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Ash next Ridley - Parish Information

W.I. History of Ash and Ridley from Earliest Records to 1957 - Page 3

Statistics continued

The Chairman read out the names as follows: -

1     Russell
2     Rogers
3     Rumsey
4     Hulkes
5     Gilbert 
40 votes
38 votes
34 votes
32 votes
31 votes
   6     Wellard
   7     Glover
   8     King
   9     Smith
23 votes
21 votes
15 votes
13 votes

And declared the 7 highest read out as elected unless any elector in the room demanded a poll for which 10 minutes was given for consideration, time 8.15 pm. At 8.25 pm no poll being demanded, the Chairman declared the meeting closed and left the chair.
                                                                                                             C.J. LAMBARDE, CHAIRMAN

In 1953 the Kent County Council issued an order incorporated in which are the following paragraphs: -

"The Parish of Ridley shall be abolished and its area transferred to the Parish of Ash, which shall be re-named the Parish of Ash-cum-Ridley."

"Subject to the provisions of article 8 of this order, the number of Parish Councillors for the Parish of Ash-cum-Ridley shall be nine."

It was by this order also that Ash Parish Boundaries were altered (SEE MAP).

Before Ridley Parish was abolished (it was the smallest of the 18 Parishes in the Rural area of Dartford), Mr A R Lucas was its representative on the Dartford Rural District Council. From 1950-52 he was Chairman of the Council. He was subsequently made a Justice of the Peace.

In 1949 the Parish Council bought from Mrs Campbell half an acre of land adjoining the Churchyard for a new Burial Ground. This ground has now been prepared and consecrated ready for burials.

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