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Ash next Ridley - Parish Information

A Downland Parish - Ash by Wrotham in Former Times by W. Frank Proudfoot

A manuscript history of Ash, written in the 1970's but never published (about W. Frank Proudfoot)

Chapter 14 - Index  page 222

Walter (of Ash) family 34-5, 51 , 63 , 98 , n, 120,
   124, 127a-30, 149 , n
Walter (of Fawkham) family 32, 34-6, 41 , n, 48, 
   64a, n, 65, 69-70, 99al00a, 128-9, 149, n, 
  165, 202, n
Walter (of Horton Kirby) family 180-a, 115, n
Walter (of Stansted) family 128a-30, 145-6
Warbleton (Sussex) 31
Ware, Richd., junr. 176
Warminster (Wilts.) 92
Warre, Mother 60
Warren charity, the 65-7, 122
Warren family  45a, 63, 65-6, 127, 138
Waterloo, Battle of 126
Waterman, Nicholas 19
Waters, Mr 162
Waters Farm 165
Waters Wood 162
Wauer(e )/Wavre/Wavere, de, family 27a-30, 40a,n
Weald of Kent, the 5a, 9
Weldon, Sir Anthony 101-2, 103
Wele, Thos. (rector) 11a
Wellar/Weller family 61a, 128a, 130
Wellard family 60, 157, 159
Welle, Adam atte 27a-8a
West Field Wood 147, 160
West Kent parly. division, elections for 174-7
West Kingsdown see Kingsdown
West Malling 128
West Peckham 27a, 79
WEST YOKE/WEST YOAK: 2, 3, 23, 37, 61,
       64, 94, 134a, 172, 177- 8, 190, 195-7; 
   Baptist chapel at 199; 
   crafts and trades 36, 130-4, 136, 138-40,143,179;
   farms & farmers 62, 92a-4, 122a-3,  126, 130-4, 
       141, 158-9, 161, 162a-3, 195-7;
   population (1871)  184-5
West Yoke Farm (homestead Eaglesfield) 93, 126, 
       141, 153-4, 156, 161, 164-5, 196
West Yoke Farm/farmhouse 92-4, 97, n,  155a,157, 
       159, 161, 163, 162a, 166, 176, 183,185,194-5
Westbury, Robt. de (rector) 11, 74-5
Westerham 181
Westerham, Hundred of 27
Westmeath, Wm., Earl of  78a
Whiffen/Wiffen family  52,  64, 120
White Ash Wood 78, 161
White Croft 67-8
White Croft Shaw 68
White Lands (fd. name) 68, 162
White Swan (p.h.), the 78, 86, 131, 158, 162a, 
   179, 183, 185, 189-90, 192
Whitaker/Whittaker family 155-4, 156, 161 , 
   164-5, 167, n
Whitehead, Charles (rector) 84, 108-l0a, 155a,
   158-9, 165
Whitehead family 37, 55, 84, 108, 110, 149, n, 
   156, 158
Wickenden, Eliz. 141
Wickham family 61a
Wilcocks, Joseph, Bp. of Rochester 107-8
Wild family 95, 97, n, 146
Wilkins, John 55a, 158
Wilkin’s Mead 158
Wilkinson, Jane 75
William I, King  8a-9
William II, King  9
Williams, Ann, da, of Robt. 117-8
Williams, Goodwife  59
Willows hole Field  164
Wilmington: 28a;  manor of  151
Wiltshire and Ormond, Earl of see Boteler, Sir Jas.
Wiltshire Stubbs (fd. name) 163
Winder family 190
Wingate,  Mrs  71-2
Winson family 156a-b, 158, 166, n
Wode, Margaret at 58, 60-a
Wode. Robt. atte 18a
Wolcumb, John, s. of Thos, 17
Wood, Eliz, 51
Wood family 196-7
Wooden/Wooding family 130
Woodstock (Oxon.) 9
Woodward, John 56
wool trade, the 5a
Woolwich 42a
Wouldham family 34, 59, 130
Wrotham: 1, 2, 18a, 60a, 79, 88, 91, 102-a, 153;
   families/residents 18a, 43, 65; 79, 88,  92-3, 
        96-a, 102a, 161 , 181 ,189
Wrotham road, the 110, 127a, 157 
Wyatt, Sir Thos., rebellion of 31, 46
Wyels/Wyells/Welis/Wylis, Wm. (rector) 43-6
   46a, n, 47a, 66
Wygeselle (Sussex), manor of  30 
Wykeham, Wra., Bp. of Winchester 149, n
Wyntreshulle, Thos. de 27
Wyton (Hunts.) 109

Yaldham Manor (Wx’otha*) 40,n, 79,165

1-6    7-21    22-41a    42-46a    47-64a    65-76    77-87    88-98    99-116    117-119    120-150    151-169     170-203

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