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Fawkham and Ash Archaeological Group (FAAG)

The discovery and excavation of a Late Iron-Age and Early Roman Farmstead at
   Martin's Quarry (now known at Pinden), Longfield, Kent 1974 and 1979 TQ6084/6842

Layer / Context Listing

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Martins Quarry Layer Register 1974

Tuesday 22nd October
MQ1 . Topsoil. Unstratified finds.

MQ2 . Filling of ditch (Feature B). Black loam with chalk lumps. Pottery and bone. Approx 0.500m deep and 1.00m wide. TC

MQ3 . Filling of ditch (Feature A). Black loam with chalk lumps. Pottery and bone. Approx 1.500m wide and 0.500m deep. TC

MQ4 . Filling of ditch (Feature F). Light brown loam with chalk lumps. Pottery and bone. Very shallow, mostly ploughed out. 0.300m wide and 0.200m deep. 'U' shaped. TC

MQ5 . Filling of ditch (Feature D). Black loam with chalk lumps. Pottery and bone. 1.000m deep 1.000m wide. TC

MQ6 . Filling of pit (Feature C). Black loam with chalk specks. Pottery, bone and black burnt clay lumps. Approx 2.000m deep. Oval shape. E-W diameter greater than 2.000m wide.
N-S diameter 1.000m wide. TC.

Saturday 26th October
MQ7 . Filling of rectangular pit 1.400m by 2.400m. Feature L. Lower slope, 20m east of quarry. Light brown loam and chalk lumps. Chalk packing on north 0.200m wide. Much pottery. Many loom weight fragments, slag and pot boilers. Most pottery at -0.300m in loam. Completely excavated. Lower mainly chalk rubble. No sign of grave. Bob and Pam.

MQ8 . Filling of oval pit 1.100m by 1.500m. Feature S. Lower slope east edge of area. Light brown loam, with some chalk lumps. Half sectioned. Flints, as possible packing, in the centre. Some pottery, pot boilers, lump of iron slag? Suzanne and Kathy.

MQ9 . Filling of E-W ditch, 1.300m wide. Very dark brown loam, few chalk lumps. Intersection of ditches Features D and E. Animal bone and pottery. Middle slope east edge of area. Gary and Jim S.

MQ10. Filling of ditch, Feature J. Ditch ends here, possible causeway to the east, with ditch E. 1.100m wide and 0.550m deep. Rounded end. Dark brown loam, many chalk lumps. Pottery and bone. Tim G and David.

MQ11. Top of filling of ditch. Possible Ditch X. Middle slope east extreme edge. "Clapham Junction". 75.5m from north peg A. One piece of pot, Patchgrove type rim Roger W.

Sunday 27th October
MQ12. Filling of ditch. Section across intersection of Features D and E, against east edge of area. 65m south. Black loam, with few chalk specks. Feature D. This ditch was originally dug later than Feature E (13). No pottery 2015-02-03. Pam and Bob.

MQ13. Ditch fill of Feature E. against east edge of area 65m south. Dark brown loam with lots of chalk lumps. Partially sealed by and therefore earlier than Feature D (12). Pottery, part of bronze bracelet 5/6 cm. - 0.120m below surface. Under MQ9. Pam and Bob.

MQ14. Filling of rectangular pit. Half sectioned. Middle slope 9m east of peg X. Light brown loam with lots of chalk lumps. Feature T. Pottery, just a few shreds. David D and Elaine S.

MQ15. Filling of rectangular pit. (Feature U) Half sectioned. Middle slope 14m east of peg X. Light brown loam, mostly chalk lumps. Pottery. Susan C and Gary G. Section completed on Wed 30th October by Steve G.

MQ16. Filling of ditch JJ. Brown loam and chalk lumps. Pottery and bone (animal). This ditch was covered by a large spread of soil, just under the crest of the slope. Possible filled in lynchet? David D and Steve M.

MQ17. Filling of ditch JJ. East side of middle slope. Brown loam and chalk lumps. Pottery and seeds? Is this the east end of the ditch? It seems to be rounded off and somewhat wider than the ditch. Eric M and Ken W. Sketch plan of east end of ditch JJ.

Wednesday 30th October
MQ18. Filling of rectangular pit, Feature M.
Pottery, slag, iron nail?, thin bronze strip. Half sectioned. Lots of pot boilers. Dick and Nigel.

MQ19. Intersection of ditches V and W. 1 sherd and many pot boilers found in general cleaning of two ditches. It seems that ditch W is later than V. W is very brown with chalk lumps while V is very black. Fragment of pottery + many pot boilers. Tim Goss.

