Aspects of Kentish Local History

Fawkham and Ash Archaeological Group (FAAG)

The discovery and excavation of a Late Iron-Age and Early Roman Farmstead at
   Martin's Quarry, Longfield, Kent 1974 and 1979 TQ6084/6842

Site Diary

Martin’s (Pinden) Quarry, Mile End Green, Longfield, Kent

Site Diary 1974
Typed copy of red hard-backed book, with graph paper on left and lined pages on right.

Page 34

Drawing of section through Feature T west face. Section 1.

Page 35

Monday 21st October, 1974
Discovery: Roman pottery was reported to have been discovered in 1953 at the Quarry, and is listed on the Ordnance Survey Cards.
Ted Connell saw topsoiling on a new section of quarry taking place, while on the train on Monday 21st October. So Pam and Ted walked over the site on Monday evening. They saw a number of features, including pits and ditches, and collected four pieces of hard, black pottery. Ted spoke to Mr Bob Gagg, the owner and obtained permission to observe machining the next day. Mr Gagg is a farmer and lives at Pinden Farm, Longfield (180 acres).

Tuesday 22nd October 1974
Preliminary Work: Ted observed quarry operations. The chalk surface had to be left free of all soil and therefore all features were being machined out by a JCB. Ted was able to make a rough sketch and retrieve some pottery and animal bones. An excavation has been arranged for the weekend.

Page 36

Drawing of section through Feature U, west face. Section 2.

Page 37

Saturday 26th October 1974
a.m. - dry, overcast, p.m. – slight misty drizzle. 10.00 a.m. tools and poly-palace on site.
Bob and Pam - dug feature L, [ says F in rough site notebook] a rectangular, grave-like pit. Fill mostly chalk lumps. Some pottery, lumps of daub and slag of some kind.
Tim G and David D - dug section through Ditch J [says F in rough site notebook]. They found that it ended – possible causeway with Ditch E. Some pottery.
Kathy and Suzanne – dug out top of Pit S [says F in rough site notebook] , and found flint packing for 2 posts.
Jim Smith and Gary Smith – dug section through Ditch K [says F in rough site notebook] at 3-4 metres W of base line. Some pottery and bone.
Tim and David assisted Roger Walsh in cleaning area to the West of base line. 75m S. Many ditches and post holes.
Roger Cockett and Mike Drake – cleaned off features and marked with posts. Laid out base line and fixed points and started plotting.
Gary Smith who lives at Gay Cottage, opposite the entrance to the Quarry allowed us to store the tools and barrows in his garden.

Sunday 27th October 1974
a.m. dry, overcast, very windy and cold. p.m. shower dinner time, spots all afternoon. Clocks went back so dark at 4.45 p.m.
a.m FAAG members cleared area from base line to West 55m S to 65m S upper group of post holes and Ditches [says F as well in rough site notebook] D and E.

Page 38

Drawing of section through Feature M, west face. Section 3.

Page 39

DDAG members under Roger Walsh cleared from base line westwards 65m S to 80m S group of post holes and "Clapham Junction" of Ditches V, W and X.
p.m. Pam and Bob dug section across the intersection of Ditches D and E. Ditch E is cut by Ditch D. [says F as well in rough site notebook]
David D.
excavated section of Ditch N, 3 m West of 102m S. Very shallow, No finds.
Roger C. surveyed all features.
Allan R. excavated and disproved pit ? at extreme E end of Ditch N. Then cut section through N at 98m S and 30m West. Very shallow. No finds.
Gary S. and Elaine S. started half section of rectangular Pit T, [9m from edge of quarry added in notebook]
David D. and Susan C. started half section of rectangular Pit U. [14m from edge of quarry it says in original notebook]
Jim and Ted Conway excavated across intersection of Ditches W and V. W seems later. No finds. Very shallow.
Stewart M. excavated section across Ditch X, [says N in rough site notebook] 5m West of base line. No finds but discovered Post hole EE.
Eric Munford and Ken W. – dug section across spoil spread (possible negative lynchet filled in or levelling of ditch). Found Ditch/Pit JJ 68m S x 9m W. Lots of pottery plus deposit of seed?
Steve M. and David Phillips commenced section across soil spread at 70m S x 15m W, discovered N edge of possible Ditch JJ. One rim of pot.

Page 40

Drawing of section through Feature JJ, west face. Section 4.

