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Archaeologia Cantiana -  Vol. 52  1940  Index to Volumes 20 to 45   page 422

N0TE.—Place-names occurring under the headings of Bridges, Churches, Religious Foundations, etc., are not cross-referenced; nor are Personal names under headings of Abbacies, Archbishoprics, Bishoprics, Armorial Bearings, etc. Names with the prefix a, atte, de, etc., should be sought under the name itself, and not under a, atte, etc.

Tarring, 32, 166; Church, see Churches.
Tasker, ,John, 26, 294.
Tassel, 22, 205; Agnes, 20, 2; Arthur, 22, 205; ,Tames, 22, 205; Mary, 22, 205; Richard, 22, 205; 25, 151; Thomas, 20, 2; 32, 307.
Taswell (see also Tatnall), William, V. of Brookiand, 31, 232.
Tate, Alexander, 28, 18; Francis, 23, 109; John, 28, 18; Michael, 20, 12, 23; Thomas, 28, 18.
Tateshale, Sir Robert of, 44, 32.
Tathamclarke, Roger, 30, 19.
Tatnall (Taswell, Tattnall, Tatwell), Randall, 31, 105; 35, 53-96 passim; 36, 121.
Tattersall, John, V. of Seal, 20, 270.
Tattington, John, 20, 45; William, 20, 45.
Tatton, Catherine, Elizabeth, m. James Drake Brockman, 43, 282; William, 43, 282.
Tatwell, see Tatnall.
Tatwin, see Canterbury, Archbishops of.
Tau-cross capitals In the undercroft of Canterbury Cathedral, The, by J. M. C. and M. M. Crum, 45, 193-200.
Taunton (Somerset), 20, 65; 24, 167.
Taverner, Captain, 21, 178; Simon, 34, 75; Thomas, 21, 315; 24, 18, 19 29, 122; Walter le, 44, 225, 226, 227.
Tavistock Church, see Churches.
Tawstock (Devon), 27, 202.
Taxatio Ecclesiastica of Pope Nicholas IV, 20, 105.
Taylor, A. H., The chapel of St. John the Baptist, Smallhythe, 30, 133-191; The Grammar Free School at Tenterden, 44, 129-146; The municipal records of Tenterden, 32, 283-302; 33, 91-112; Rectors and Vicars of St. Mildred’s, Tenterden, with appendix, 31, 207-270

The will of a mediaeval Kentish parson, 43, 123-132
Taylor, Henry, Ightham Mote, 27, 1-29.
Taylor (Taller, Tafflor, Taillour, le Taillour, Tailor, le Tailor, Tailour, Talere, Tayler, Tayller, Tayllour, le Tayllour, Taylour, Tayolor), arms, 21, 101; 27, 274; Agnes, see Tassell, Agnes; Alice,. 20, 7; see also Aldaye, Alice;. Ann, 20, 11, 12; 24,128; 30, 32;Barbury, widow, 30, 24; Bartholomew, 25, 46; Bernard, 29, 107; Christopher, will, 31, 42; Daniel, 30, 29; 38, 37; Dionisia, 25, 260; Dorothy, see Baker, Dorothy; Edward, 30, 24; Elizabeth, 20, 2; m. Adam Farmer, 21, 296; alias Halke, 20, 35; see also Overry, Elizabeth; E. B., 24, xl; Freeshwith, 30, 32; Geoffrey de, 20, 170; George, 24, 226; Harriet, 25, 164; Henry, 24, xliv, 18,. 19, 194; 29, 115, 122, 125, 127, 129; 30, 30; V. of Preston by Faversham, 21, 138; Herbert, R. of St. Alphege, Canterbury, 27, 274; Isaac, 21, 19; 22, 134, 221; 24, 110; 25, 198; J., 26, 156; 42, 185; James, 20, 26; 33, 123; Joan, Joanna, Johann, 21, 100, 286; 28, 291; John, 20, 2, 7, 12, 35, 177; 21, 101, 110, 299; 22, 104, 180; 23, 70; 24, 188; 25, 22, 289; 26, 25; 27, 249; 29, 97, 107, 250; 30, 26, 30;. 32, 232; 43, 205; V. of Tenterden, 31, 211-212; Sir John, 30, 68; Joseph, 20, 19; Laurence, 31, 42; 41, 60; Margaret, 20, 27; 29, 97; 30, 26; Mary, see Knight, Stanford, Mary; Matilda, see Roe, Matilda de; Matthew, 32, 308; Messrs., of Loughborough; bell-casters, 22, 288; 25, 71; Mr,, 21, 188; 23, 71; barber, 38, 37; V. of Darenth, 26, 276, 292; Mrs., 26, 272, 273; Nathaniel, 30, 21 Nicholas, 22, 180; 25, 82; see also Gibson, Nicholas; Peter do, 25, 260; 30, 233; Richard, 20, 11, 12, 34, 235, 248; 21, 299; 300; 22, 174; 24, 164; 29, 151; 32, 165; 45, 30; V. of Bethersden, 26, 318; V. of East Farleigh, .22, 309; Robert, 24, 226; 26, 282-283, 286, 287; 30, 21; 33, 123; 34, 47; 44, 138; continued

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