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Archaeologia Cantiana - Vol. 58 1945 page 75
REPORTS: Dover Excavation Committee continued
made rectangular vertical hole, such as could have held a wooden post. Such post holes have been found in the lowest footings of the Roman fortress at Pevensey, and so may give support to the suggestion that, with the evidence of the pottery, walling of the late 3rd century or soon after has been located where it might have been expected.
The second trench yielded better Roman walling, but the evidence was complicated by two large medieval rubbish pits. The fortress wall, which must normally have been a massive structure, seems not to have been found, but on the other hand it is possible that what was opened up may have been part of a turret or even agateway on the line of the wall. Mr. O'Neil considers that the results of the excavations, as far as they have gone, are most encouraging, and is most appreciative of the work of the band of volunteers who with and under the direction of Mrs. Murray Threipland gave their time in what it is fair to say is not an easy undertaking. He also desires to thank the Hon. Secretary of the Committee, Mr. P. V. Marchant, who has laboured exceedingly in the cause. For the submission of the Report, which I have epitomised and quoted from, I must thank Mr. J. H. Mowll, one of the two Vice-Chairmen.
W. P. D. S.
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