Page 41

Monday 28th October 1974
a.m. and p.m. dry but overcast, very, very windy and cold.
a.m. David D. finished half section of Pit U. [says F - U in rough site notebook]
Mike B. half sectioned Postholes KK, LL, and NN
Pam and Ted finished section across intersection of Ditches D and E. [says F – D+E in rough site notebook] Drew section. D Ditch later.
p.m. David D. continued with section across soil spread, started by Eric M. on Sunday.
Gary Smith continued with section started by Steve M. on Sunday. Located south side of Ditch JJ.

Wednesday 30th October 1974
a.m. dry, bright though overcast. Moderate wind- cold. p.m. wet – very cold.
Erected dome end of Poly Palace and tarpaulin. Very cosy.
Dick and Nigel excavated half section of rectangular pit M. [says F-M in rough site notebook] Pottery, slag, nail 15cm, many pot boilers.
David D. continued excavating section across Ditch JJ (MQ 16). [says F in rough site notebook]
Bob D. started section Ditch JJ at 80m S x 20m W.
Tim Goss scraped back junction of Ditches V + W.[ says F-V+W in rough site notebook]
Steve G. finished half section of Pit U. [says F-Q in rough site notebook] Also disproved Pit Q only 5cm of disturbed chalk.
Pam and Ted measured and helped/
p.m. Bob, David and Ted constructed 2 wooden frames and covered them with polythene.

Left site at 15.45

Page 42

Drawing of section through Feature S, east face. Section 5.

Page 43

Friday 1st November 1974
a.m. and p.m. dry – overcast, very dull.
Gary excavated further section of Ditch K to the west until machined out part. (MQ 9)
Tim Goss continued excavation of Ditch W to the west end. Then carried on west in Ditch V. (MQ 20)
Eric M. continued excavation of East end of Ditch JJ. Straightened section back at North side. Found pot and dolphin brooch – 25cm, 20cm from N. edge, from E.
Steve G. continued half section of Pit S. Found burnt daub? Layer at –75cm
David D. finished section across Ditch JJ. Then excavated section across Ditch B, 4m East of quarry edge. Very shallow.
Pam and Bob drew sections of Pits M,T,U and Ditch JJ and half of Pit S..
Mr Gagg’s machine came up and moved some spoil heaps away. Also scraped off top of soil spread over Ditch JJ and exposed Ditch B.
Observations: It now seems certain that Ditch JJ is a continuation of Ditch A.

Page 44

Drawing of section through Feature J, west face. Section 6.

Page 45

Saturday 2nd November 1974
a.m and p.m. dry- bright at first, overcast later, cold. Lt Col Meates visited the site, saw pottery and gave interesting observations.
Mike Bryant sectioned holes.
Eric and Richard M. continued excavation of JJ at east end (MQ 17)
Janet and Sara M. sectioned post holes.
Penny J. continued excavation of Ditch B westwards.
Stewart M. continued excavation of Ditch J westwards. (MQ 10)
Bob and Pam drew sections of Ditches K and J. Then excavated Ditch D eastwards leaving Ditch E.
Roger C. excavated sections of top ditches and disproved them. They seem to be natural faults? In the chalk, filled with brown clay. Then cleaned off and plotted Ditch B.

Sunday 3rd November 1974
a.m. raining on arrival, fine later, one other 10 minute shower in morning. P.m. one shower, rest fine.
Susan C., Carole and Elaine excavated other half of Pit M.
Joe W. and David P. excavated other half of Pit U.
John Hawkins and David D. excavated other half of Pit T.
Stewart M finished clearing out Ditch J [from rough site notebook].
Frank Ashby excavated Ditch B to the west, then worked east.
Roger C. excavated section at junction of Ditches X and V. X is later. Then plotted.
Steve M. and Chris B. excavated Ditches D and E, to east of junction.

Page 46

Drawing of section through Feature K, east face. Section 7.

Page 47

Janet M. and Sara M. continued excavating half of post holes.
Eric and Richard M. continued excavation of east end of Ditch JJ. More pottery, plus in chalk rubble at very bottom, skull of animal and I small sherd of Samian. MQ 25
Alan R. and Jim C. excavated section of Ditch JJ just west of Eric M. near MQ 16, assisted by Dick Jones.
David Phillips excavated a section of Ditch JJ just west of section by DD. MQ 16. Three sherds of Samian at top of ditch. MQ 27.
Tim Goss continued excavation of Ditch V, westwards. 1 base of pot. MQ 24
Steve Goss continued excavation of Pit S. Took other half section out. Bottom – layer of burnt? Daub? Was sectioned E-W and drawn. Lots of big pottery. MQ 22
Pam and Bob drew sections of post holes and ditches.
Gary S. excavated bulk of soil Ditch K, MQ 9 just west of intersection of Ditches D and E.
Wendy A. excavated Ditch X from west to east.

