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Ash next Ridley - Parish Information

The History of Education in the Village of Ash next Ridley, Kent. (1735-1950)
      by N. J. Muller.  An Historical and Sociological Survey

          Introduction     Page 3

   Finally, but by no means the least my thanks go to the Rev. W. S. Baker for the loan of the documents in the ‘Village Chest’ relating to Education in Ash, to Mr. Sharpe who gave me permission to reproduce the school photograph and to Mr. W. Simmons who let me have the press cuttings relating to the dismissal of Miss Wright in 1940. And to Dr. W. Urry of the Canterbury Cathedral Archives for allowing me to look through several books, and also for his aid generally, and specifically for his help in making Photostat copies of the various documents relating to the School Charities.
   My gratitude also to my mother who has been very willing to give suggestions and help where and

when ever needed. She has shown great interest in the whole work from the beginning and has been unstinting in her encouragement. She has allowed me free access to the School Documents under her care as the present Headmistress to the school, and it is to her that I dedicate this work.
   If there is anyone who I have inadvertently left out, then I apologise for the omission. There have been so many people who have given freely of their support and encouragement, and I am deeply indebted to them, for without it this work may never have been completed and would definitely not have contained so much.
                                      N. J. Muller   Easter 1965

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