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Ash next Ridley - Parish Information

The History of Education in the Village of Ash next Ridley, Kent. (1735-1950)
      by N. J. Muller.  An Historical and Sociological Survey

          War 1939 to 1946     Page 34

to the holiday system of today, with the ‘summer-holiday’ from 30th July – 30th August9 in 1943.
   Although the Education Act was passed in 1944, there is no mention of it until 1945.10  What is discussed during 1944 is the state of the school toilets, which carries over into 1945. In fact they were not to be ‘modernised’ until about 1952, and in 1965 they were finally demolished and new ones put in the air-raid shelter which was adapted for this purpose – some 70 years after the ‘privies’ were built and nearly ten years after the first idea to alter the shelter!
   In June 1944 the following entry appears in the Log Book:
‘Only 33 children were present in the morning

owing to intense enemy activity during the night and forenoon. Pilot-less planes appearing for the first time and exciting some alarm. Most of the children returned during the afternoon.’
   This ‘intense enemy activity’ may have been the direct cause of the plans for evacuation of the children if parents wished it. In fact 19 children went to Yeovil Rural District; 11 going to East Chinnock and the rest to Chiselborough.11
   9 Op cit. 1943.
  10 Minutes of Meetings of School Managers 9th July 1945,
          letter from Rev. J.D. Vigo, 26th November 1945 –
          Rochester Diocesan Archives.
  11 School Log Book, July 1944.

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