Page 48

Drawing of section through junction of ditches D and E, east face. Section 8.

Page 49

Saturday 9th November 1974
a.m. overcast, very windy. Had to take "dome" end down. p.m. continued, also very cold.
Pam and Bob drew sections of post holes and ditches.
Roger C. located 2 other sets of four post holes and plotted various features.
Eric M. and Keith continued excavation of extreme east end of Ditch JJ. Finished, section drawn. Then started taking baulk out to the west.
Ron H. continued with section of JJ started by David P. MQ 27.
Janet and Richard M. excavated extreme end of Ditch X.
Frank A. completed excavation of Ditch B. MQ 2
Tony ? excavated 2 metres of shallow ditch [says N in rough site notebook] near base line, then excavated rest of Ditch W eastwards.
Richard M. finished and cleaned out Pit S.

Page 50

Drawing of section through Feature GG, east face
Drawing of section through Feature HH, south west face

Page 51

Sunday 10th November 1974
a.m. bright sunshine, windy. p.m. overcast very cold.
Pam and Roger C. drew sections and plans of rectangular pits etc.
Mike Drake assisted in afternoon.
David D. and Chris B. excavated Ditch E back to edge of area.
Tim and Penny J. excavated Ditches X and V from west end.
Eric, Janet and Bob continued excavation of baulk in Ditch JJ east end. Found two new features at north lip of ditch.
David P., Ted Conway and George H. continued excavation of Ditch JJ at MQ 27. Also took baulk out towards MQ 16.
June, Jim C. and John Hawkin extended and excavated section Ditch JJ 11.70 m from east end of ditch to 14.40 m.
Steve M. and Ken W. excavated section Ditch JJ 21 metres plus west of east end of ditch.
Stewart M. and Alan R. excavated section of Ditch JJ west of Steve and Ken to 26.6 metres to point where JCB had cut to.
Suzanne and Kath W. excavated section of Ditch N east side.
Graham Budd and Gary Smith finished excavation of Ditches X and V.
Mike Bryant, Elaine S., Susan C., Sara M., Betty P., Kathleen C. finished total excavation of all post holes.

Page 52

Drawing of section through Feature FF, east face
Drawing of section through Feature EE, west face

Page 53


Page 54

Drawing of section through Feature DD, east face
Drawing of section through Feature BB, east face
Drawing of section through Feature CC, east face

Page 55


Page 56

Drawing of section through Feature TT, east face
Drawing of section through Feature SS, east face
Drawing of section through Feature RR, east face
Drawing of section through Feature QQ, east face

Page 57


Page 58

Drawing of section through Feature LL, east face
Drawing of section through Feature KK, east face

Page 59

Page 60

Drawing of section through Feature MM, east face
Drawing of section through Feature NN, east face
Drawing of section through Feature PP, east face

Page 61


Page 62

Drawing of section through Features V and X, north west face. Section 9.

Page 63


Page 64

Drawing of section through Feature S, south west face. Section 10.

Page 65


Page 66

Drawing of section through Feature R, east face
Drawing of section through Feature P, east face

Page 67


Page 68

Drawing of section through Feature D, east face. Section 11.

Page 69


Page 70

Drawing of section through Feature E, east face. Section 12.

Page 71


Page 72
Drawing of section through Feature JJ east end, west face, 9m west of H, Section 13.

Page 73


Page 74

Drawing of section through Feature W, east face. Section 14.

Page 75


Page 76

Drawing of section through Feature N south ditch, east face. Section 15.
Drawing of section through Feature N west ditch, south face. Section 16.

Page 77


Page 78

Drawing of section through Feature AB, west face
Drawing of section through Feature AC, west face

Page 79


Page 80

Drawing of section through Feature UU, east face
Drawing of section through Feature ZZ, east face
Drawing of section through Feature XX, east face
Drawing of section through Feature VV, east face

Page 81


Page 82

Drawing of section through Feature AE, west face
Drawing of section through Feature AF, west face
Drawing of section through Feature AG, west face
Drawing of section through Feature AD, west face

Page 83


Page 84

Drawing of section through Feature L, west face. Section 17.

Page 85


Page 86

Drawing of section through intersection of Features EE and X, north face. Section 18

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Martin’s (Pinden) Quarry, NORTH, Mile End Green, Longfield, Kent

Site Diary 1976

Page 1

Sunday 10th October, 1976
Further trial excavations were carried out in the field immediately to the north of Martins Quarry, with the permission of Mr Masters, Ivy Cottage (near The Wheatsheaf). An effort was made to trace the two ditches that could be seen in the north face of Martins Quarry.

