Whitfield continued
248; 42, 22; Cristian, 40, 46; Elizabeth, 39,
84; 40, 44-45; Francis, 23, 70; Hadarezer, 22, 203;
Herbert, 31, 245, 248, 249-250; James, 32, 299; 44,
140; Joan, see Parker, Joan; John, 22, 203; 32,
297; 39, 79, 80, 81, 85, 89; 40, 42, 43-44, 45, 47; wills
of, 40, 43-46; Josiah, 22, 203; Lucy, 22, 203;
Martha, 31, 245-250; Richard, 39, 80; 40, 38, 39,
43-44, 45, 46; will, 40, 44-45; Roger, 40, 86 Sarah, 22,
203; Thomas, 38, 173, 179; 39, 82, 83; 40, 40,
43-44, 45-46; Walter, 27, 57; William, 40, 45, 46.
Whitgift, John, see Canterbury, Archbishops of.
Whithall, Whithill, Whittals, see Whittle.
Whitham, Widow, 30, 30.
Whiting, W., On some Jutish pottery found in Kent, 39, 35-54;
A Roman cemetery discovered at Ospringe, 35, 1-16, 36, 65-80; The
Roman cemeteries at Ospringe, 37, 83-96; 38, 123-151.
Whiting, W. and C. F. C. Hayter, Durolevum, the evidence of
the coins, 41, 197-206.
Whiting, W. and H. T. Mead, A Roman cemetery at St. Martin’s Hill,
Canterbury, 40, 67-78.
Whiting, William, obituary, 43, 328.
Whiting, Alderman, 20, 63; Ingle, m. Leonard Lovelace, 20,
63; J. B., V. of St. Luke’s, Ramsgate, 25, 182, 183; Martha, m.
Leonard Lovelace, 20, 63; Thomas, 21, 84.
Whitings, Rumball of, 32, 278.
Whitlawe, Christopher, 20, 13.
Whitley (Essex), 24, 200.
Whitley Forest, 31, 168; 38, 54; 40, 163.
Whitley Woods, Sevenoaks, 22, 118.
Whitlock (Whitelock, Whitlocke, Whitlok, Whitloke, Whytloke, Whytloks,
Wytloke), arms, 24, 231 ; Agnes, 37, 38; will, 31,
45; Alice, 32, 224; Anne, m. Abraham Hill, 24, 229, 232;
Buistrode, 24, 229, 232 Frances, 24, 232; Henry, 25,
293, 295; Joan, 27, 170; m. Richard Bernes, will, 31, 53;
John, 29, 302; 31, 45; will, 31, 26, 48; R. of
Ripple, 27, 237; Lord Commissioner, 20, 217; Margaret, 37,
32, 207, 216; Mrs., 32, 211; 33, 30; Thomas, 40,
Whitmell, William, 28, 323.
Whitmore, Herbert, 31, lxv.
Whitnall, see Whetenhall.
Whiton, see Whitton.
Whitpelse, William, 30, 72.
Whitstable, 20, 41, 174; 25, 273; 27, 213, 214,
215; 28, 94; 30, 43, 75; 31, 242; 32, 89,
97, 139; fish-weirs, 28, 85; Church, see Churches; Chapel
and Hermitage, see Religious Foundations.
Whitswere, Beatrix, 20, 182; Richard, 20, 182.
Whitt, see White,
Whittington, Richard, Lord Mayor of London, 31, lxiv; 32,
Whittle (Whithall, Whithil, Whittals),Arme, 31,184; Elizabeth, m.
Sir William de Pympe, 28, 166, 275; Hester, 31, 184; Joan,
32, 121; Richard, 28, 275; Thomas, 32, 108, 121 42,
95; Thurston, 31, 184; William, R. of Luddesdowne, 31,184;
—, V. of East Mailing, 31, 184.
Whittlebury House (Northants), 27, 61.
Whittlesea, see Wittlesey.
Whitton (Whetton, Whiton), Anne alias Pearson, 20, 10;
Edward, 28, 20; 30, 18, 21, 33 Francis, 20, 18;
George, 20, 10; Henry, 20, 3, 18; Katherine, 30,
21; Thomas, 20, 3; 28, 21; 30, 17.
Whitweil Church, see Churches.
Wholkeemer, see Woolcomber.
Whope, Richard, 32, 122; Thomas, will, 31, 51.
Whorley, 21, 298.
Whornes Place, 21, 231 ; 27, 82: 41, xlviii.
Whystrode, see Waystrode.
Whyt, Whyte, Whythe, see White
Whyteacre, see Whitaker.
Wiat, see Wyatt.
Wiborne (Wybarn, Wybern, Wyborn, Wyborne, Wvbourn. Wybourne), Benjamin, 20,
Is; Elianore, 43, 70; Elizabeth, continued |