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Ash next Ridley - Parish Information

W.I. History of Ash and Ridley from Earliest Records to 1957 - Page 86

Women's Institute continued

Ash-cum-Ridley Women’s Institute Fete 1956

   Blue skies, white clouds, sunshine and soft breezes, and in every member’s home that morning a pleasant bustle. Later, a pleasanter bustle at Hillside, so kindly lent by Mr & Mrs W. Simmons. The stalls, gay with bunting, were filled with goods of every description, and the sideshows added to the fun. The Fete was opened by the President, Mrs Sprenger, and by 3.15 trade was brisk at all the stalls. Then came one of the highlights of the afternoon – the Crowning of the May Queen, the children delightful  in their Olde English Costumes. The three Queens, past, present

and the new wearer of the crown, conducting themselves with the dignity befitting their rank. Then a lull at the stalls while many folk refreshed themselves with strawberry teas. After this a display by the youthful members of the St. John’s Ambulance Brigade. Soon the sun began to dip westwards, the raffles were drawn, the Treasurer collected the money from the stalls and sideshows, and the grand total was announced, £100. The Women’s Institute had had a very successful Fete, the first, we hope, of many more in future years.

Ash next Ridley Fete, School Children

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