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Ash next Ridley - Parish Information

A Downland Parish - Ash by Wrotham in Former Times by W. Frank Proudfoot

A manuscript history of Ash, written in the 1970's but never published (about W. Frank Proudfoot)

Chapter 14 - Index  page 208

Bishopsgate (London) 78a,138-9
Black, Thos. 62
Black Cottages 132
Black Death, the 11 , 18, 28-a, 31, 75
Black Prince, knighting of see feudal aids
Black Prince’s chantry 41, n
Blenheim, Battle of 53
Bloomers Hill, Great & Little (fd. names) 163
Bodkin Row 136, 140
Boer War, the 194
Boleyn, Anne 15a
Bonny Acre Farm 157
Bosvile (of Bradbourne) family 80-2, 84, 87, n
Bosvile (of Eynsford) family 79, 80
Boswell family 81
Bosworth, Battle of 15-a
Boteler, Sir Jas., Earl of Wiltshire and Ormond 14
Bottlesham, Wm. de, Bp. of Rochester 120a
Boughton Malherbe 181
Bouts hole Field 164
Bowdler, Thos. (rector) 112-3 , 116 , n, 149, n
Bowdler family 112-3, 116, n, 149, n
Bowdler’s Well (Ridley) 112 
Bowes family: 42a-3, 45a, 77-8, 154; 
   partition of estates of 77
Bowling Green Mead (fd. name) 164
Brabison, Sir Edward 78a
Bradbourne (Sevenoaks) 80-2, 85, 87, n
Bradfield Cottage 179
Brake Wood 162
Brakeham Field 166
Brambly Ham (fd. name) 162a
Brand, George 70-a, 76, n
Brenktonne, Joan 56
Breach Field 164
Brewster, John 105
Brick Kiln Field 164
Bride Lands (fd. name) 166
briefs 65
Bright, Jane 135
Britten, Sarah 137
Bromley 9
Brooker family 130
Brown, Mrs 157, 165, 166
Brown(e) family 45a, l00a, 202, n
brown flint drift, the 2-3, 6, n
Brownson, Edwd. & Rebecca 91
Bryan, de, family 14, 15
Buckland, George 4
Buckland, Revd. W.T. 47a
Buddicom family 55a-6
Budgen, Mr 155a, 156, 166
Buggin. Wm. 77
Buggs family 136, 140a, 157, 179
Bully Field 163
Burbary, Thos. 94
Burgess, Joseph 55
Burgh, Hubert de, Earl of Kent 11a
Butlers (fd. name) 165
Butlers Point/Butlers Point Forge 133, 138-40,
164, 179, 199
Butcher, Mary, da. or John 90
Buzzards, The (fd. name) 163
Buzzards Field 163
Byng family 60a-1

Cade, Jack 15a, 18a-9, 21, n
Cage Field 160
Cages Wood (Kingsdown) 161

1-6    7-21    22-41a    42-46a    47-64a    65-76    77-87    88-98    99-116    117-119    120-150    151-169     170-203

Page 207        Page Listings        Page 209

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