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Archaeologia Cantiana -  Vol. 52  1940  Index to Volumes 20 to 45   page 454

N0TE.—Place-names occurring under the headings of Bridges, Churches, Religious Foundations, etc., are not cross-referenced; nor are Personal names under headings of Abbacies, Archbishoprics, Bishoprics, Armorial Bearings, etc. Names with the prefix a, atte, de, etc., should be sought under the name itself, and not under a, atte, etc.

Whitfield continued
248; 42, 22; Cristian, 40, 46; Elizabeth, 39, 84; 40, 44-45; Francis, 23, 70; Hadarezer, 22, 203; Herbert, 31, 245, 248, 249-250; James, 32, 299; 44, 140; Joan, see Parker, Joan; John, 22, 203; 32, 297; 39, 79, 80, 81, 85, 89; 40, 42, 43-44, 45, 47; wills of, 40, 43-46; Josiah, 22, 203; Lucy, 22, 203; Martha, 31, 245-250; Richard, 39, 80; 40, 38, 39, 43-44, 45, 46; will, 40, 44-45; Roger, 40, 86 Sarah, 22, 203; Thomas, 38, 173, 179; 39, 82, 83; 40, 40, 43-44, 45-46; Walter, 27, 57; William, 40, 45, 46. Whitgift, John, see Canterbury, Archbishops of.
Whithall, Whithill, Whittals, see Whittle.
Whitham, Widow, 30, 30.
Whiting, W., On some Jutish pottery found in Kent, 39, 35-54; A Roman cemetery discovered at Ospringe, 35, 1-16, 36, 65-80; The Roman cemeteries at Ospringe, 37, 83-96; 38, 123-151.
Whiting, W. and C. F. C. Hayter, Durolevum, the evidence of the coins, 41, 197-206.
Whiting, W. and H. T. Mead, A Roman cemetery at St. Martin’s Hill, Canterbury, 40, 67-78.
Whiting, William, obituary, 43, 328.
Whiting, Alderman, 20, 63; Ingle, m. Leonard Lovelace, 20, 63; J. B., V. of St. Luke’s, Ramsgate, 25, 182, 183; Martha, m. Leonard Lovelace, 20, 63; Thomas, 21, 84.
Whitings, Rumball of, 32, 278.
Whitlawe, Christopher, 20, 13.
Whitley (Essex), 24, 200.
Whitley Forest, 31, 168; 38, 54; 40, 163.
Whitley Woods, Sevenoaks, 22, 118.
Whitlock (Whitelock, Whitlocke, Whitlok, Whitloke, Whytloke, Whytloks, Wytloke), arms, 24, 231 ; Agnes, 37, 38; will, 31, 45; Alice, 32, 224; Anne, m. Abraham Hill, 24, 229, 232; Buistrode, 24, 229, 232 Frances, 24, 232; Henry, 25, 293, 295; Joan, 27, 170; m. Richard Bernes, will, 31, 53; John, 29, 302; 31, 45; will, 31, 26, 48; R. of Ripple, 27, 237; Lord Commissioner, 20, 217; Margaret, 37, 38; 

Mr., 32, 207, 216; Mrs., 32, 211; 33, 30; Thomas, 40, 47.
Whitmell, William, 28, 323.
Whitmore, Herbert, 31, lxv.
Whitnall, see Whetenhall.
Whiton, see Whitton.
Whitpelse, William, 30, 72.
Whitstable, 20, 41, 174; 25, 273; 27, 213, 214, 215; 28, 94; 30, 43, 75; 31, 242; 32, 89, 97, 139; fish-weirs, 28, 85; Church, see Churches; Chapel and Hermitage, see Religious Foundations.
Whitswere, Beatrix, 20, 182; Richard, 20, 182.
Whitt, see White,
Whittington, Richard, Lord Mayor of London, 31, lxiv; 32, 69.
Whittle (Whithall, Whithil, Whittals),Arme, 31,184; Elizabeth, m. Sir William de Pympe, 28, 166, 275; Hester, 31, 184; Joan, 32, 121; Richard, 28, 275; Thomas, 32, 108, 121 42, 95; Thurston, 31, 184; William, R. of Luddesdowne, 31,184; —, V. of East Mailing, 31, 184.
Whittlebury House (Northants), 27, 61.
Whittlesea, see Wittlesey.
Whitton (Whetton, Whiton), Anne alias Pearson, 20, 10; Edward, 28, 20; 30, 18, 21, 33 Francis, 20, 18; George, 20, 10; Henry, 20, 3, 18; Katherine, 30, 21; Thomas, 20, 3; 28, 21; 30, 17.
Whitweil Church, see Churches.
Wholkeemer, see Woolcomber.
Whope, Richard, 32, 122; Thomas, will, 31, 51.
Whorley, 21, 298.
Whornes Place, 21, 231 ; 27, 82: 41, xlviii.
Whystrode, see Waystrode.
Whyt, Whyte, Whythe, see White
Whyteacre, see Whitaker.
Wiat, see Wyatt.
Wiborne (Wybarn, Wybern, Wyborn, Wyborne, Wvbourn. Wybourne), Benjamin, 20, Is; Elianore, 43, 70; Elizabeth, continued

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