Wycham, Wycham Brewose, see Wickhambreux.
Wychelyng, 20, 70, 179; Church, see Churches.
Wychybrok, Osbert, priest, 29, 228.
Wyck, Wyke, Wyckyn, Wyckyng, Wyngenden, see Wickenden.
Wydliff, English bible, 21, 142.
Wycombe, 27, 42, 279; 31, 214.
Wycombe, High, Church, see Churches.
Wyddon, Christopher, 20, 239.
Wydevyle, see Woodville.
Wydgare, Simon, 38, 163.
Wye, 20, 3, 12, 17, 41, 192, 236, 237, 240; 21, 188,
196-197, 228; 22, 90; 23, 77; 25, 62, 270, 275, 276; 26,
168; 28, 311; 29, 42; 31, 103, 242; 36, 138;
43, 283.
Agricultural College, heraldic fireback, 29, 41, 42.
Anglo-Saxon discoveries, 21, 1.
Church, see Churches.
College, see Religious Foundations.
dues from, 45, 83.
manor, 39, 201; 42, 153.
Vicars, 28, 325-326.
Wye Fair, 20, 243.
Wye (Wy), George, 20, 20; John de, 21, 278; Juliana
do, 30, 46; Mary, see Treheme, Mary.
Wyels, William, R. of Ash, 22, 307.
Wygheton, William, R. of Pevington, 22, 109.
Wygood, see Wigod.
Wyhall, Nathaniel, 25, 16.
Wyhtburga, dau. of Anna, 22, 145.
Wyk,Wyke,Wykyng,see Wickenden.
Wyke, 25, 262; 29, 243.
Wykeham, William of, see Rochester, Bishops of.
Wykeham-Martin, Elizabeth, 26, 222; Fiennes, 25, 141;
Frances Yore, m. George Birch Reynardson, 25, 141; Philip, 26,
Wylbor, Wyldbore, Wyldebore see Wilbore.
Wylboss, William, 35, 53.
Wyleby, Brother John, cellarer of Rochester, 29, 124.
Wyles, Anne, 20, 5.
Wylgeforte, Saint, see Uncumber, - Saint.
Wylhope, Mabel do, 20, 163; Richard de, 20, 163.
see Eastwell, Weetwell. |
Wyllenson, see Wilkinson.
Wyllers, Isoud, 43, 14; John, 43, 14.
Wyly, John, 25, 292, 293; —, 29, 303.
Wymar, William de, 20, 67.
Wymark (Wimark, Wymarke), Agnes, 37, 50; Denis, 37, 50;
Edward, 30, 31; Gilbert. 26, 18; Margaret, 37, 50;
Robert, 32, 85; will, 37, 50.
Wymbeldon, John, 25, 218, 219.
Wymboume, see Wimbome.
Wymbyssh, Thomas, 21, 316.
Wymelineswold, Wymingswold, see Womenswould.
Wymeswold Church, see Churches.
Wymond, Paul, 42, 22, 23 ; William. 42, 23.
Wymondes well Chapel, see Religious Foundations.
Wymondham, Leicester, 26, 326.
Wymshurst (Wympshurst), Mr., 29, 150; Thomas, 28, 18.
Wymswold, Wymyngswelde, see Womenswould.
Wynack, John, 25, 49.
Wynborn, Wynborne, Wyndeboume, see Wimborne.
Wynch, Henry do, 29, 110, 115;
Wyndham (Windham), arms, 21, 242 ; Sir Edward, 21, 242;
Humphrey, 39, 133; Margaret, see Stevenson, Margaret;
William, 27, 59-60; Sir Wyndham Knatchbull, Knight of the Shire, 21,
241, 242; 23, 80.
Wyndwall (? Wombwell), manor, 32, 53.
Wyne, Felice, 43, 67.
Wyneday, Gregory, 29, 161; Joan, m. 1, John Crekyng, 2, Robert
Brent, 29, 161.
Wyneform, John, 25, 27.
Wynelisberghe, see Willesborough.
Wynett, John, 43, 36.
Wynewaye, John, 28, 285 ; Thomas, 28, 285.
Wyng (Rutland), 27, 238.
Wyngenaria, Richard de, 25, 261.
Wyngmere, 22, 263; 24, 130.
Wyngold, Alice, 20, 174; Richard, 20, 174; Simon, 20,
Wynne, John W., 27, 35; Peter, 25, 50.
Wynnepeny, John, 25, 260.
Wynner, John, V. of Tilmanstone, 20, 106. |