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Ash next Ridley - Parish Information

A Downland Parish - Ash by Wrotham in Former Times by W. Frank Proudfoot

A manuscript history of Ash, written in the 1970's but never published (about W. Frank Proudfoot)

Chapter 14 - Index  page 212

Fowler chancel, the see under ASH CHURCH
Fowler family 60,77-44,89,100
Frankenhams see Faukeham, de, family
Franks (Horton Kirby) 21, n
Freeman, Nuty 119
French family 35, 128a, 130
Frend, John 106
Frindsbury l0a, 28a
fruit-growing 159-60, 198
Fulkham/Faulkham, Tisedell 157, 162
Fulljames, T. 151, 155a, 160, 170
Fulman, Ann 135
Further Hudley Field 166

Galeys, Wm. le (rector) 11, 74 
Galon, alias Fayreford. Richd. (rector) 11a, 46, 
   46a, n
Gantum, Wm 78a
Gatewyk, de, family 22-3, 25-6, 28, 30, 40, n
Gatewykesmede 30
gavelkind 22-7, 28, 30, 32, 40-a, nn, 89
Gee, Richd, 106-7
George Rose’s Act 1812  50
Giburne, Mary 100a
Gifford family 35, 41, n, 79, 82, 102a, 105, 126a
Gilbourne family 79, l00a
Giles Farm 144, 150, n
Gill, Isabella 148
Gills (Darenth) 111
Gladdish/Gladish family or families 55a, 63, 64,
125, 136-7, 148, 156a, 168, n, 176
Glebe Field 171
Gocelinesland. 24
Godden see Goodwin family
Godfrey the Steward/Godfrey of Thanington 23
Goldsmith, Wm, 163
Goodwin/Gooding family 51 , 55a, 59, 62-3, 69, 
   120, 155
Goose Field 163
Goose Wood 162,163
Gooses Farm 147-8, 155a, 162, 166, 176, 185
Goring (Essex) 31
Goss Croft  162a
Goulde, John 19
Gowles/Gowls Fare 136, 146
Grandison, de, family 12a-14, 16a , 20a, n, 74
Gratwick, Eliz., da. of John  89
Gravesend 55a, 60a, 149-50, nn, 175, 181
Gravesend marshes, the 111
Great Bow (fd. name) 171
Great Golds 136
Great Gowl(e)s 136, 146
Great Orchard 160
Great Reed Field 162
Great Rebellion see  Civil War, the
Great Reform Bill, the 174
Great Wood 162
Greatness mill(s) (Sevenoaks) 30, 32, 40a, n
Green Man (p.h.), the 137, 158, 179, 188-9
Green Street Green (Darenth) 35, 111, 146a
Greenhithe 5
Greenwell family 59, 69
Greenwich 63, 191
Gregorian Calendar, the 53-4
Gregory (rector) 10-a
Greswell, Dr 199
Grey, Lady Jane 46
Guernsey (C.I.) 180, 183
Gunning, Mr 162
Guy’s Hospital 64
Gyles, Nathaniel 150, n
Gyles family 61a

Hadlow 88,136-a, 188
Hadlowe family 36a, 120
Haddock/Hadock family 62
Half Acre Field 162
Hall, Wm. 67
Hall Wood 147, 160
Halling 28a, 74, 181
Halywell see Holiwell ..., manor of 
Halywell Priory (Shoreditch) 12a, 16
Hamo de Hethe, Bp. of Rochester 27, 28a, 
   74-5, 154
Hampstead (Mdx.) 130, 176
Hancock, John 17-8
Harris, Thos. 82-3
Harrison, Benjamin 3, 7, 146-a
Harrison, Sir Edmond R. 146a
Harrod’s Directory (1867) 85, 149 ,n, 190
Hart, Sarah 137 
Hart (of Lullingstone) family 45a, 79, 102a

1-6    7-21    22-41a    42-46a    47-64a    65-76    77-87    88-98    99-116    117-119    120-150    151-169     170-203

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