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Ash next Ridley - Parish Information

W.I. History of Ash and Ridley from Earliest Records to 1957 - Page 79

Second World War continued

"Woolies for Willie" programme cover

"Mother Brown"     Chorus:-
Knees up, Mother Brown, 
Buck up, Mother Brown,
He’ll be back with you again, 
Sunshine always follows rain.
Don’t you let things beat you, 
Peace is coming soon,
Knees up, chins up, 
Come on, keep your pins up,
Knees up, Mother Brown.

Mrs Simmons and ‘Mother Brown’ chorus

   Another very successful "Show" staged at Hartley Country Club by the Ash Youth Club on New Year’s Day 1945. This was a pantomime "Aladdin and his Wonderful Lamp". It was written and devised by Mr Bert Graham late of Hodsoll Street, and the proceeds which amounted to over £84, sent to the British Red Cross. The scenic effects and costumes were delightful. The performances of Widow Twankey (Fred Goodwin), Emperor Wang-Fu (Michael Simmons) and of Aladdin, superbly interpreted by Peal Murray, were outstanding. The dancing was particularly good, especially the acrobatic dancing by Sheila Steadman and ballet dancing by Ursula Simmons.
   The Show was taken to neighbouring villages

Programme for Aladdin and his Wonderful Lamp 

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