Trimnell, see Winchester, Bishops
Trimpson, see Trianstone.
Trindell Hill, 27,115.
Tring, Herts., manor, 21, 328.
Trinity Rouse, 23, 123; absorlis Court of Lodemanage, 32,
Trinity House, Company, 20, 96..
Tripcony, Anne, 30, 30; William, 30, 30.
Triple, John, 44, 92.
Triplow. (Trippelowe, Tryplow, Tryplowe), James, will, 43, 64-65;
John, 42, 40, 42; 4b3, 58, 65, 66; 44, 97-98, 101
Katherine, 43, 65; will of, 43, 65-66.
Tripp, Bartholomew, 38, 175; will, 31, 52; William, 25,
Triseham, Richard, will, 31, 33.
Trist, Richard, 23, 63.
Tristram, Dr., 27, 301.
Tritton, Joan, 43, 66; Katherine, 43, 66; Richard, 43,
66; Robert, 25, 165; Thomas, 42, 44; 43, 66.
Trivet (Trevet), arms, 27, 210; 40, 102; Elizabeth, 45,
35; see also Timbury, Elizabeth; Thomas, 40, 102; Sir
Thomas, 27, 210-211; 45, 35.
Trobylfyld, Mr., 32, 228.
Troke, Richard, 28, 91.
Trollope (Trolop), Catherine, 20, 2; Sir John, 25, 141;
Julia, m. George Birch Reynardson, 25, 141.
Tronyon, Saint, 33, 32.
Tropham, Richard, will, 31, 50; Walter Matthew de, 33,
Trosclyff, Trosley, Troslyff, see Trottescliffe.
Trott, family, 26, 274; arms, 22, 115; Elizabeth, see Gibbons,
Elizabeth; Hester, m. Bernard Hyde, 22, 112, 115; John, 22,
112, 113, 115; Robert, 20, 18.
Trottescliffe (Totesclive, Trosclyff, Trosley, Troslyff, Trotesclyue,
Trotesly, Trottesclib, Trottesclyve, Trottyscliff), 20, 26; 21,
20; 89, 92; 22, 300; 25, 244; 29, 235; 31,
168; 33, 139.
Anfrid’s. Chapel, see Religious Foundations.
bishop’s palace, 21, 269; 33, 139-141, 145.
Church, see Churches.
manor, 20, 211.
parsonage, 20, 193. |
(fifty-eight) (Rev. T. S. Frampton), 20, 187-194.
school, c. 1599, 20, 191.
Trottescliffe Church, by Canon Scott Robertson, 20,
Trottescliffe, Hugh of, see Canterbury, St. Augustine’s, Abbots
Trottesham, 27, 130.
Trouleigh, see Throwloy.
Trout-fishing at Fordwich, 41, 179.
Trouts, see Trowts.
Troward, Edward, 24, 256; Mr., 25, 189; Robert, 24,
260; Thomas, 30, 29; Wiffiam, 26, 32; 28, 76.
Trowts (Trouts, . Trowt, Trowte), John, 23, 69, 73; 27,
38; 28, 58, 62; 33, 100, 103; Mark, 27, 38;
William, 23, 73.
Troyes, treaty, 37, 14-15, 126.
Troy Town, 30, 11.
True, see Trewe.
Trulege, see Throwley.
Trulove (Truslowe), Nicholas, 29, 275; Robert, R. of Halstow, and
of Snodland, 22, 304.
Trumbull, William, 21, 118, 125; 24, 169-170.
Trumpour, Alan, 25, 85.
Trunstede, Alexander of, 38, 166.
Truro, Abraham Hill, M.P. for, 24, 228.
Truro, Lord Robartes of, 20, 77.
Truslowe, see Trulove.
Tryan, owner of Trianstone, 45, 140.
Trye,Peterde, 31, 84.
Tschupp, Hans Jost, glass-painter, 44, 249.
Tubman, Joan, 20, 32; Martha, 20, 32; Thomas, 20,
Tubney (Tupney, Tuppeny), see also Twopenny; John, 24,
161-162; brass, 24, 162; Joseph, 26, 238, 239.
Tubs Hill, Sevenoaks, 23, 331.
Tucke (see also Toke),Mr., 31, 101 Thomas, 36,
Tucker (Tokar, Toker, Tuckar), Agnes, 20, 9; Andrew, 44,
138; Arnold, 35, 23; Benett, 35, 23; Cecilie, 20, 9
; Christian, 20, 9; Christopher, 41, 51; Elhanan, 44,
134; Elizabeth, see Crowmer, Elizabeth; Ingram, 31, 73;
John, 20, 9; 22, 206; 35, 23; Judith, 20, 9;
Mary, 20, 9; 22, 206; continued |