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Ash next Ridley - Parish Information

The History of Education in the Village of Ash next Ridley, Kent. (1735-1950)
      by N. J. Muller.  An Historical and Sociological Survey

          Deed for extra playground by Lambarde       Page 70

I MULTON LAMBARDE of Beechmont in the Parish of Sevenoaks in the County of Kent Esquire under the authority of an Act passed in the fifth year of the Reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria entitled an act to afford further facilities for the Conveyance and Endowment of Sites for Schools and of the Act of the eighth year of the Reign of Her present Majesty explaining the same DO hereby freely and voluntarily and without valuable consideration grant and convey unto the Minister and Churchwardens of the Parish of Ash near Dartford in the County of Kent and their successors ALL that piece of land containing by admeasurement Thirty perches be the same little more or less situate in the Parish of Ash (near Dartford) in the County of Kent bounded on or towards the North and West by other lands belonging to the said Multon Lambarde and in the occupation of Mr Edward Martin Hilder on or towards the East partly by public Highway called Church Lane and partly by the premises now used

as and for a National School and on or towards the South partly by the said last mentioned school premises ALL which piece of Land and hereditament hereinbefore expressed to be hereby granted are delineated in the plan drawn in the margin of these presents and are therein distinguished by the color pink together with all easements appurtenances and hereditaments corporeal and incorporeal belonging thereto (for copy of plan see fig.11) or connected therewith And all my estate right title and interest in or to the said premises TO HOLD the same unto and to the use of the said Minister and Churchwardens and their successors for the purposes of the said Act and upon trust to permit the said premises and all buildings thereon erected or to be erected to be for ever hereafter appropriated and used as and for a School and for the education of the children only of the labouring and other poorer classes in the Parish of

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