Wagge, John, 33, 84.
Waggon (Waghan, Waggin, Waghorn, Waghorne), family, 29, 204;
Edward, 20, 12, 33; 41, 63; Joan, 20, 12, 33; Mary,
30, 28; Richard, 32, 58; Sarah, 20, 31.
Wagnerin, Barbara, wife of Jacob Christen, 44, 251.
Wagstaf, Henry, 35,106.
Wahell (Wahull), Simon de, 28, 327; William de, 22, 258.
"Waifs," right of the Lord of the Manor to, 43,
Waight, see Wayte.
Wainflet (Wainfflet, Wainflete, Wanflet, Wanflett, Waynflete), Mr., 32,
227, 239, 243; 33, 15; Mrs., 33, 15; Robert, V. of
Minster, Thanet, 25, 102; Thomas, 33, 9; 34, 14,
28, 35; Widow, 34, 40.
Wainford, see Wangford.
Waite, Waites, see Watyte; see also Canterbury,
Archbishops of.
Wake, Anne, m. Sir Philip Courtenay, 23, 56; Hugh, 27, 41;
Joanna, see Stuteville, Joannade; SirThomas,23,56.
Wakefield, John, 26, 30; Richard, 27, 135.
Wakeherst, Richard, 41, 32.
Wakelin (Wakelyn, Wakkeleyn, Walkelen), Benjamin, 20, 32; Bishop,
see Rochester, Bishops of; Winchester, Bishops of; Henry, 27,
134; James, 20, 29, 32; Mary, 20, 29, 32 Roger, 27,
131, 134.
Waker, Robert, 25, 260; Thomas, 35,45.
Wakeryng, John, archdeacon, 25, 101; 30, 54, 236; Peter
de, 36, 23.; Thomas, 37, 129.
Waking, William, 30, 66.
Walcare, see Walker.
Walcher, Bishop, see Durham, Bishops of.
Walcot, Salop, 22, 112, 113.
Walcot, arms, 22, 114; Anne, m. Bernard Hyde, 22, 112,
113; Humphrey, 22, 112, 113, 114; John, 22, 113; Sir
Thomas, 41, 35.
Waldeby, Marmaduke, R. of Trottescliffe, 20, 190.
Waldegrave, Sir Edward, 38, 22.
Walden, monastic house at, see Religious Foundations.
arms, 26, 80; Lady, 27, 68; Lord Audley of, see Audley,
Richard do, 23, 240, 241, 245, 262, 309; Sir Richard, 22,
297; Roger, 20, 276.
Waldensian Protestants in Wurtemberg, 21, 151.
Waldercheyne (Walderchyn), 25, 262, 263; Wood, 25, 286.
Waldersham, 25, 266.
Waldershare (Waldwarsfagh, Waldwareshare, Walldershire, Walwarshare), 20,
59, 115, 236 21,181,241; 25,280; 27,57 28,
143; 43, 18; etymology, 26, 15; manor, 43, 19
pictures, 43, 278; Church, see Churches.
Waldershare, arms, 43, 19; Malemeyns of, see Malmains.
Waldwarsfagh, see Waldershare. Wale, Katherine, see Theobald,
Katherine; Thomas, 26, 89; 31, 179, 200; R. of
Trottescliffe, 20, 189.
Waleran, see Rochester, Bishops of.
Waleraund, Isabella, 27, 42; Matilda, see Russell,
Matilda; Robert, 41, 25; Warden of Cinque Ports, 27,
40, 42-43; William, 27, 42. Wales, Edward First’s expedition
against, 21, 274.
Wales, Princess of, 24, 156.
Waleton, Waletune, see Walton.
Waleware, Peter, 25, 78.
Waleys, see Wallis.
Walford, Elizabeth, m. Thomas Selby, 24, 200; 27, 32
Richard, 29, 150; 30, 17 Robert, 24, 200; 27,
Walkelen, see Wakelin.
Walkeley, Roger, 27, 132.
Walker, George P., Old roads in East Kent and Thanet, 38, 75-87;
The lost Wantsum Channel, its importance to Richborough Castle, 39, 91-111
; Villages on the Wantsum Channel, 44, 172-186.
Walker (Walcare, Waleker, Walkar), arms, 26, 272; Abraham, 41,
100; Alice, 20, 12; Anna, wife of Peter Bysler, 44, 242
Henry Bacheler, 20, 155 42, 2, 26; Isaac, 20, 46
Katherine, 43, 68; J., 27, 285 James, 32, 253;
Jane, 30, 230; Joan, 20, 2; alias Petyman, continued |