44, 120-128; at Headcorn, 81, 121-130; at Sundridge, 37,
167-175; see also Houses.
Timber towers, see Towers.
Timberden, yoke, 42, 150.
Timbury, Elizabeth, m. 1, Sir Thomas Swynburne,. 2, Sir Thomas Tryvet, 27,
211; Sir Philip, 27, 211.
Time scale for archaeologists, A, by Engineer-Captain J. B.
Hewitt, 45, 241-245.
Timsland, Paul, 29, 322.
Tindall, Tindell, see Tyndale.
Tinsley (Tyisley), Thomas, 25, 47.
Tintern abbey, see Religious Foundations (Monastic Houses).
Tin trade in early.times, 37, 8.
Tippen, James, 35, 18.
Tippoo Sultan, 23, 122.
Tirke, Samuel, 28, 18.
Tirrell, Mary, alias Hayte, 20, 20.
Tisbury Church, see Churches.
Tithes, commutation, 39, 196-197; paid by Queenborough. to
Minster, 22, 181; Small, Biddenden, 21, 186.
Titsey (Surrey), 21, 2, 231; 37, 18; Roman villa, 37,
Tiverdico, Stephen, 20, 84.
Tiverton (Devon), 20, 297.
Tiverton (Twyuerton), Richard of, R. of Adisham, 40, 58.
Tobacco, in Virginia, 20, 93, 94.
Tobill, William, 31, 238.
Toby, Thomas, 21, 318, 319, 320.
Toche, Alice, 22, 245; Nicholas, 22, 245; —, of
Tockerington, Yorks., 28, 316.
Todde, William, brass, 31, 146.
Toddington (Beds.), 22, 162; 24, 122, 123-127; manor, 23,
88, 90; Church, see Churches.
Toddy, Roger, 25, 19.
Todman, Elizabeth, m. George Lewis, 21, 296.
Tods, Elizabeth, alias Webb, 20, 45; John, 20, 45.
Tofeld, Toffel, Toffelde, see Tovill.
George, 29, 289; John, 32, 100. |
Toggehouse (Thogese, Togehose), Alan, 34,72,76; Edith, 34,71;
Florence, 34, 67, 69, 70, 72, 76; Stephen, 34, 67, 69, 70,
71, 72, 76; Thomas,.34, 69; William, 34, 69, 70, 71, 72,
74, 76, 77.
Toght, John, 30, 52.
Tokar, Toker, see Tucker.
Toke, N. E., Heraldic ledger-stones, 41, 187-191; The
opus Alexandrinum and sculptured roundels in the retro-choir of
Canterbury Cathedral, 42, 189-221; Stained glass windows at
Stowting, 45, 31-36; The Swiss stained windows in the churches of
Patrixbourne and Temple Ewell, 44, 229-252.
Toke (Tooke, Tuke, Tukke), see also Tucke; arms, 26, 97,
98, 99, 241; 40, 94, 96; Anne, see Engham Anne;
Bartholomew, 26, 98; Bridget, 26, 99; Sir Bryan, 20,
248; 34, 101; Cecily, 26, 97; see also Kempe,
Cecily; Clare, 26, 98 ; Edward, 20, 38; Elizabeth, 26,
98; Ellen Maria, 27, 202; Ellianor, 26, 99; see also Cockman,
Ellianor; Emma, 26, 91; Francis, 26, 98; Francis Edward,
V. of Borden, 28, 325; Henry, 23, 189; 32, 155;
Joan, see Goldwell, Joan; John, 36, 140; 39, 200; brass, 26,
97, 98; Margaret, 26, 98; see also Walworth, Margaret;
Mary, 26, 98, 99; m. Sir Reynold Scott, 20, 248; Nicholas,
20, 36; 23, 189; 25, 126; 26, 91, 93, 241; 39,
196 ; account book, 39, 189-205; brass, 26, 98-99; 39,
205; Nicholas Roundell, 27, 202; Ralph, 32, 123; Richard, 26,
95, 98; 40, 94, 96; Robert, 21, 313; 34, 61;
Thomas, 23, 72; 26, 97; —, m. Richard Dau]ing, 40,
Tolaste (Tollaste), Stephen, 20, 4; Thomas, 20, 4.
Toldervey, Christopher, monument, 40, 126; Jane, m. Sir Robert
Darell, 25, 130; see also Harfiete, Jane.
Tolddrington, Woodhouse parish (Northumberland), 21, 125.
Tolken, William, 32, 284.
Toll on iron walls of Lewes, 21, 310.
Toll Castle, see Castles.
Toiler, Adam, 21, 290; Frances, 20, 32; Thomas, 20,
32; 21, 290.; 35, 22. -
Toilerst, 28, 290.
Tomb-robbery in Text. Roff., 23, 105. |