Aspects of Kentish Local History

Patch Grove Ware (PGW) Pottery & an Otford, Kent, Kiln Site - Forms & the N.W. Kent Distribution
by Christopher St John Breen, 4th Year Student, B.Sc. Archaeological Sciences May 1987                                   

Drawings and Photographs of  PGW Basesw - Back to list of PGW Forms

Bases of closed forms; Drawings one and two illustrate the types encountered at Frog Farm.
   Jar base A is the most common encountered on sites in North West Kent.
   Jar base C is common in the same area, especially in the second century.
   Jar base E a reserved burnished zone can occur on A or B.                      
   Type 24 strainer bases have been noted on a number of sites and there is only one example of a
pre-fired base at Frog Farm.  All others had the holes drilled post-fired.

The incipient pedestal base is a later first century variant and the fully developed 
pedestal base is represented by one example at Frog Farm

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