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Ash next Ridley - Parish Information

W.I. History of Ash and Ridley from Earliest Records to 1957 - Page 85

Women's Institute continued

   In 1952 we established a Bursary for Denman College, the National Women’s Institute College, and several members have taken courses.
   Our monthly meetings start with the singing of Blake’s "Jerusalem" followed by the necessary business, lectures and demonstrations, a social half hour and a monthly competition. There is also a monthly stall, the Women’s Institute retaining 2d in the shilling to help with funds.
   Each year we celebrate our birthday with a party, and in 1953 we initiated the Harvest Supper.

   The present membership fee is 3/6d, until 1943 it was only 2s. Of this fee 1s 0d goes to the National Federation, 1s 6d to the County Federation, and 1s is retained by the Institute. Each year special money-raising efforts are organised, such as Fetes, Jumble Sales, Whist Drives etc. to meet expenses.
   The highlight of our money-raising efforts was the Garden Fete held at "Hillside" Billet Hill, in June 1956 when £100 was raised. Half of this sum was given to the Parish Hall Fabric Fund where it was badly needed.

First Harvest Supper, 1953

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