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Ash next Ridley - Parish Information

The History of Education in the Village of Ash next Ridley, Kent. (1735-1950)
      by N. J. Muller.  An Historical and Sociological Survey

          War 1939 to 1946     Page 33

   Because of the war, an A.R.P. shelter was built. The plans were passed on 8th March 1940. Work started on 15th April, and finished by 14th May; although a ‘puddle’ formed every time it rained5 so the floor had to be inspected and the leaks rectified. Miss Davies became Headmistress and, until Miss Barnes became the assistant teacher in 1944, inherited the same staffing problems as her predecessor. Finally in 1940 National Savings started in the school.7
   After first being discussed in 1939, electric light was finally installed in November 1941. In the same year Miss Emery started as an assistant teacher in the school, but she was transferred six months later

in 1942 and Miss W. Staines took her place. In May of 1942 it was decided to start a school canteen, but this did not actually materialise until February 1943, around the time when Miss Staines left, to be replaced by Miss Esmonde. 1943 saw the change in the school holidays, from the ‘fruit-picking’ holiday which in 1942 was from 10th July – 17th August,8
  4 School Log Book. April 15th & May 14th 1940.
  5 Op cit. 16th May 1940.
  6 Op cit. 23th May 1940.
  7 Minutes of Meetings of the School Managers, 24th Oct
  8 School Log Book 1942.

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