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Ash next Ridley - Parish Information

A Downland Parish - Ash by Wrotham in Former Times by W. Frank Proudfoot

A manuscript history of Ash, written in the 1970's but never published (about W. Frank Proudfoot)

Chapter 14 - Index  page 221

Swan Farm 131
Swanscombe 102, 133
Sweeters Wood  160
Swift, Wm. 56
Swing Gate Field 164
Sydenham (Surrey) 113, 130

Tally Ho coach, the 181
Tare Croft 162
Tare Field 162
Tasker family 131, 156, 157, 167-8, n
Taylor, J. 156
Taylor, John  93
Templar Knights, the 10
Temple manor (Dartford) 10
Tenaunt, John 17
Tenterden 9
Terry’s Lodge/Terry’s Lodge Farm 2, 51, 62, 153,
   176-7, 182-3, 185, 190-3
Terry’s Lodge Gate 177-8
Textus Roffensis, the 8-a
Thanington 23
Thistly Field(s) 162a
Thomas (parson) of Frindsbury) l0a-11
Thompson family 168, n
Thorpe, Dr John 33-4, 37, 58
Thorpe, John (of Bexley)33-4
Thorpe family 55, 63, 128, 150, 136-7, 147-8, 150
   155-6, 157-60
Three-cornered Field 162
Thunder hole (fd. name) 164
Thurrocke family 65-7
Tiesdell, Samuel 64, 94, 157, 159
tithes 11-a, 151, l70-1; see also Tithe Commutation
   agreement under ASH
Tom Croft 166, 168, n
Tonbridge 9, 31, 102
Tonbridge, lowy of  9
Tonbridge, Richard of  9
Tonbridge Castle  9
Torpel, John de 11a
Torpel, Mabel de 11a-13, 23-6, 28
Torrington, Viscounts see Byng family
Towton, Battle of  14
Tractarian movement, the 113
travellers 55-a, 62-3, 109, 117-9; see also vagrants
Treadwell family  37, 192 
Trosley/Trottiscliffe 7, 28a, 153-4, 172, 181
Trottiscliffe Court Lodge 154
True Blue coach, the 181
Trumball, Jas. 61a
Tucker, Rebecca, da. of Nicholas  91
Tudeley  31
Turnar/Turner family 165, 197
Turners Farm 126, 141, 153-4, 156, 159, 161,
   162a, 164-6, 183, 185, 196-8
Turner’s Oak 129, 132, 141, 165, 177, 197a
Turner’s Oak almshouses 121-2, 141; 
   see also Lance charity, the
Turners Oak Field 165
Turnpike Act 1765 201
Tylers field 165

Umfrey family  34-6, 41, n, 105a, 136
Upper Down Wood 110 
Upper Gooses Fare 157, 159, 163, 166
Upper Hudley Field  166 
Upper Pettings Farm 147-8, 150, n, 156, 164-5 
   178, 183

vagrants 172, 183; see also travellers
Valleys, The (fd. name)  166
Vane see Fane/Vane family
Venner, Richd. 138, 140
Vigo, James (rector) 114
Vigo (p.h.), the (Stansted) 176-7
Vine Court House/Vine Court road (Sevenoaks) 83
Vineyard, The (fd. name) 162a

Wade family 36a-7, 149, n, 156, 156b-7, 193
Wadhurst (Sussex)  90
Wadlow family 55a, 136-40
Wakeman family  76, n, 179, 189-90
Walker family 34-5
Wall Shaw 164
Wall wood 164
Wallace see Wallis family
Wailer, Dame 59, 60
Wallis family 34, 53, 59, 63, 130,134a-6,140,150,n
Wallis Terrace 136, 140, 150, n
Walnut Tree Field 163
Walnut Tree hudley Field 163
Walsh, Roger 41a, n
Walter charity, the 65, 69-72, 76,n, 99a, 134a, 144

1-6    7-21    22-41a    42-46a    47-64a    65-76    77-87    88-98    99-116    117-119    120-150    151-169     170-203

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