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Ash next Ridley - Parish Information

A Downland Parish - Ash by Wrotham in Former Times by W. Frank Proudfoot

A manuscript history of Ash, written in the 1970's but never published (about W. Frank Proudfoot)

Chapter 14 - Index  page 209

Caiger, J.E.L. 41a, n
Calseby, Wm. de (rector) 20a, n
Cambridge (Cambs) 11
Camer (Meopham) 175
Campbell, Mrs C.O. 84
Campbell, Duncan 154
Cannam John 138
canon 70 47
Canterbury 21, n, 27a, 29, 40a-1, 102a
Canterbury, Convocation of 47
Canterbury Cathedral 41, n, 102
Cape Lands (fd. name) 166
Care hatch Field 164
Canton, Ewinus (rector of Longfield) 46a, n
Carrier family 120
Cart-house Fields, Great & Little 164
Carter, Robt. 44
Carter, Wm. (vicar of Horton) 44
Castle Farm (Leybourne) 128
Cattys, John 18a
censuses see under ASH
Chalk Croft/Chalkecrofte 36, 162a
Chalk Fields, Upper & Lwr. 36
Chalk Wood 160
Channtry/Chaunterye, the (Hartley) 32-3, 36
Chapel Field 37
Chapel Wood 23, 33-4, 36, 37-8, 161
Chapel Wood road 36a, 122, 131
charcoal-burning 5
Charity Commissioners 70a-1
Charles I, King 79-80, 101, 103
Charles II, King 89, 90, l00a
Charlet, Jane 77
Charlton, John 37
Chatham 181
Chaunterye-crofte (Hartley) 32-3
Chelsfield: 14, 66; 
   manor of 13-5
Chernare,Wm. 27
Chevening 40,n
Chiddingstone 161
Child(s), Wm. 157
Chilham 19a
Chimbeham, John de 16
Chipsted manor (Kingsdown) 154, 167, n
Chislehurst 181
Chittin/Chitting, Jane see Collinvell ... family
Christ Church, Oxford 110a
Christiana, prioress of Halywell 12a
Christopher, John 53
Church Building Society, the 112
Church Field 164
church goods, inventories of 43-6, 46a, n
Civil War, the 79-80, 87, n, 101-3, 115, n, 126a
Clam acre Field 162a
Clapham (Surrey) 176
Clark(e) family 127a, 157, 159, 190
Clay M4ead (fd. name) 166
clay-with-flints 2-3, 6, n
Cleghorn family 192-3
Clement, Everard (rector) 34-5, 105-a
Clement family 105-a
Clerke (of Ford) family 79-80, 87, n
Cleves, Anne of 16
Clifford’s Inn 83
cloth-making 5a
Cobbett, Wm. 3-4
Cobhall 172
Cobham 19; 
   College 17; 
   Hall 100, 149, n
   Woods 190
Cobham, de, family 17, 26 
Cockburn, Sir Jas. 176

1-6    7-21    22-41a    42-46a    47-64a    65-76    77-87    88-98    99-116    117-119    120-150    151-169     170-203

Page 208        Page Listings        Page 210

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