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Ash next Ridley - Parish Information

The History of Education in the Village of Ash next Ridley, Kent. (1735-1950)
      by N. J. Muller.  An Historical and Sociological Survey

          The start of it all. 1735—1870     Page 5

in the development of Education in Ash) both use the term ‘School-master’,2 and there is a reference in 1818 to ‘a school in which twenty boys are taught’. The theory of an original school for both sexes is substantiated by the ‘Reports on Charities – Kent’ printed in 1841, which states: ‘In the school founded in pursuance of Mr. Attwood’s Will; twenty children of both sexes, appointed according to the directions therein specified, were taught together till the year 1814. At that period the girls were formed into a separate school, which is supported by voluntary contribution and twenty boys were taken into the free school……..Both schools were now united with the National Society’ – that was in 1841.

   In 1814, according to the references in the National Society files, a school was built, presumably this is the present building, which until 1874 was lower than the present building and was thatched (see fig. 8). This school became a National School on January 10th 1816, though there is some confusion over this; by 1846 there was a school at Ridley which was also a National School, and there is recorded that on July 22nd 1860 there was a second union with the National Society, but no mention of any school in particular, though which ever one it
  See appendix 2
   National Society Education Enquiry 1818.
   Op Cit

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