The ditch A to the east, seemed to be entering the quarry face from the east at a very obtuse angle. The ditch B to the west seemed to be entering the face at right angles.

A trench was dug at right angles to the projected line of ditch A and approx 6.5 metres excavated. The sub soil was of clayey loam and flints with a chalky wash in some places. No features were located and the trench was backfilled.

Present: Pam and Ted, Sara, Ian G, Sue, Bill and Dot, Alan Rush.

Sketch shows quarry face and trench at right angles to projected line of ditch A.

Page 2

Sunday 17th October, 1976
Weather; fine and sunny, slight breeze. Excavation with JCB hire – 2 hrs at £5.

A trench was cut with the JCB from 103 metres west of A 1974 grid line for a distance of approx ?? metres.

X 0.00m Grid base line 1974
X 103.00m Start of JCB trench
X 112.50m Boundary stone
X 133.50m Ditch
X 134.00m Trench dug 1976/10/10
X 139.50m Ditch?
X 144.50}m Very large
X 147.00}m pit (at least 2m deep)
X 165.00m End of JCB trench

The ditch at point 122.50metres was followed with the JCB to the north for approx 3 metres. The fill was excavated, brown loam and small broken flint and chalk fragments. Some pottery, very grotty. Plus some daub type lumps. MQN 35 (Approx 22 – 25 metres from A line.)
The large feature at 144.50m – 147.00 m was cut with the JCB and was at least 2 metres deep. Possible modern quarry. Filled with black loam and broken flint and chalk fragments.

Page 3

Attendance: Pam and Ted, Sara B, all day, Bob and David a.m. Roger C p.m.

Page 4

Sunday 24th October 1976
Weather: (clocks back 1 hr on Saturday) sunny and dry, very nice, chilly later

Excavations - JCB hired 1½ hrs. £7.50 Roy Richards
JCB continued exposing Ditch discovered on 17/10/76 until approx 26 metres from hedge. The ditch also cut first through weathered chalk, then brown clay with flints and finally into chalk again.

Sections were cut through the ditch at various points.

The 1974 MQ grid was located and projected west along the field. A point 120 metres west of point A was just near the Northern edge of the excavation.

Cut 1 - Roger C dug a section through the ditch at approx 2 metres from line A. No finds.

Cut 2 - Pam and Ted started a section through the ditch at approx 7 – 8 metres from line A. One bead rim. MQN 36.

Cut 3 - Albert Smith started section through the ditch at approx 12 – 13 metres from line A. No finds.

Cut 4 - Sara started a section through the ditch at approx 15.5 – 17 metres from line A. some sherds of pottery. (part of a red shallow bowl, reeded rim and base) MQN 37

Cut 5 – Graham, Roger and Helen (a.m.), Penny and Adam (p.m.) continued excavation of ditch from 23m northwards to approx 21 metres. Some small animal bones MQN 38

Page 5
Sketch of ditch and cuts

Page 6
Attendance: a.m. Ted Connell, Pam Connell, Sara Bishop, Roger Cockett, Graham Budd, Albert Smith, Roger Darby, Helen Darby.
p.m. Ted Connell, Pam Connell, Sara Bishop, Roger Cockett, Albert,Smith, Penny and Adam

Page 7

Sunday 31st October 1976
Weather: bright and sunny, warm. Slight breeze from NW.

Attendance: Ted Connell, Pam Connell, Sara Bishop and John Clarke

Excavations – a.m. Cut 6 - Two trial trenches were cut across the projected line of the ditch to the North. Sara and John

Cut 7 – Pam and Ted locating the ditch in both cuts. No finds.

p.m. Two further trial trenches were cut across the projected line of the ditch. The first Cut 8 by John and Sara located the ditch. The second Cut 9 by Pam and Ted failed to locate the ditch, a chalk wash subsoil was encountered.

Pages 8 to 11 are blank

Pages 12 to 16 - Survey note of trial trenches

Page 12

Sketch showing Line A at right angles to Ditch, marked off in various sections up to 120m.

Page 13

Similar sketch at right angles 1m to 19 m.

Page 14 and 15

Sketch notes with measurements of trenches north of hedge 1976-10-24.

Page 16

Sketch measurements by Ted of trenches north of Peg A 1976-10-31.

No further entries

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Martin’s (Pinden) Quarry, Mile End Green, Longfield, Kent

Site Diary 1979

From orange note book

Page 9

Sunday 14th January 1979
Weather – overcast and cold, but not freezing.

