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Ash next Ridley - Parish Information

W.I. History of Ash and Ridley from Earliest Records to 1957 - Page 78

Second World War continued

Certificate of thanks

Duties undertaken by the W.V.S. Group:-
  1. Received, and arranged accommodation for
  2. With the W.I. organised provision of comforts for
         the Forces.
  3. With the W.I. equipped and arranged the Rest 
         Centre in the Parish Hall.

   A most successful "Show" was given in the Parish Hall in March 1940 in aid of the "Woollies for the Forces" Fund. The late Miss Elsa Benham wrote and produced an attractive one act play "The Green Envelope", and also devised, wrote and produced a topical Revue entitled 
"(H) A.S.H." She also composed much of the music. One of the songs "Woollies for Willie" became quite popular and was included in one of the Radio Programmes.
   The show was taken to nearby villages with equal success.
   Elsa Benham died in 1948 and lies buried in Ash Churchyard.

The Knitting Song
We’re all knitting woollies for Willie,
Will Willie like the woollies that we knit?
Working willy-nilly, oh wouldn’t we look silly
If all the woolly things we knit for Willy didn’t fit?
We're all knitting Woollies for Willie,
And Willie wouldn’t like it if we quit,
So just let’s think of Willie, walking warm in Piccadilly,
in all the woolly winter warms that Willie wanted knit.

Mrs Simmons and "Woollies for Willie" chorus

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