, 90, 106.
Stede, 37, 18.
Stede Hill, 26, 228.
Stede (Stedde, Steed), arms, 26, 229; Catherine, alias Goulder,
20, 44; Henry, 20, 44; Johane, 27, 203; Margery, see Notingham,
Margery; Robert, 27, 203; William, 24, 184; 26,
Stedman, Elizabeth, see Sinings, Elizabeth; John, 30, 169;
Richard, 28, 21.
Steele, Edward, 26, 335; Katherine, 26, 335; Peter, 29,
Steere (Steare, Steers), see also Sheares; Eleanor, alias Greene,
20, 4; John, 21, 119; 26, 323; Mary, m. Edward
Dominey, 20, 43.
Steetly Church, see Churches.
Steevens, see Stephens.
Steghele (Stegle), John atte, 25, 78, 81.
Steinegger, Johan Caspar, arms, 44, 236.
Stel, John, 33, 81-82.
Stelling, 24, 106; Church, see Churches; Chapel, see Religious
Stelling Minnis, 45, 274.
Stenehouse, John, 29, 305.
Stenynton, Simon, 29, 142.
King, 21, 273; 25, 198; 29, 12; 34, 101, 134; 37,
64; 38, 30, 35. |
Stephen, a cook, 40, 20; a friar, 32, 205; a servant, 20,
Stephens (Steevens, Stephen, Stephin, Stephyn, Steven, Stevens, Stevyn,
Stivins), A., R. of Goodnestone, 22, 206; Alexander, 28,
17; Alice, 20, 55; Anne, 28, 292; alias Glover, 20,
31; see also Swineston, Anne; Anthony, 29, 279; C. A.
(Rev.), 40, 49; Catherine, 20, 19; Ed., 32, 258;
Elizabeth, 31, 185; Ellen, 20, 40; see also Love.
lace, Ellen; Faith, 28, 292; Francis, 25, 54; George, 24,
257; Grace, 30, 25; Henry, 20, 36; 28, 18; James, 31,
36; 43, 132; Johan, 20, 55; John, 20, 19; 22,
116, 118; 28, 292, 294; 29, 322; 30, 30; 33,
52; 43, 54-55; R. of Seal, 20, 270; Margaret, see Hyde,
Reynolds, Margaret; Marion, 28, 292; Martha, 28, 292;
Mary, 28, 292; see also Kocheman, Mary; Misses, of Cobham,
27, 72, 75, 111; Mr., 42, 185; Nicholas, 33, 8, 27;
Repentance, 28, 292; Richard, 30, 22; 44, 159, 160;
Robert (Rev.), 40, 49 Stephanus (" Parsona de Eseling
"), 20, 69; Susan, 20, 19; Syr, 32, 225;
Thomas, 20, 19, 36, 40; 26, 48-49; 31, 185; 41,
139; 43, 50; V. of Seal, 20, 270, 271; William, 20,
19, 31, 55; 21, 118; 24, 186; 25, 267; 32,
305; 33, 43; 43, 14, 60; 45, 24, 25, 45; R. of St.
Mildred, Canterbury, will, 31, 48; Zacharias, 30, 27; —,
27, 243.
Stephenson, see Stevenson.
Stepney, 20, 32; 23, 72; 29, 157; Church, see Churches.
Stepney, Richard, 22, 303.
Steppinge, Thomas, 24, 185.
Steps in churches dedicated to St. John Baptist, 22, 250.
Ster, Robert le, 32, 148.
Sterling, Edward, 29, 109 ; William, R. of Kestone, 22,
Sterne, "Tristram Shandy," 23, 102.
Stevenage, 21, 150. Stevens, Stevyn, see Stephens.
Stevenson, N. B., 27, 245. Stevenson (Stephenson, Stephynson),
Anna, see Halfpenny, |