Only approx 15 metres stripped, leaving a baulk of soil right at the extreme edge of the quarry. Walked over cleared area – lots of ditches, pits and post holes.
Another machine expected Monday to clear back the soil at the edge of quarry. In the afternoon Mr Tree of 2, Butlers Place towed caravan to site from Scotgrove (cost £8 ). Sara and Ted chocked up caravan.

Sunday 21st January 1979
Weather – overcast and cold, ground frozen. Baulk of soil had been pulled back, but not stripped off, therefore no excavation was attempted. Spent all day tidying and working in caravan.
Brian and Gary a.m.
Sara and Ted all day.

Page 10

Sunday 28th January 1979
Weather – fine, slight haze, ground frozen, all surface frost on this south facing slope has melted, yet at New Ash Green and on the other side (to the south) of the valley, there is still snow.
The soil from the baulk is still lying on the cleared chalk, with a strip approx 10 metres from the quarry edge cleared.
a.m. Pam, Brian and Mike started to clear an area back from the edge near peg F 40 to the north of Ditch D (the continuation of the Ditch D recorded during the excavations during 1974). Immediately a vast number of post holes were revealed.

Page 11

Sara, Gary and Roger started to clear back from the quarry edge to the south of Ditch D. Only a few post holes are evident. Ditch D turns to the south and ends.
p.m. Sara, Roger and Ted put in pegs along the edge of the quarry at A40 right through to M40 at 10 metre intervals.

Page 12

Sunday 4th February 1979
15 blank lines.

Solid black line across page.

Then three lines of text as follows:

3½ acres of chalk now stripped of topsoil approx 43 metres wide x distance from the hedge at north to bottom of slope in the south. Many ditches, pits and post holes revealed.

Page 13

Sunday 11th February 1979
Weather – overcast, strong breeze, cold but no frost. Wind stronger in p.m. Felt very cold.
To start with, everybody began cleaning back northwards, continuing where we left off last week. North of peg F. Very soon Pam, Brian and Sara started cleaning up Feature EA, an oval patch to the extreme north east of the site – photo taken. String laid out for trenches.
Ron and Steve started cleaning off the top of Feature ED (Ditch D in 1974) from the west edge of the quarry face to the east.
John Cruse and Mike Jesson then laid out lines to cut trenches through the ditch. The extreme west 1 and a half metres of ditch fill seems to be fine dark soil with some chalk lumps. The rest seems to be re-deposited soil from the scraping machine with modern willow pattern etc in it.
p.m. Trench 1 started of Ditch ED by John C. and Mike J.41 metres east of base 1 and a half metres wide. Top 2/3 cm clay and compacted chalk possibly dump from machine – includes willow pattern etc not kept. Layer 41 immediately below. (see page 16)

Page 14

Feature EB - George H. and Mark B. started cleaning up this feature ready for photograph. Oval shaped/sub-rectangular. No modern rubbish found in initial clean up. Brown clay and many large chalk lumps.
p.m. assisted by Brian LL. Photo taken. Strung out into quarters. North and south quarters started to be excavated. Layer MQ 45.
Feature EC – Stuart M. and Ken W. started cleaning.
p.m. photo taken – strung out into quarters. John M. and Sara B. started taking north quarter out. Stuart M and Ken W started taking south quarter out. Layer MQ 46. See page 21.

Page 15

Feature EA (continued) p.m.
Photo taken – strung out into quarters. Chris B. and James P. dug out north quarter. Fill – brown clay, chalk lumps and some flint nodules. Layer MQ 43.

Southern quarter – dug out by Roger W. and Denis P. Brown clay, chalk lumps and some flint nodules. Layer MQ 43. Approx 6 cms thick – signs of a post hole with flint packing at eastern end. Some flecks of carbon and burnt material in scatter at this level.

Feature EP – Stewart M. and Ken W. – cleaned up feature at extreme east of site near F68. Photo taken. Eastern portion taken out. Very shallow. 15cms deep in centre. 1 piece of shell loaded pot. Layer MQ 42.

Page 16

Feature ED continued
Trench 2 started in Ditch ED. 4½ m – 6 m from 40 metre base line. Ron H. and Steve.
Top 10cms of fill removed. Dark brown clay loam and large chalk lumps with much modern rubbish, willow pattern etc with some "post" ? pottery. Layer MQ 44.

Roger C. recorded position and shape etc of post holes and pits marked with labels.
Mary N. put labels into rest of outlined features.

Page 17

Sunday 18th February 1979
Weather – fall of snow Thurs, still laying. Only 2-3 cms on top of hill but surface of chalk frozen and breaking up. Slightly misty. Very little wind.
We failed to cover features with black polythene.

