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Ash next Ridley - Parish Information

The History of Education in the Village of Ash next Ridley, Kent. (1735-1950)
      by N. J. Muller.  An Historical and Sociological Survey

          Deed of Trust signed by James Lance       Page 66

said Parish of Ash for the time being shall from time to time and at all times for ever hereafter at a meeting to be held of them once in every year in the month of November in some convenient place in the said Parish of Ash nominate and appoint whose children and what number shall be taught and instructed in the aforesaid school in consideration of the said sum of five pounds per annum hereby appointed to be paid to the master thereof as aforesaid the children of the poor inhabitants of the said Parish of Ash who are least able to provide for themselves and families being always preferred and that the voice or vote of the rector of Ash for the time being shall preponderate and be conclusive in case of equality of votes at any such meeting held for the purposes aforesaid PROVIDED ALSO and it is hereby further declared directed and agreed in order to the keeping up and preserving a sufficient number of trustees of the said charity THAT when and so often as the trustees partial hereto of the 

second part or any future trustees of the said charity shall be reduced to two in number either by the death of the other trustees or by their declining to act in the trusts hereof the said James Lance if still living and after his decease then the surviving or remaining trustees shall elect other proper persons of the said Parish of Ash to be trustees for the purposes aforesaid and the surviving trustees shall thereupon convey the FEE SIMPLE and inheritance of the said hereditaments hereby bargained and sold and otherwise the said annuity or yearly rent hereby granted unto and TO THE USE of such new trustees so to be elected as aforesaid jointly with the remaining or surviving trustees and the said new trustees so to be elected as aforesaid shall thereupon be invested with and possess and exercise all and every the powers and authorities hereby reposed in the said present trustees of the said charity as fully and effectually to all intents

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