MQ20. Light brown loam, many chalk lumps, filling of ditch V. West of MQ 19. Tim Goss.

MQ21. Light brown loam, mostly chalk lumps, filling of ditch B. 4 m east of quarry edge. David D.

MQ22. Pit S. Burnt? Clay and chalk wash in lumps. Carbon or very black soil at extreme bottom. Possible collapsed clay lining of storage pit. Fragments of two large storage pots. Sketch plan of feature S. Steve Goss.

Sunday 3rd November
MQ23. Junction of ditches X and V. (X later). Pottery from X, brown loam, chalk lumps. V light brown loam, mostly chalk lumps. Roger Cockett.

MQ24. West end of ditch V. Light brown loam, chalk lumps. Pedestal base of coarse pot. Tim Goss.

MQ25. Extreme east end of ditch JJ. Bottom all chalk lumps. Under MQ17. Animal skull and one small samian sherd. Eric M.

MQ26. Middle section of ditch JJ. Bottom all chalk lumps. Animal bones (jaws) under MQ16. Alan R and David D.

MQ27. West of middle section of ditch JJ. Upper fill. Brown loam and many chalk lumps. David Phillips.

MQ28. Post hole R. Filling light brown loam with chalk specks. Some pot and nail.
Janet .M

No MQ29 in original note book and 30 in transcribed version. 8 sherds of pot 2015-02-03.

MQ30. Pit?/post hole in extreme north and east end of ditch JJ. Cut by JJ. Possibly same as MQ17. 14 sherds of pot 2015-02-03. Eric M.

MQ31. Extreme west section of ditch JJ to where JCB cut into ditch A. Stewart M and Alan R.

Martins Quarry Layer Register 1979
MQ41. Dark brown/black clayey loam with small chalk lumps.
Feature D. Trench 1 John C and Mike J 11-02-79
Cliff and Helen W 15-03-79

MQ42. Brown clay and large chalk lumps.
Feature EP. Stewart and Ken east half. 11-02-79

MQ43. Black/brown clay and chalk lumps, some scatter of carbon.
Feature EA. Roger W and Denis P north and southern quarter. 11-02-79

MQ44. Dark brown/black clayey loam with chalk lumps. Articulated bone. Skull and backbone, possibly dog.
Feature D. Ron H and Steve M Trench 2 11-02-79
Barbara and Gavin 15-03-79

MQ45. Dark brown/black clay, chalk lumps, nodules of broken flint. Black shell loaded pot and pot boilers and bone.
Feature EB. George H and Mark B north and south quarters 11-02-79

MQ46. Dark brown/black clay with very small chalk lumps, odd flint nodules, pot boilers, patches of brown daub. Some bone and pot.
Feature EC. John M, Sara B, Stewart M and Ken W north and south quarters 11-02-79

MQ47. Dark brown/black clayey loam. Small chalk rubble at side.
Feature D Trench 2. Steve M and Sara B 15-02-79

MQ48. Dark brown loamy soil. No flint. Very little chalk rubble approx 20 cm thick.
Feature EA south and north quarters. Barrie and Hazel. 25-02-79

MQ49. Brown loam with small chalk rubble. Fill of post hole. Fragment of pot in top 3cms.
Feature BP post hole. Ron H 25-02-79

MQ50. Brown loam with small chalk rubble. Fill of post hole.
Feature BJ or BU? Ron H 25-02-79

MQ51. Grey loam, with small chalk rubble (some large lumps). Carbon patches, many pot boilers, poorly fired pot, possible loom weight and other daub fragments. Extreme bottom layer of pot approx 10cms.
Feature EB north and south quarters. Roger C and Gary 25-02-79
Sara and Mike J .

MQ52. Large chalk rubble with a little clayey soil. Some broken flint. Small fragment of poorly fired pottery north quarter.
Feature EA north quarter. Mike and Ormond?

MQ53. Brown clayey loam. Chalk rubble and some broken flint. Small fragment of poor pot and charcoal pieces.
Feature EA south quarter. Barrie and Hazel.

MQ54. Brown loam small chalk rubble. Post hole. 1 piece of shell loaded pot.
Feature BR . Ron H

MQ55. Brown clayey loam with some small chalk rubble. Some black patches, small pieces of daub, pot boilers, broken bone and piece of burnt sandstone.
Feature EV. Dick and Neville J. Top 10 cms south half only. 04-03-79

MQ56. Dark brown clayey loam, small chalk rubble, just a few pot boilers, some small daub fragments.
Feature EC. Rene D and Pat H south quarter. 04-03-79
Pat H and June M.