Feature EA, sub-rectangular pit.
Roger W., Stella K., David P. and Simon P. cleared snow and continued trowelling out quadrants. Southern quadrant – chalk rubble was over the Layer MQ 43, which seems to form a dome of soil. Chalk rubble in south quarter dips sharply to the south but very shallow at centre of pit.

Feature EB, sub-rectangular pit .
George H., Ken W., Brian L. and Bob D. cleared snow and continued trowelling out quadrants and Mark B. – Fill of N.W. quadrant seems much darker but just as much small chalk rubble in it. Bones and some pottery poorly fired – just as many broken flints and some "pot boilers".

Page 18

Feature ED (Ditch D in 1974)
Trench 1 – Roger C. cleared snow and continued excavating. At minus 350mm from surface of chalk a layer of pea gravel occurs. Beneath this there seems to be a greater quantity of broken flint and it seems less compact.
Trench 2 – Steve M. and Sara B. cleared snow and continued excavation and started excavating fill of ditch. Some pottery MQ 47. This layer (MQ 47) contains many more broken flint than in the adjacent Trench 1. Indeed it appears more clayey than MQ 41 bur seems to be only –180mm from surface of chalk. Some small bone, pottery poorly fired sherds and many pot boilers.

Page 19

Sunday 25th February 1979
Weather – fine, slightly misty and overcast with sun trying to break through. Slight frost, puddles frozen but really quite mild with a very slight breeze. Sun broke through about 11 a.m. Very mild, even HOT! Left site at 5.30 p.m.
Feature EA (pit)
Mike F, Ormonde H, Hazel S and Barrie S removed black polythene and began to spade out rest of fill of north and south quarters.
South quarter - layer beneath chalk rubble MQ 48
Dark brown loam, no flint. Some small fragments of pot and bone. Layer approx 20cms thick. Two more layers with finds MQ 52 and MQ 53
Max depth 1.00 metre.
At the end of the day both quarters completely excavated. Sections covered with black polythene. To be drawn next week.

Page 20

Feature EB (pit)
Sara B, Mike J, Gary W and Roger C removed black polythene and began to spade and pick out rest of fill of north and south quarters. Max depth 0.880 metres. By end of day north quarter completely excavated and ready for sections to be drawn. Another layer with finds MQ 51 – in south quarter a small chalk spindle whorle, also possibly a fragment of a triangular loom weight.

Roger + Helen Darby, Ron H, and Alan Rush continued scraping back surface of chalk to reveal any more post holes etc on a front approx 15m wide level with (E).

Feature EP (pit?)
Ron H and Alan R after tea drew section and plan.

Ron H excavated half section through post holes BH, BJ, BN, BP (pot), BR (pot), BT, BV (pot), BW.

25th Feb 1979
Loose Sheet
Plan of Feature EP pit. 1979-02-25 and section through. Drawn by Ron H and Alan R.

Page 21

Sunday 4th March 1979
Weather – fine, sunny, some cloud, slight breeze. Became comfortably hot? by midday.

Feature EA Ron H + Dave D began drawing plan and section. Doreen E in afternoon. They finished all 4 sections and plan.

Feature EB (pit)
No work on this feature this week.

Feature EC (pit) see page 14 +
Pat H, Rene D, June M, Pat H, Doreen began excavating north and south quarters – centre burnt area 0.40 diameter. Daub?
Top approx 20 cms. Dark brown clayey loam, small chalk rubble just a few pot boilers, some small daub fragments MQ 56.

Page 22

Post holes – Gary W began half-sectioning various.

Mike and Sara taking photos, then helping Gary half-section post poles.

Feature EV (pit) see page 28
Dick + Neville J began excavation of south half of pit. Diameter 1.80 metres approx 10cms removed. Some finds MQ 55.

Roger C, Pam C am + Sara B p.m. carried on plotting post holes, pits + ditches.
Late afternoon Jim S, Ted C + Mike J assisted in outlining ditches + pits on lower slope and approx 50 post holes on middle slope of eastern side.

Page 23

Sunday 11th March 1979
Weather – Mild, stiff breeze, overcast , clouds moving fast. Some spots of rain midday. By lunch time steady rain.

Main body of diggers continued emptying post holes in centre of area. Boxes E 50+60+70 F 50+60+70.

Feature FR (pit)
Jim, Gary + Dan excavated pit. Masses of daub + loom weights MQ 57 Top 40cms + pot
p.m. Dan J + Albert S continued.
Lower fill MQ 62 Fine brown loam, some chalk rubble, some broken flint, some carbon. Daub, pot, loom weight.

