Widger, Joan, alias Coule, 20,
18; William, 20, 18.
Widgett, John, 20, 32.
Widmere, Nicholas, V. of Tenterden, 31, 213.
Widon, Clement, 31, 253.
Widowes, Daniel, 26, 41.
Widows, provision for in Kentish wills, 30, 127-131.
Widred, see Wihtred.
Widville, see Woodville.
Wieghelmestun, see Wilmington.
Wield, manor, 22, 113, 118.
Wielicock, see Wilcox.
Wielmestun, see Walmestone.
Wierton, Boughton Monchelsea, 21, 241 ; 31,
Wigan (Lanes.), 27, 41.
Wigan, Edward, 26, 164; Mr., 20, 216; P. F., V. of
Thornham, 26, 259.
Wigeberg, Malger de, 40, 107.
Wigenhal, Philip de, 20, 66.
Wiggen, Rev. William, 22, 294.
Wiggenden, Richard, 21, 84.
Wiggins, Paul, 20, 45
Wighard, archbishop-elect of Canterbury, 38, 106.
Wight, Isle of, 21, 202; Odo arrested in, 39, 60, 74.
Wight, see White.
Wightman, Frances, m. Robert Strainsham, 30, 61; William, 30,
61; 38, 18; R. of Westenhanger, 31, 90.
Wightwick, George, 33, 97; Humphrey, 32, 292; 33,
Wigmore, arms, 40, 97; Anne, 36, 55; Baron, see Mortimer,
Ralph de, Roger de; Beatrice, 36, 55; Edith, 36, 55;
Edward, 25, 46; Elizabeth, 36, 54, 55; John, 30,
26; 36, 54, 55; 40, 89, 97, 116; Katherine, see Kirton,
Katherine; Margaret, 36, 54, 55; Mr., 34, 39; Richard, 36,
55; Thomas, 29, 317.
Wigod (Wygood), John, 42, 56; Walter, 34, 70, 76, 78.
Wigorceastre, see Worcester.
John, 32, 322.
Wigsell (Sussex), 38, 25. |
Wihtred (Widred), King of Kent, 20, 295; 24, 119, 120-121;
laws in Text. Roff., 23, 99; tomb, 38, 109-112.
Wihtricesham, see Wittersham.
Wikeyng, Wikyng, Wikynge, see Wickenden.
Wikwane (Wykkewane), Henry, 20, 161, 184.
Wilbore (Wilbor, Wilborough, Wildbore, Willbore, Wylbor, Wyldbore,
Wyldebore), Edmund, 28, 78; Edward, 28, 77; Henry, 20,
33 ; James, 35, 18; Jeremy, 25, 34; John, V. of
Lamberhurst, 22, 297-298; alias Dygon, V. of Minster,
Thanet, 25, 104; 28, 76; Richard, V. of Aylesford, 22,
298; William, V. of St. Nicholas, Rochester, 22, 304; —, 21,
Wilborough manor, Cambridge, 26, 90.
Wilcox (Wielicock, Wilcock, Wilcocke, Wilcocks, Wilcoks, Wilcotes,
Wilcoxe, Wylcock, Wylcockes, Wylkoks, Wyllcoke), arms, 39, 117,
124; Ann, see Mun, Ann; Edmund, 33, 9, 29; Edward, 27,
52; 32, 306; Elizabeth, see Dalton, French, Elizabeth;
George, 26, 275; James, 28, 17; John, 20,35; 26,275;
28,21; 42, 23, 34; Knight of the Shire, 21, 220;
Joseph, 26, 275; see also Gloucester, Bishops of;
Rochester, Bishops of; Louisa, see Tylor, Louisa; Mary, m.
Laurence, Hollenden, 21, 134; Mrs., 33, 15; Robert, 20,
35; 27, 53; Samuel, 31, 253; Thomas, 24, 185; 32,
305; Walter, 26, 94; William, 20, 37; 27, 52; alias
Philpott, 30, 118.
Wilcoxon, Elizabeth, see Chamberlain, Elizabeth; Ralph, 20, 32.
Wild (Wilde, Wilds, Wyld, Wylde), arms, 24, 263; Anne, alias Willias,
22, 92; Caroline, see Henham, Caroline; Elizabeth, 22, 92;
Frances, alias Osborne, m. John Bargrave, 22, 91-92;
George, R. of Biddenden, Bishop of Londonderry, 21, 185; 28,
19; John, 23, 318; 25, 78; 29, 150; 30, 24;
R. of Milton by Gravesend, 22, 302; Sir John, 22, 92;
Mary, 30, 30; widow, 30, 16; m. John Hyde, 22, 120;
Peter, 30, 30; Roger, R. of continued |