Hartley; 1, 2, 23. 32-5, 36a-8, 41a, n,
43, 73, 77,
141-3, 153, 170, 175-6, 186-7, 198;
church 28a, 45, 77, 142-3;
church goods 45, 46a, n;
churchwardens 71;
churchyard 71, 143;
families/residents 33, 37, 59, 68-9, 71-2, 98, n,
124, 126a, 131, 141-3, 153, 186-7,
manor/manor house(s) of 68-9, 77, 153;
rectors 28a, 37, 44, l00a, 142
Hartley Bottom, Goldsmith’s farm at 163
Hartley Bottom Farm 73
Hartley Cottage/House 178
Hartley Court 71, 77, 186
Hartley Green: 141;
school 141-2
Hartley Rectory 142
Harvel (Meopham) 198
Hasel, Richd 11,
Hasted, Edwd. 10, 12-3, 25, 29, 30, 41, n,
81 ,155
Hastlin, Wm. 65
Hat Field 166
Hatch Wood 161
Hatcher, Mary 125
Hatherington/Hetherington family 154-5
Haven, the/Haven Hill 2, 157, 159, 178
Hawkes, Wm. 191
Hawley, Amelia 136, 179
Hawley, manor 10
Heart, John 118
Hearth Tax assessments (1664) 51, 80, 116, n,
120a-1,122a, 124, 130, 197
Heavers Field 166
Hemesley family 41a, n
Hemstalls (fa. name) 166
Hemsted Park (Benenden) 174
Henley Bank (fd. name) 163
Hennell, Harold Barclay (rector) 114
Hennell, Tom 114
Henry II, King l0a
Henry III, King l0b-11, 12, 23-4
Henry VII, King 15a
Henry VIII, King 15a-6, 40, n, 42-3, 75
Hereford Cathedral 14
Hernehill 27a
Hesse (Ash), Thos. de 12, 20a , n
Heston (Mdx.) 176
Hever 9
Hever (Kingsdown), house/manor of 45a, 80, 154
Highlands, Great & Little (fd. names) 163 |
Highway Act 1862 173-4
Hilder family 85
Hills family 197a
Hilly Field(s) 163
Hobson family 87, n
Hodges, Thos. Law 174-6
Hodsoll/de Hodeshole family 11, 12a, 16-a, 18-a,
33 , 42 , 51- 2, 55-a, 58, 63, 67,
72, 82-3,
88-96a, 97-8, nn, 99a-l00a, 105a,
115-6, nn,
120,126a, 129, 146a, 149,
n, 152, 156, 159,
165, 167, n, 170, 173
Hodsoll, manor of 13
Hodsoll chancel, the see under ASH CHURCH
Hodsoll Shaw 165
HODSOLL STREET: 2: 16a, 137-8, 143, 147,
150 , n, 158 , 172, 176-9,
crafts & trades 53, 137-8, 158, 179, 188-9;
farms & farmers 137, 143, 147, 150, n, 155a-6,
157, 159, 163, 166, 176, 188;
forge 137-9;
green 137, 152, 188;
overlooked in census 178;
population (1871) 184-5;
stocks at 152, 167, n
Holiwell, ‘borough’ of 8a, 53, 54, 61a-2, 135
Holiwell/Holliwell, manor of: 12a, 16, 42-a, 77, 84,
87, n, 164,167, n, 192;
stocks of 152,167,n
Holiwell Manor Beech 78
Holkham (Norfolk) 154
Hollands family 6, n, 59, 195
Holmer (fd. name) 40a, n
Holmes, Joseph 159
Holmes Croft 65
Holmesdale, vale of 79, 87, n
Holywell House 145
Holywell Park estate 87, n, 143, 145, 150, n
Home Farm 155a
Home Field(s) 41a, n, 147, 162
Home Walls (fd. name) 164
Homefeld 41a, n
Homewards (f a. name) 162
Honepot lane 155a,166
Hood, S. 189
Hookes, Agnis 60
Hop house Field 164
Hope Bowdler (Salop) 112
hops & hop-growing 3-5a, 132, 152, 158-9, 171,
185, 202, n
Hornechurch (‘lankshire’) 117 |