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Ash next Ridley - Parish Information

The History of Education in the Village of Ash next Ridley, Kent. (1735-1950)
      by N. J. Muller.  An Historical and Sociological Survey

          Benefaction Board in Ash church      Page 92

This board is to be found at the West end of the South aisle. Only those words appertaining to the School Charities are reproduced here.

The Revd. SAML. ATWOOD gave to this Parish the Annual Sum of Twenty-Two Pounds Ten-Shillings for the following uses; viz.

Twenty Pounds Annually to support a free school for the children of the Poor of this Parish for ever.

Twenty Shillings Annually to be distributed among the Poor of this Parish in Bread on Good Friday.

Twenty Shillings Annually to buy Pens, Ink, and Paper for the use of the School.

Ten Shillings Annually to be expended at the meeting of the Trustees of the said School.

(It is interesting to note the difference in spelling of Mr. Attwood’s name – of. Appendix 1. In transcribing these words the writer has tried to retain the original form of presentation, this means the use of the letter ‘f’ in place of the old fashioned ‘s’.)

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