Feature JA (ditch)
Trench 3 1m – 3m from north end of ditch. Steve M + Bill B MQ 58.

Trench 4 4m - 6m from north. David + Ken MQ 59.

Trench 5 7m - 9m Sue, George H + Bob MQ 60.
See sketch 30cm U + V shaped flat bottom

Page 24

Feature JB (ditch)
Trench 6 3½ - 5½ m south of peg H. MQ 61 Alan, Francis + Jenny. See Sketch. V shaped with flat bottom.

Feature EB (pit)
a.m. Pam + Sara drew section then started excavating remaining quarters.
p.m. Sara, Pat H, David P + Ken W excavated remainder of quarters.

Feature EA
a.m. Peter Leach excavated remaining quarters
p.m. George H + Sue

Page 25

Feature JC (pit bottom of)
Andrew + Nigel Peg C40 – 12.90m Peg E40 18.20m
Circular diameter 1.10m , depth 5cms sketch
MQ 63 dark brown clayey loam, chalk rubble, broken flint – no daub, pottery.
Left site 18.05 hrs.

Page 26

Sunday 18th March 1979
Weather – 2 inches of snow on Thursday, rained a bit on Saturday night, hard frost. By 10 a.m. on Sunday, no frost. Chalk very wet, sun peeping through, hazy cloud, no breeze, fine later. Put poly palace up over trenches 7 and 8. Spots of rain after lunch, sometimes heavy but not too bad.

Feature ED (ditch)
Trench 7 - 6m - 7½ east of base + 40m
Pam + Gary a.m. MQ 64
Jim M + Gary p.m. ditch bead rim pot.

Trench 8 - 8½ - 10m east of base + 40m
David B + Sara B covers turn in ditch. Ditch E seems to end and the turn to the south seems much shallower and later MQ 65. Nice black pot lid and part of rim of amphora.

Trench 1 Cliff W + Helen MQ 41
2 p.m. Trench Barbara W + Gavin + Helen MQ 44. Articulated bone possible dog in north side of ditch.

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Feature EC (pit) (see page 14) + 21
a.m. South and north quarter segment
Phil C, Francis S + Sara C, Alan Ridges
p.m. North quarter segment Ron H, lower fill –0.92 to -1.20. Masses of bones (bucket full) MQ 66
South quarter Alan R –0.36 to -0.48 MQ 67 some bone + pot.

Post holes Box E 40 + 50
Albert S, John C, Andrew B + Susan P excavating contents.

Post holes Box F 60 +70 area
Rene D, June M, Pat H + Helen L excavating contents.

Feature EA (pit)
Roy W + Jim M completely excavated remainder of NE quarter of pit. (MQ53). Some pot + bone at very bottom. While cleaning side of pit (east) side half way up some bone + pot (rim and side) MQ 48.

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Feature DZ (pit)
Mike J half sectioned north half. Top 15cms masses of pot boilers.
a.m. no pottery or bone.
p.m. some small fragments of pot + some fragments of bone MQ 69 –0.34cms.

Feature EV (pit) see page 22
After morning tea, Albert S + John C continued with half section, south half of pit MQ 55

Roger C continued clearing further features, mostly post holes lower down the slope and found KE burials

Feature KE (pit/posthole burial)
p.m. Gary, Sara + Roger diameter 0.700, depth 0.190m circular.

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Feature KE continued MQ 83.

Sketch, showing position of urn 83A, flagon 83B, Dish/pot? 83C, flower pot based pot 83D, carinated pot 83E.

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Page 31

Sunday 25th March 1979

Weather: cloudy overcast (raining all night). No rain at start, stiff breeze, no frost overnight. By 11.30 sun breaking through, wind now force 6 at least, gusting to force 8. Slight then many spots of rain from 16.00 hrs.

Feature JD (pit)
Gary W – cleaned top. Photos taken then excavated southern half. Soon found the bottom. Fill MQ 71 top ?cms light grey/brown clayey loam. Little or no chalk rubble. ?cms lower fill medium + small chalk rubble – pieces of corroded cast iron in both levels, possibly bomb casing.

Feature DZ (pit)
Mike J continued with excavation of north half of pit. Continued to find loads more flints. Until –30cms approx. Fill then changed to dark brown clayey loam with medium chalk rubble. Piece of pot still in section some bone (almost no flint at all ) MQ74. Large animal skull.

We put poly palace cover up – but took it off after a.m. tea because it was in danger of blowing away.

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Diagram of ditch ED and JE showing position of trenches 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10.