MQ57. Dark brown clay, with many small and large chalk rubble and masses of daub fragments including large pieces and triangular loom weight. Top 40 cms.
Feature FR Jim and Gary

MQ58. Dark brown loam, with large chalk rubble and flint. Pot and bone. No daub at all.
Feature JA Trench 3. Steve M and Bill

MQ59. Dark brown loam with large chalk rubble and flint. Pot and bone. No daub at all.
Feature JA Trench 4

MQ60. Dark brown loam with large chalk rubble and flint pot and bone. Some small pieces of daub.
Feature JA Trench 5

MQ61. Brown loam and large chalk fragments. No sign of silt. All back fill?
Feature JB Trench 6

MQ62. Feature FR. Dan J and Albert S.

MQ63. Feature JC. Andrew and Nigel

MQ64. Dark brown /black clayey loam. Medium to small chalk rubble, some large nodules of flint. Very few pot boilers.
Feature ED Trench 7. Pam, Gary and Jim M. 18-03-79

MQ65. Dark brown/black clayey loam. Medium to small chalk rubble, some large nodules of flint. Very few pot boilers.
Feature ED Trench 8. David B, Sara B, Roy W 18-03-79

MQ66. Minus 0.92 to 1.20cm lower fill of pit. Black ashey/charcoaly soil, with burnt flint and bone. A "bucket" of bones.
Feature EC north quarter. Phill C 18-03-79

MQ67. Minus 0.36 to 0.48 cm. fill of pit (centre). Black, ashy charcoaly soil, with burnt flint and some daub fragments.
Feature EC south quarter. Alan R 18-03-79

MQ68. Burial 5 pots, A,B,C,D and E. See Diary. Light brown clayey loam. Small to medium chalk fragments.
Feature KE pit? Post hole? Gary W, Sara B and Roger C. 18-03-79 pm

MQ69. Dark brown clayey loam and masses of burnt flint. Some fragments of pot and bone. Minus 0.34 cms
Feature DZ pit. Mike J 18-03-79

MQ70. Dark brown clayey loam, medium and small chalk rubble , a little broken flint.
Feature JE shallow ditch. Extension of Ditch ED. Sara and Roy. 25-03-79

MQ71. Upper fill, light grey/brown clayey loam, little chalk rubble. Lower fill mostly chalk rubble, medium and small. Pieces of iron very corroded throughout.
Feature JD pit. Gary W 25-03-79.

MQ72. Lower fill, large and medium size chalk rubble, very little dark brown indeed. Clayey loam.
Feature D ditch Trench 7. Jim M 25-03-79

MQ73. Extreme lower fill, large and medium chalk rubble (with a very thin layer of dark brown loam, primary silt.)  
Feature EC pit. North quarter Roger and Sara 25-03-79.

MQ74. Lower fill, dark brown clayey loam with medium chalk rubble (almost no flint at all). Large animal skull minus 0.30m to 1.03m to top of chalk rubble.
Feature DZ pit. Mike J 25-03-79

MQ75. Lower fill, beneath large flints, crushed pot. Medium chalk rubble with some dark brown clayey loam.
Feature D ditch Trench 1. Helen L 25-03-79

MQ76. Lower fill, beneath large flint, crushed base of pot in east portion, dark brown clayey loam with medium chalk rubble.
Feature D ditch Trench 2. Jim M and David D.

MQ77. Lower fill of pit. Black ashey charcoaly soil with burnt flint and bone. Some bone and daub and pot. (Same as MQ 66 north quarter.)
Feature EC south quarter. David D. 01-04-79

MQ78. Minus 1.20 m. Lower fill of pit. Dark brown/grey loam, very few chalk rubble fragments, some fist size flints, most of them burnt.
Feature DZ north quarter. Jim M 01-04-79

MQ79. Brown slightly clayey loam with mostly chalk rubble (medium). Some large to small fragments of flint.
Feature JB trench 13. Part of foot ring of samian bowl approx 0.12m from surface of ditch. Gary and Ian. 15-04-79

MQ80. Very dark brown clayey loam, with some large chalk rubble and large broken flints - large, 5cm pieces of daub (broken up on excavation). Pot and slag. Fill of ditch JA.
Feature JA trench 12. Part of base, wall and rim of colour coated flagon? and lump of slag. Andrew and Susan 15-04-79

MQ81. Black powder and few flints. Fill of pit EC.

MQ82. ??????????
Andrew and Sue. Extreme south end of JA. 22-04-79

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