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Ash next Ridley - Parish Information

The History of Education in the Village of Ash next Ridley, Kent. (1735-1950)
      by N. J. Muller.  An Historical and Sociological Survey

          Donations to the ‘Gravesend Church Union’ taken from the
Year Book for that organisation 1870
      Page 93

This is the only Year Book still in existence to the Writer’s knowledge and is in the Gravesend Library. Nothing very much is known about this organisation, except that it was a group of the churches in and around Gravesend of several different denominations which helped to advance the education of the area with grants. The only factor which led to this being included was the frontispiece of the work.

Subscriptions and Donations Received:
Ash & Fawkham;                       Ridley;
Ashenden M.                        Cook G. Esq.
Fletcher H.J. Esq.                 Fletcher J.F. Esq.
Fletcher Miss S.                    Lofts Mr. & Family
Jones Miss L.                        Rev.Phelps
                                                    (African Mission)
Kempton Miss                      Mrs. T.P. Phelps
Rolls E.J. Esq.                       H.G.M. Phelps Esq.
Runell Mr. L.                         H.O. Phelps Esq. R.N.
Salway Rev. R.                      L.R. Phelps Esq.
Salway Miss
Somers Mrs.
Wadlow Miss M.
Webster Miss
Weller H.
Small Sums
   Total £3/2s/9d.                      Total £1/12s/9d.

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