Page 33

Ditch ED
Trench 1. Mrs Helen L continued excavation of fill. John L p.m. Line of large flints in bottom, just below flint in lower fill. Medium chalk rubble with some dark brown clay loam – pottery MQ 75

Trench 2 a.m. Roger + Helen D continued excavation of fill. Line of large flints in bottom. Some pieces of pot and bone MQ 47
p.m. Jim M + Dave D continued excavating lower fill MQ 76

Trench 7 Jim M continued excavation of fill. Some large flints in bottom (but not so many as other trenches). Lower fill MQ 72 – articulated animal leg bones in eastern half.

Trench 8 Roy W completed excavation of west end. Cleaned up west section. Sara took photograph.
Line of flints in bottom. – bottom of MQ 65. Immediately under the flints to the west was fragment of pot.
The east of section that was thought to be one continuous ditch ED now seems that it ends and that the portion that continues south is a separate shallow ditch. Now called JE.

Page 34

Trench 9 Feature JE (shallow ditch)
Sara + Roy excavated fill of shallow ditch. Dark brown clayey loam, medium + small chalk rubble, a little broken flint – MQ 70

Trench 10 Feature JE
Roy excavated west half of end of ditch. No finds, Very flat bottom.

Feature EC (pit)
p.m. Roger C + Sara completed excavating north quarter. Lower fill of pit chalk rubble, animal bones + daub. MQ 73. They then started to draw section of north quarter.

Feature EV (pit)
a.m. Pam + Roger C worked on feature register.
p.m. Gary W continued excavating pit. No finds.
Left site at 18.35 hrs

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Sunday 1st April 1979

Weather: Cloudy but broken sun peeping through. No frost. Slight breeze. Less sun, mostly cloud in p.m. stiffer breeze, colder.

Ditch ED
Trench 1 Jim M completed excavation. Pam + Jim drew section west face.

Trench 2 Jim M completed excavation. Pam, Roy + Jim drew section west face.

Trench 8 Roy W completed excavation of east portion of Trench 8. End of ditch.

Trench 7 Jim + Roy drew west face section.

Feature DZ (pit)
Mike J continued with excavation of pit – skull, cleaned up + photographed then removed. p.m. Jim M continued with excavation MQ 78.

Feature EV (pit)
Gary continued with excavation of pit. Still no finds. Pieces of daub + bone. Roy W completed excavation of south half. Very flat bottom.

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Feature EC (pit)
David B continued with excavation of south quarter of pit MQ 77
Sara B + Roger C continued drawing sections of north quarter, then drew part of south quarter.

Feature DF (pit? Post hole?)
Brian L started excavating east half of feature to –20cms. Chalk rubble and dark brown loam. No finds.

Features – post holes. Areas F60 + F70 Rene D + June M continued excavating post holes. June continued p.m.

Page 37

Features ED + JE
Jim M + Roy W drew sections – west face of Trench 8, also south face.
Trench 9 north face
Trench 10 east face.

Left site 17.25hrs

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Page 39

Sunday 8th April 1979
Weather: a.m. foul in morning, constant rain. Not on site. Pot washing at 29 Penenden : Mike J, Sara B, Ted C .
p.m. rain cleared about midday. Quite fine early afternoon with sky clouding over by 15.30hrs.

Sara B + Jim M drew remainder of south quarter, north face of Feature EC (pit) – all that had been excavated.

Sara B + Jim M also drew sections of Features DZ (pit) + EV (pit).

Roger C + Ted covered/searched site for any features that had not been labelled + plotted. Used labels JK to JW

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Page 41

Sunday 15th April 1979
Weather: clear sky, very little cloud, slight haze in distance. Sun very hot.

Feature JA (ditch)
Susan + Andrew excavated Trench 12 10m to 12m from north end of ditch. MQ 80 a.m.
p.m. Susan + Andrew excavated Trench 17 7m-10m from north end of JA MQ 80.

Feature JB (ditch)
Gary + Ian G excavated Trench 13 13m to 15m from H40. MQ 79.Part footring of Samian bowl.

Feature DZ (pit)
Roy began to remove the south eastern half of feature (pm) and went down as far as layer MQ 74.

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Diagram of ditch JC and pit KE.

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Feature JG (ditch)
Roy + Jim excavated Trench 11 7m to 9m from north end of ditch.

Feature EC (pit)
Ian excavated remainder of SE quadrant. Finds from ?????? including pot and 2 bones.

Feature JF (ditch)
Sara + Pam excavated Trench 14. 0 m to 2 m east of 40.

Feature EV (pit)
p.m. Jim completed the section through the feature and then began to remove the section through the feature and then began to remove the northern half of the filling. No finds.

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