Swanscombe continued
manor, 32, 60-61.
Roman kiln found, 27, lxxiii-lxxiv.
Sweyn’s Camp, "the Folly," 41, 13-17.
Swanscombe Park, 23, 8.
Swanscombe (Swannescombe), John, see Vannescombe, John.
Swanton, 20, 236; manor, 40, 14; 44, 42-43.
Swanton Court, 26, 189, 190.
Swanton (Swainton, Swanetun, Swanten), James, 28, 80; John, 20,
245; Osbert de, 20, 173; Ralph de, 34, 69; Richard, 31,.
253; Robert, 25, 81; 35, 58, 59; 36, 121
Stephen, 28, 80; Thomas, 32, 61.
Swarland, John, 20, 18.
Swarling (Swirgildan), 25, 268; Celtic urnfield, 44, 65.
Swarton, Simon, 27, 213.
Swatford, John, 28, 19.
Swayne (see also Swan), Alicia, 27, 77; Cristine, 39,
77; Edward, 20, 44; John, 20,44; 43, 66; Juliane, 39,
77; Thomas, 30, 120; William, 27, 85; 29, 279.
Swaynescombe, see Swanscombe.
Swaynsland, yoke, 42, 151.
Swaysland (Swayland, Swaynsland), John, 20, 31, 38; Judith, 20,
31; Mary, m. Robert Holmden, 21, 296; Robert, 26, 324;
William, 21, 115.
Swaythe, Robert, 23, 81.
Swayton, John, 30, 314; 32, 305, 309.
Sweating sickness, brought to England, 1485, 45, 121.
Sweden, and Anglo-Russian trade, 20, 84-88; English ambassador, 24,229.
Sweetes Crosse, 27, 130.
Sweeting (Sweting, Swetynge, Swetyngs), Charles, 20, 44; John, R.
of Woolwich, 22, 296; Mary, 20, 44; William, 29,
107; —, R. of St. Mary Bredman, Canterbury, 29, 273.
Sweetlove, Thomas, 21, 334.
Sweinestri, see Swainestri.
Swende (?), John, 29, 163.
Sweneffid, Swenfield, see Swingfield.
Swerdes, prebend, 32, 42.
Sweto, yoke, 42, 151. |
Richard, -22, 297.
Swetton manor, 20, 236, 237; 21, 259; Chapel, see Religious
Sweyn’s Camp, Swanscombe, by A. H. Hogg, 41, 13-17.
Swifington, Anne, 30, 25; Christopher, 30, 25.
Swift, Abigail, see Erick, Abigail; Elizabeth, see Dryden,
Elizabeth; John, will, 29, 221-222; Jonathan, 32, 200; D.
of St. Patrick’s, 32, 199, 200; 35, 98; Margaret, 32,
199; Mary, see Philpott, Mary; Nicholas, 20, 103;
Solomon, 25, 294; Thomas, 23, 76; R. of St. Andrew’s,
Canterbury, 32, 199; R. of Goodriche and Bridstowe,
Herefordshire, 32, 199-200; 35,98; William, 31,114;
R. of St. Andrew’s, Canterbury, 32, 199; 35, 98, 99,
100, 103, 105, 106; 36, 83-119 passim.
Swigge, Robert, 29, 99.
Swillington, Alice, 29, 159 ; William, 29, 159.
Swinbake, see Swynbanke.
Swine pannage, 44, 201.
Swineston, Anne, widow, m. John Stephens, 28, 294.
Swinestre, see Swaintree.
Swinfield, see Swingfield.
Swinford, 26, 94; 39, 200.
Swinford (Swingford, Swynford), Catherine, m. John of Gaunt, D. of
Lancaster, 45, 120; John, 30, 32.
Swingata Fall, near Horstead, 24, lii.
Swingfield (Sinnafeld, Swenefield, Swenfield, Swinfield, Swynfeld,
Swyngfeld), 20, 38; 22, 235, 237, 238, 242, 248; 24;
129; 25, 268, 269; 34, 63; Church, see Churches;
Chapel and Military Orders, see Religious Foundations.
Swingfield Forstall, 20, 236.
Swingfield Heath, 31, 87.
SwingfIeld Minnis, 45, 274.
Swingfield (Swinfleld), William, 28, 76; Richard, see Hereford,
Bishops of.
Swinhope, 29, 2.
Swinnerton, Josiah, 20, 27; Mary, 20, 27.
Swinnocke (Swinoke, Swynnocke), John, 20, 35, 41; Margaret, 20,
41; Mary, 20, 41 ;1 Robert, continued |