to jorney to Cauntrebury spedily, there to receyve the Kinges
grace and themporour in my Cathedral churche. If there bee
any thyng in thoes parties apperteynyng to me, whiche may
bee to yor gracis pleasixe, I desire yor grace to use it as ye
wold yor owne. From Otford, the xviijth day of May [1522].
At your good grace comaundement,
Indorsed: To the moost Reverende father in God, and my
singular good Lord, my Lord Cardinal of York and legate de
latere good grace.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(Of the committal of a priest named Bradshaw, for pulling down
writings and seals set up in the abbey of Boxley, by order of the
against "the ill opinions of Martin Luther.")
Pleace it yor good grace to understand that a certaine
called Sr Adam Bradshawe, whom I send now unto yor good
Lordship, was put into prison at Maidestone for his great
in pulling downe and breking of suche writinges and
seales as were set up at thabbey of Boxley against the yl opinions
of Martine Luther. Whiche preest, being thus in prison,
hathe writen and caused to bee cast into the highe strete at
Maidestone verie sedicous billes against the Kinges grace
moost honorable counsail and other estates of this realme (as
I am informed). And because his offense in that behalve is of
more weyght than the pulling downe and breking of the said
writinges and seales, I send him to your grace to bee ordered
ferther as ye shall think good. I understand that the keper of
my prison at Maidestone hath deliverd the said sedicous billes
to Sr Henrie Gilford, by the whiche billes yor grace may more
specially perceyve' the said preestes malicious and seditious
mynde. As toching the pulling downe and breking of the
said writinges and seales which were set up at the popis holines
comaundement and by yor grace auctorite and under my seale, it may pleace yor lordship to punisshe him therefor, if he
escape the other dainger, or els it may please yor grace to
remitt him to bee punisshed by me. This preest hath been