Turkey Merchants, College for, at
Blackheath, see Religious Foundations.
Turkish menace in Europe, 43, 257.
Turks, prayers against, 35, 58.
"Turks," Wrotham, 24, 128.
Turlepyn, John, 26, 94
Tumbull (Tomebull), Doctor, 35, 50.
Turnepet, John, 20, 177.
Turner (Tornar, Tournor, Tournour, Tymar, Tumor, Tumour), Alice, 28,
81; Amon, 26, 36; Barnabas, 25,21; Christopher, 20,
57; 25, 275; Edward, 21, 86; V. of Stoke, 31, 188;
Ellen, 20, 48; Frances, 30, 31; Gilbert, 25, 18;
Horsenden, 43, 274; Hugh, 30, 137; J. M. W.,
drawing of St. Mary’s, Dover, 45, 273; old view of Tonbridge
attributed to, 44, 33; Joan, 30, 181; see Gotle,
Kedwell, Joan; John, 20, 9; 21, 108; 24, 226; 25,
19; 26, 290, 291; 28, 19, 81; 31,188,191; 41,46;
43,201; 44, 91; R. of Bitborough, 22, 300; John Bennett, 22,
287; Joseph, 28, 82; Marion, 44, 91; Mary, 20,
27,38; 31, 188; see also Bennett, Graham, Whiston, Mary;
Mr., 27, 226; 31, 101-102; Mrs., née Usher, 27,
202; Nicholas, 21, 281; 24, 188; Richard, 20, 27;
26,324,325; 27,169; 40, 121; V. of Dartford, 38, 14; Robert, 21,
297; 22, 280; 23, 72; 25, 138; 28, 77; V. of
Tenterden, 30, 185; 31, 229-230; see also Symcoke,
Robert; Roger, 20, 48; Sara, 20, 9; Thomas, 20,
114; 21, 316; 23, 72; 30, 19; 31, 188; 41,46,
101 ; D. of Canterbury, 42, 118, 120, 124, 136; V. of St.
Lawrence, Thanet, 26, 35, 36; William, 20, 38; 21,
85, 106, 108; 26, 22; 28, 73, 295; V. of Tilmanstone, 20,
112; of Milton by Sittingbourne, 38, 31, 36-37.
Turnpike, Bromley, 33, 124.
Turrall (Rurroll), Richard, 29, 293; William, 20, 238.
Turry (Turrye, Tury), John, 36, 105, 108; 45, 26.
Turvey (Beds.), 27, 205,
Turvey, John, R. of Cowden, 21, 88, 90.
Turyng, James, V. of West Hythe, 30, 239. |
Tuskill the Dane, 22, 133. Tusks, preservation of, excavated, 42,
Elizabeth, 20, 14.
Tutor (Tutor), Adam, 41, 162 Margaret, m. 1, Edward Woodwarde, 2,
Edward White, 39, 133.
Tuttall, Robert, 28, 18.
Tuttles, —, wife of, 29, 295.
Tutton, John, 25, 37, 38.
Tutsham (Tutsam, Tuttysham), Edward, V. of West Peckham, 22, 300;
Richard, 22, 303.
Tutty, Bartholomew, 22, 299.
Tuttysham, see Tutsham.
Tuvier, Nicholas, 32, 308.
Twaytts, see Thwaites.
Tweedie (Tweedy), Alexander Forbes, 30, 178; Colonel, 24,
Twelve pence a Sunday Act, 21,183.
Twickenham, 43, 117.
Twidale, manor, 29, 238; St. John Baptist’s Chapel, see Religious
Twigge, Elizabeth, alias Berisford, 20, 22; Ralph, 20,
22 ; Robert, V. of Tilmanstone, 20, 116; 30, 187.
Twinney, Saltings, 24, lix.
Twisden (Twesden,Twysden), arms, 21, 233; family, 28, 26;
Bennet (Benedicta), wife of Thomas Twysden, 26, 95; Jane, 43,
19; Robert, 28, 292, 294, 295; Sir Roger, 20, 194; 21,
233, 238; 26, 95-96; 27, 54; 38, 193-194; 39,
212 Knight of the Shire, 21, 283, 241; 27, 56; Samuel, 28,
292; Sarah, 28, 292; Susanna, 28, 292; Thomas, 20,
34; 26, 115; 28, 319; 28, 292; 33, 102, 105;
brass, 26, 95-96; Knight of the Shire, 21, 241; William, 28,
292; 39, 195; Sir William, 21, 241; 27, 56; 42,
11; 43, 273; Knight of the Shire, 21, 238.
Twisden (Twysden) Lieutenancy papers, 39, 211-212; "Twysden
Liéutenancy Papers, The," ed. Gladys Scott Thompson (review),’ 38,
193-194 |