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Ash next Ridley - Parish Information

The History of Education in the Village of Ash next Ridley, Kent. (1735-1950)
      by N. J. Muller.  An Historical and Sociological Survey

          War 1939 to 1946     Page 35

   On 4th September 1944 Miss J. F. Barnes became the assistant teacher in the school.
   1945 saw the end of the War. The school was given two days holiday (8th & 9th May) for V.E. celebrations. In this year there was much discussion and correspondence12 on the future status of the school, the main problem being where the new school would be sited. In 1946 it was estimated that the new buildings (which had not yet arrived!) would cost about £1000. They were to be built on the existing site, which was to be extended. The building programme was to cover the period 1948-49.13
   In January of 1946 at a combined meeting of Ash, Fawkham and Hartley School Managers it was 

unanimously agreed by all that these schools should be reorganised as primary schools under the 1944 Education Act. This was to take effect at the beginning of the Summer term 1946. The senior school, from this date was going to the secondary school at Northfleet.
   The last Diocesan report on the school before taking on Primary status was excellent, as the inspector himself wrote: ‘A very credible result was shown on the whole syllabus submitted for inspection.’14
12  Minutes of Meetings of school Managers 1945.
Kent County Council – Development plans for Primary
           and Secondary Education – July 1946.
Inspectors Report. 1st February 1946 – Rochester
            Diocesan Archives

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