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Ash next Ridley - Parish Information

The History of Education in the Village of Ash next Ridley, Kent. (1735-1950)
      by N. J. Muller.  An Historical and Sociological Survey

         Introduction   Page 1

The following work was conceived for two reasons;
  a)  It became necessary to present a special study for my finals, which must be largely gathered from original material and
  b) a need to gather together, and record much documented material and memories that would otherwise be scattered in a variety of places or completely lost and forgotten. Here I must thank Mr. Fred Goodwin1 and Miss A. M. Wright. Both these people allowed me to take up their time and also to record the conversations they had with me. Mr. Goodwin was at the school as a boy in 1895, and Miss Wright was headmistress at Ash from 1912 – 1940.

My search for the material, which fills the ensuing pages, took me to a variety of places and caused me to write around fifty different letters, some to the most unlikely places. My travels have taken me to Tuddenham in Suffolk, where I spoke to Miss Wright; to London to the National Society, and here I must thank the very kind secretary who made me so comfortable and showed me several books which otherwise would have been missed. In London I also visited the Ministry of Education Library who were very helpful and allowed me to see the file relating to the school.
   1 See appendices nos 6 & 7

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